cover of episode Building A Thriving 700+ Member Community (With Mark Willis)

Building A Thriving 700+ Member Community (With Mark Willis)

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Financial Advisor Marketing Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

We’re officially in the future. Certain marketing mediums let you bypass space and time itself, grant you celebrity status to your ideal audience, and add an extra zero to your bank account faster than ever before.  But how do you best leverage your time, so you can reap the benefits of futuristic marketing and get the maximum results in the least amount of time? Today’s guest, Mark Willis, knows how to do this. Besides building a thriving 700+ member community, he also serves over 1,000 clients in his financial advising business.  In today’s show, Mark shares his best-kept secrets with you, so you can double your wealth, impact, and legacy by this time next year.  Listen now. Show highlights include:

The “SCORE” secret for growing your financial business faster by borrowing wisdom from retired executives (5:33)  How to leverage what Mark refers to as “the best form of marketing he can possibly imagine” (7:24)  How you can bypass both space and time with this coveted marketing medium and only meet with prospects who are already pre-sold on working with you (9:18)  The “SAM” method for creating addictive content that primes your audience to only want to work with you (11:42)  Why this “MSS” framework helps you create content for prospects at every stage of the buyer’s journey (without boring any one person) (14:31)  The ultimate cheat code for generating content, being a thought leader, building a following, strengthening your client relationships, and building the best SEO in the universe (15:53)  How to give someone the chance to hang out with you for 50 hours before they ever meet you (and how this fast tracks your business’s growth) (20:36)  The “Halo Effect” that gives you celebrity-like influence in your niche (23:23)  How to become a better and wealthier financial advisor by hanging out in your garage (40:16) 

Need help launching and growing your podcast and getting interviewed on other people’s podcasts? Head to  Want to join Mark’s membership community and discover his not-so-average financial advising techniques? Join here: Like what Mark was putting down in today’s show. Check out his show at  Need a dose of inspiration, or have a mission and a message that the world needs to hear? Then head to  Want to make your emails more persuasive, profitable, and fun to write? Join my 7-Day Email Marketing Challenge here:  Want to become an expert at niche marketing and put growing your business on “easy mode?” Then join my niche marketing program here:  Need help getting more clients as a financial advisor? I created a free, 53-minute video outlining the steps to my “CLIENT Method,” which helps financial advisors land more clients. Watch the video before I take it down here:  If you’re looking for a way to set more appointments with qualified prospects, sign up for James’ brand new webinar about how financial advisors can get more clients with email marketing.  Go to to register today.  Go to and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle. Want to transform your website into a client-getting machine? Go to to get The Client-Getting Website Guide.  Want a masterclass training in running effective Facebook Ads? Head to  Discover how to get even better at marketing yourself with these resources: