cover of episode Why Do Youtubers Keep Destroying Companies - WAN Show April 19, 2024

Why Do Youtubers Keep Destroying Companies - WAN Show April 19, 2024

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The WAN Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jim Keller
Linus: YouTuber 的评论可能会对公司造成负面影响,但并非总是致命的。评论者应该以消费者为导向,而不是以商业利益为导向。公司在选择与哪些评论者合作时,也应该谨慎考虑评论者的风格和受众。 评论对公司来说是一把双刃剑,正面评价可以带来巨大的宣传效果,而负面评价则可能对公司造成损害。因此,公司需要谨慎选择与哪些评论者合作,并根据评论者的风格和受众来决定是否接受评论。 评论者也应该意识到自己的责任,不应该为了吸引眼球而故意抹黑公司或产品。评论应该以事实为基础,并提供客观的评价。 Luke: YouTuber 的负面评价不太可能单独导致产品或公司失败,还需考虑其他因素。公司应该对评论保持开放态度,并积极与评论者沟通。 公司应该积极回应评论,并与评论者沟通,以了解评论者的观点和担忧。如果评论不实,公司应该及时澄清事实。如果评论是合理的,公司应该认真对待评论,并改进产品或服务。 Jim Keller: AI 技术应该尽可能地向更多人开放,软件也应该尽可能地开放。AI 技术的快速发展过程中,高知名度的 AI 失败案例只是暂时的现象,不会对长远发展造成重大损害。 AI 技术的快速发展可能会对社会产生深远的影响,因此需要谨慎对待。AI 技术应该用于造福人类,而不是用于伤害人类。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):

0:00 Chapters

1:20 Intro

1:44 Topic #1 - Interview with Tenstorrent's CEO Jim Keller

7:54 Do the RISC V teams look for a PhD or for experience?

9:39 How far do you think x86 can go? How computers predict

11:54 Could Intel or AMD use RISC V as a prediction set in their chips?

13:18 Linus on returning to legacy & replacing PCs with RISC V?

16:29 Luke on server stack issues

18:52 Advice for keeping up with the industry?

20:34 Linus asks about the origin of Tenstorrent's ideas

24:39 Discussing AI's impact on computers & architecture design

31:01 Being in a simulation & related theories

32:00 Discussing company stocks, good V.S. great company leader

37:50 What was joining AMD back then like? ft. Management, risk

43:46 How much did Intel save AMD with the bad generational leaps?

44:58 Discussing NVIDIA's current leap, thoughts on the future

49:08 RISC V competitors helping RISC V's development?

50:34 Linus on the issues with the x86 Via Centaur chip

53:08 How far are we from fully self-driving cars?

1:04:08 What does Tenstorrent & Jim Keller do? ft. Roast

1:08:40 Ending the interview, excited Linus & Luke discuss

1:11:18 Topic #2 - YouTuber reviews on Humane Ai Pin causes drama

1:13:28 Linus recalls NVIDIA & Hardware Unboxed controversy

1:15:20 Discussing it from the manufacturer's side, NVIDIA & Apple

1:20:46 Luke requests FP reviews of the new beta site

1:21:18 Linus recalls his comment on not wasting money

1:25:44 Luke on companies pushing beyond, recalls Jim's interview

1:27:39 Sponsor - MSI

1:28:55 Sponsor - Squarespace

1:29:47 Sponsor - Vessi

1:30:39 Merch Messages #1

1:31:55 LTT Labs mouse reviews ETA? ft. Calling Gary, Beat Saber paper

1:36:45 Connecting an infected PC task ft. Tech in movies, forums link

1:39:36 Topic #3 - PaintCam Eve, AI projectile-powered security kickstarter

1:49:24 Topic #4 - Overclockers UK repairs The Spiffing Brit's tea PC

1:51:55 Repairs done, why make PCs for creators? ft. DiskMantler, drive stories

1:57:36 LTTStore's new Labs phase shirt, pullover hoodie & zip-up hoodie

1:59:48 Topic #5 - Watcher leaves YouTube, launches ad-free subscription

2:14:46 Pullover & zip-up hoodies will be print to order

2:14:56 Topic #6 - HP sued over blocking third party ink & monopoly

2:17:19 Topic #7 - Boston Dynamics announces new Atlas

2:21:22 Keanu Reeves to voice Shadow in the Sonic 3 movie

2:21:45 Figure's OpenAI speech-to-speech reasoning robot

2:23:25 Topic #8 - YouTube warns third party YouTube apps with an ad blocker

2:31:00 Topic #9 - Linus reviews Steam Families

2:32:36 Topic #10 - Plex tells GitHub to take down Plex Reshare repository

2:35:02 Topic #11 - UK criminalizes noncon sexualized deepfakes

2:37:20 Merch Messages #2 ft. WAN Show After Dark

2:38:53 How is Linus's smart home going? Zigbee or Wi-Fi?

2:44:07 Biggest compromise Linus or Yvonne had with adding home tech?

2:44:58 Is the Labs hoodie the same as the Dropout hoodie?

2:45:43 Something that was more complicated than you thought?

2:48:40 New LTTStore onesie designs ETA?

2:52:18 Have you watched the Fallout show? ft. "Wink" - Dan

2:53:47 Motivation behind FP's frontend refactor to react?

2:57:46 Has Liuns considered AHL hockey games?

3:01:11 Thoughts on the Twitter sites changing to X sites?

3:04:16 Would you consider Massdrop for low volume products?

3:05:38 Riding a bike with the LTT backpack? How does it fair with accidents?

3:06:27 What brand of Optical DP does Linus run for his racked PCs?

3:07:51 If you collaborate with others on LTTStore, what would you make?

3:09:06 Thoughts on buying online movies you can't own then pirating it?

3:11:44 Whatever happened to upside down PC cases?

3:12:03 Favorite part of product development?

3:13:37 Outro

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