In honor of the food-est day of the American calendar next week, we're covering ADHD & food today! Do you ever struggle with constantly craving carb-heavy foods? Turns out, yet again, it's all your brain's fault! We do our best to steer clear of eating disorder discussions but there is some talk this week of food and exercise extremes so if that's too much for you, we totally understand. In addition to our history of giving knives to tortellini, we also weaponize vegetables in this episode. Pretty soon we'll have a whole slew of characters to slap on some merch for you! Make sure to leave us a 5-star review wherever you find our podcast and follow us on IG & FB @thebarisanklehigh and on Twitter and TikTok @AnkleHighPod. Remember to eat those potatoes, because The Bar is Ankle High.