cover of episode Episode 28: This Pregnancy Has Everything

Episode 28: This Pregnancy Has Everything

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The Bar is Ankle High

Shownotes Transcript

We're finally covering that topic that is the inspiration behind our very first sponsor - STIMMING! What is stimming, why do we do it, and what does it mean? Can stimming actually be good for you? This week Katie handled the research and took us on a deep dive into different types of stimming - auditory, visual, tactile, or balance-based. We also take a dive into using food as a stim to soothe ourselves, and there is a trigger warning when that starts, but you can expect it to begin around the 40:00 minute mark and end around the 1:08:00 minute mark after that -- we have inserted music to indicate when that portion of the podcast begins and ends in case you need to fast forward. 

Garet also hits us with some critical human resources information and some big little changes coming to the podcast this year. We're so excited to continue to grow this show with you all and thank GLOB Garet got Katie onto the pre-recording schedule a year ago because this would be one hell of a transition if we hadn't started that way from the beginning. 

Join our patreon at to get access to the amazing Hand Sanitizer story referenced in today's episode - available to all Anklet and Limbo Champion subscribers this Monday in Dysfunction Junction Episode 13. 


Sources for todays episode:,chewing%20the%20inside%20of%20cheeks)