cover of episode E98: I've Got Worms

E98: I've Got Worms

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The Bar is Ankle High

Shownotes Transcript

This week Garet teaches us all about aphantasia and hyperphantasia - words used to describe whether or not you are able to picture something in your mind's eye and to what extent you can picture something. It turns out - not everyone has a TV show running in their brains like Lizzie McGuire and that can make a difference when you're trying to remember important moments in your life - from happy memories like the birth of your child to really terrifying memories that are associated with PTSD. Garet explains this phenomenon to us and we discuss possible connections to increased rates of PTSD, dementia, and Alzheimer's. Head over to our Instagram post for today's episode and tell us where you fall on this Fantasia Barino spectrum!

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