cover of episode Want Denuvo in Your Game Mods? - WAN Show September 8, 2023

Want Denuvo in Your Game Mods? - WAN Show September 8, 2023

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The WAN Show

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Linus: Starfield 的 DLSS/XeSS 模组引发了关于付费模组的争议。一个免费的 DLSS/XeSS 模组在 Nexus Mods 上发布,但付费版本在 Patreon 上发布,需要订阅才能访问,但一次性付费即可永久解锁。该模组使用了登录认证机制来验证用户是否付费。付费模组开发者在一个月内赚取了超过四万美元,这表明玩家非常重视这些功能。付费模组的 DRM 在几天内就被破解了,并在 Nexus Mods 上发布了免费的替代版本。模组社区对自身定位存在两种截然不同的观点:“大教堂式”和“集市式”。Skyblivion 项目体现了“大教堂式”模组社区的合作精神。对付费模组的反弹主要来自收入较低的年轻玩家。对五美元付费模组的愤怒可能是被夸大的,而非基于金钱本身。关于付费模组的争论由来已久,Steam、Bethesda 等都曾尝试过付费模组功能,但都遭遇了负面评价。从长远来看,付费模组对模组社区的整体影响是积极的还是消极的,这是一个复杂的问题。模组开发者有权通过出售模组来获得报酬,但这引发了关于游戏公司是否也应该从中分一杯羹的问题。他认为游戏公司应该从使用其创作工具制作的付费模组中获得一部分收益。许多玩家在游戏中会使用大量的模组,这使得付费模组的成本可能远高于游戏本身。他并不反对模组开发者赚钱,但他反对单人游戏因为大量付费模组而导致总成本过高。付费模组的成功取决于社区的接受程度,以及模组开发者是否能够提供良好的客户支持和解决兼容性问题。即使只有极少数玩家接受付费模组,模组开发者仍然可以获得可观的收入。付费模组已经成为游戏行业的一部分,未来模组社区可能会分裂成付费和免费两个阵营。付费模组的出现将导致模组社区的分裂,一部分开发者会选择付费,一部分则会坚持免费。付费模组的最终价格取决于市场需求,以及游戏公司是否会从中抽成。游戏公司应该谨慎对待付费模组,避免损害模组社区的积极性。可以考虑采用类似 Humble Bundle 的滑动比例系统,让玩家自行决定付费比例。如果玩家对游戏公司从付费模组中抽成感到不满,他们应该积极表达自己的意见。 Luke: 这并非我的作品。他认为付费模组会对模组社区产生负面影响。他认为模组社区对游戏的成功至关重要,游戏公司应该尊重模组社区。 Luke: 他认为付费模组会对模组社区产生负面影响。他认为模组社区对游戏的成功至关重要,游戏公司应该尊重模组社区。

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119) Note: Timing may be off due to sponsor change:

0:00 Chapters

1:00 Intro

1:29 Topic #1 - Mod replaces Starfield's FSR2 with DLSS & XeSS

3:10 Login authentication, mod's revenue

5:18 Free mod alternative, backlash, debate over "paid mods"

8:32 Luke on Skyblivion, Linus on net benefits & source of income

15:22 FP Poll: How many mods do you use in a game?

20:44 Work required for projects ft. MM Dashboard, Floatplane

24:52 Starfield's sales & potential mods revenue

28:04 Mod camps, NVIDIA's Morrowind demo & Denuvo

33:02 Discussing possible approaches, "slider system"

36:32 Minecraft Marketplace, recalling horse armor

38:50 Mod revenue, microtransactions

40:38 Topic #2 - Nintendo's private demo of Switch 2

41:15 Luke realizes paid graphical mod is "microtransaction"

42:54 FPS & resolution demo, Linus called this, "current-gen HD"

45:24 "Nintendo-exclusives," RTX 40XX, Linus on Xbox

48:58 What would your dream console be?

54:52 Linus on how Steam Deck impacted Nintendo's decisions

56:56 Luke Nukem LTTStore T-Shirt ft. Dan throws a box

59:17 Series 2 Pins ft. What is Luke Nukem?

1:03:22 Interesting line on Starfield's EULA

1:06:13 FP's comment on complaints at the start of a trend

1:07:02 Merch Messages #1

1:07:34 Traditional forums comeback?

1:09:37 Smaller LTTStore backpack update

1:10:53 EULA of creation kit for Skyrim

1:12:40 You say not to pre-order. Do I pre-order the Luke Nukem shirt or not?

1:13:51 Stupidest tech you bought that you found you had a use for?

1:18:22 Topic #3 - Google's privacy sandbox for cookies & ads

1:28:38 Sponsors

1:32:02 Merch Messages #2

1:32:07 Biggest change to our lives with unlimited power?

1:37:15 Would you live without tech if drivers became a subscription? ft. "Year of the Linux"

1:40:16 How do you decide what tier of cars to review?

1:47:48 What part of the YouTube algorithm surprises you?

1:49:51 Topic #4 - Rockstar selling cracked games on Steam

2:02:44 Topic #5 - Mozilla's report on car's privacy nightmare

2:10:13 Topic #6 - SAG-AFTRA might lead game VAs to strike

2:22:35 Topic #7 - Gizmodo replaces a Spanish writer with a machine

2:25:45 Topic #8 - Frameworks sells "old" mainboards at a discount

2:28:12 Merch Messages #3 ft. WAN Show After Dark, pizza

2:29:18 Linus puts bread on Dan's chair, gym time, pizza sauces, fruits

2:36:25 Any advice for working with work paralysis? Biggest "A HA!" moment?

2:40:21 Do you like it when people discuss tech with you in the wild?

2:46:30 How many goats are you worth, and why?

2:50:12 Noctua screwdriver update? Bundling the Stubby & OG?

2:53:10 How have the first few weeks of the slower video outputs been?

2:56:50 Linus's socks preference

2:57:22 What happened to the stray cats in Linus's yards?

2:59:02 What would take any of you to shave your beards?

3:01:07 When did you guys realize you had PC building expertise? ft. Train

3:03:01 What LTTStore products are upcoming?

3:06:00 Most frustrating example of losing work due to lack of backwards compatibility?

3:09:07 Dropped the screwdriver from 130ft - any crazy tests on your products?

3:12:08 Unscripted videos, how long until scripted? ft. "Chess problems," glasses

3:25:51 If LMG became a mid-sized corporation, should the WAN Show continue?

3:27:46 Floatplane merch update?

3:29:54 Where to go to look for a badminton racket? ft. Linus's FB market history

3:34:20 Linus's challenges with ADHD

3:36:22 Suggestions if I don't want to man a million plus projects?

3:38:01 What videos do you wish to have a do-over?

3:40:52 Advice to give someone who starts with no experience? Pitfalls to avoid?

3:41:32 Is there a future where Nintendo bows out of the gaming space?

3:44:12 Outro

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