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“AI is brilliant at cognitive empathy. However, the next kind is emotional empathy. Emotional empathy means: I know what you feel because I'm feeling it too. And this has to do with circuitry in the fore part of the brain, which creates a brain-to-brain circuit that's automatic, unconscious, and instantaneous. And emotions pass very  well across that. I think AI might flunk here because it has no emotion. It can mimic empathy, but it doesn't really feel empathy. The third kind is empathic concern. Technically, it means caring. It's the basis of love. It's the same circuitry as a parent's love for a child, actually. But I think that leaders need this very much. AI has no emotion, so it doesn't have emotional self-awareness. It can't tune in. I don't think it can be empathic because AI is a set of codes, basically. It doesn't have the ability to manage emotion because it doesn't have emotion. It's interesting. I was just talking to a group at Microsoft, which is one of the leading developers of AI, and one of the people there was talking about Inculcating love into AI or caring into AI as maybe an antidote to the negative potential of AI for humanity. But I think there will always be room for the human, for a leader. I don't think that people will find that they can trust AI the same way they can trust a leader who cares.” Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, author, and science journalist. Before becoming an author, Goleman was a science reporter for the New York Times for 12 years, covering psychology and the human brain. In 1995, Goleman published Emotional Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller. In his newly published book Optimal, Daniel Goleman discusses how people can enter an optimal state of high performance without facing symptoms of burnout in the workplace.