With the recent passing of Harry Markowitz, we wanted to take this opportunity to spend some time honoring this giant of financial economics. Joining us on today's episode is our friend Alex Potts, who shares some of his touching memories of Harry, and talks about the unmistakable impact he had on the field. Harry is commonly viewed as the father of modern portfolio theory but also might be considered the grandfather of behavioural finance and a huge proponent of intelligent diversification. Alex graciously shares the nine lessons he learned from Harry, a few 'Harryisms' and some fond and surprising anecdotes from the time he spent with the man. Following this, we welcome Edward Goodfellow to the show to explore his new book, *7 Steps to A Better Portfolio. *Edward is a fellow Canadian financial advisor, and we get to hear from him about the motivations for his book, its intended audience, and his insight into a host of central and familiar themes that we deal with on the show, so join us to hear it all.
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Book From Today’s Episode:
7 Steps to A Better Portfolio — http://www.7stepstoabetterportfolio.com/)
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Alex Potts — https://buckinghamstrategicwealth.com/people/alex-potts)
Edward Goodfellow — https://www.pifinancialcorp.com/advisor/edward-goodfellow)