cover of episode E109: A Macaw and A Blue Jay Walk Into a Bar

E109: A Macaw and A Blue Jay Walk Into a Bar

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The Bar is Ankle High

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome back to the continuation of our conversation with Jami, The Neurodivergent Nurse. The three of us get into some conversations about the state of public health, including raw milk and whether or not it's controversial to use a haunted wheelchair for a Halloween costume. 

The current Federal government is making things feel very dark - so hopefully this podcast and our conversation this week gives you a feeling of community and encourages you to build connections with your neighbors. 

You can follow Jami on all platforms @theneurodivergentnurse and follow us on all platforms - especially BlueSky and YouTube @thebarisanklehigh. If you haven't already - leave us a 5 star review and subscribe to our show everywhere you find us!