You could be several times as successful, wealthy, and free as you are right now if you just tweaked a few things in your business. But most advisors waste too much time thinking about what could be tweaked to increase their leverage instead of just doing it. This is something nearly every billionaire has had to figure out. The good news is that in today’s 300th episode special, I reveal how to be successful—straight from a billionaire’s perspective. Want to actually enter the top 1% instead of it being a far-fetched dream? Listen now. Show highlights include:
How reading this article—and doing nothing else—will make you a more successful financial advisor than 99% of advisors (6:20) The “Compounding Yourself” secret for becoming wealthier than investments could ever even dream of making you (7:41) Why the most successful financial advisors fail the most often (13:59) How to actually penetrate the top 1% of wealth in your home state (and the cold, hard truth about why you haven’t gotten there yet) (19:02)
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