cover of episode How We Did The April Fool's Office Prank - WAN Show April 5, 2024

How We Did The April Fool's Office Prank - WAN Show April 5, 2024

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The WAN Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Linus: LMG愚人节恶作剧视频的拍摄实际动用了公司多个部门的员工,他们几乎一周时间都在一栋住宅里办公。这并非一个简单的玩笑,而是将整个部门的员工搬到住宅中进行为期一周的拍摄工作,对一些人来说似乎很方便。 Linus和David对愚人节恶作剧视频的创意构想存在差异,但最终Linus说服David采用更真实的拍摄方式,即让员工实际搬进住宅,搭建真实的网络基础设施,使用真实的电脑和显示器,让每个人都能完成实际工作。为了让视频看起来更真实,他们使用了ViewSonic和LG提供的显示器,并且编辑人员在拍摄期间实际编辑了视频。 这次愚人节恶作剧的制作成本可能是LTT有史以来最高的,这还不包括机会成本。大约有55名员工参与了这次拍摄,所有参与拍摄的员工都是自愿的,并且对这次拍摄的投入和精力令人印象深刻。这次拍摄的成本极高,无法收回成本,只能算作税务抵扣。 愚人节视频的策划、写作和拍摄通常需要三个月的时间,这次拍摄中最困难的部分是协调员工的参与,因为一些部门对工作效率的担忧。 David: 为了拍摄愚人节恶作剧视频,他们不得不让房屋的租户搬走两周,以便他们可以进入房屋进行拍摄。David最初的创意是更偏向于蒙太奇风格,逐个房间、逐个部门地拍摄,方便人员进出。最终的拍摄方案是将员工实际搬进住宅,搭建真实的网络基础设施,使用真实的电脑和显示器,让每个人都能完成实际工作。 David详细描述了与Linus在创意上的分歧以及最终的妥协。他强调了这次拍摄的真实性以及员工的积极参与。他提到拍摄过程中的许多挑战,包括与邻居的沟通、场地协调以及设备准备等。 David还分享了一些拍摄过程中的趣事,例如与新闻媒体的沟通以及一些未被采用的笑话。他总结说,这次拍摄虽然辛苦,但非常值得,并且他很享受这个过程。

Deep Dive

The episode dives into the extensive planning and execution of Linus Media Group's (LMG) ambitious April Fool's prank, which involved relocating entire departments to a residential house for a week. The prank required extensive coordination, including convincing tenants to vacate their home temporarily and orchestrating logistics for a convincing office setup.
  • LMG orchestrated an April Fool's prank by moving several departments into a residential house.
  • The prank required coordination with tenants to vacate their home temporarily.
  • Extensive planning and collaboration were crucial to the success of the prank.

Shownotes Transcript

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119):

0:00 Chapters

1:30 Intro

2:08 Topic #1 - Covering LMG's April Fools shoot at the old house

4:51 What could've been, David's idea, everyone actually worked there

8:14 Linus on who was involved & the costs of doing this

13:19 David's on-set video idea, how the neighbors dealt with this

17:03 Cars shot was perfect, news reached out about the "C&D" letter

21:14 BTS video was an hour long, "this video was a tax write-off"

25:46 Some jokes were cut out, staff's commitment & energy was great

29:34 David's final thoughts on this project

30:15 Merch Messages #1 ft. David

32:38 Most difficult stunt to pull off? ft. LTT's past April Fools

39:38 FP price will go up, current subs will be grandfathered in

43:15 Mad Max joke, characters, PS5 jailbreak joke, David leaves

46:04 Wearing Terry Fox Foundation's shirt, Luke reading the note & shirt

50:35 Topic #2 - Amazon's "Just Walk Out" system to be closed

1:07:28 LTTStore's limited Welcome Hole shirts

1:11:02 Merch Messages #2

1:18:31 Best way to keep my family safe while running a home lab?

1:21:23 Sponsor - Seasonic

1:23:54 Sponsor - Squarespace

1:25:06 Sponsor - MSI

1:26:19 Topic #3 - Linus's reaction to his car being broken into

1:36:50 Merch Messages #3

1:37:08 Thoughts on Ross Scott against Ubisoft killing The Crew?

1:43:40 Why is 256 characters the default for NTFS paths?

1:46:26 How do we guard against detached decisions? ft. Driving, "Dan leaking"

1:59:33 Topic #4 - Intel's chip fab in Germany finds ancient burial mounds

2:01:20 Topic #5 - Google deletes incognito details to settle $5B lawsuit

2:02:26 "Welcome to the WAN Show!" - Alive Luke 2k24

2:03:49 Topic #6 - Discord's Quest, GAMER EDITION ads

2:08:31 Luke on Discord's model, Teams to be decoupled from Office

2:15:54 Topic #7 - Google to shut down Podcast internationally

2:19:52 Topic #8 - YouTube's "Jump Ahead" skips to best parts of videos

2:22:49 Showcasing comparison charts & color edits

2:24:06 Testing out comparison bin

2:26:38 Topic #9 - Truth Social is now public, initial value of $8b

2:29:48 Linus suggests against investing, compares revenue with FP

2:33:57 Gambling's huge sponsor offers & revenue

2:37:27 LMG going public scenario, Luke points out Linus's risking habit

2:43:26 Gaming hotel business idea, mentioning Mario

2:46:50 Topic #10 - Developers say that indie games funding dried up

2:49:13 Topic #11 - Outlook accused of sharing user data with 801 companies

2:50:48 Topic #12 - Linux backdoor found that targets encrypted data

2:54:15 Topic #13 - Twitter indirectly sells data for government surveillance

3:01:40 Topic #14 - HouseFresh calls out Google's recommended product lists

3:08:28 LTT Labs debate on using AI voice, viability, compromises, profits

3:21:42 Merch Messages #4

3:22:39 Advice for a timid person to have their voice heard in a convo?

3:26:27 What would Luke's new car of choice be?

3:27:19 Changes on LTTStore products we missed? ft. After Dark

3:29:33 Disclosure of AI in your content? Would you care?

3:32:40 How much of Linus's kids remember Langley's house?

3:35:22 What's Luke's rarest Pokémon GO finds in his collection?

3:35:46 What's your first action if you woke up to a Freaky Friday?

3:43:38 Have you tried a virtual challenge like The Conqueror?

3:45:30 Reference material helpful for an engineering manager position?

3:49:36 If Luke was CVO, would he start LTT Labs knowing the ROI of it?

3:52:40 Elaborating on Mattermost's problems

3:54:33 Thoughts on Framework and the earthquake?

3:56:59 Favorite flower?

3:57:31 Outro

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