As a former Young Single Adult ward bishop and institute teacher, Tyler Johnson has worked with many young adults who have questions and concerns regarding their faith and/or their belief in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has observed that many of these concerns stem not from rebellious desires but rather from a place of integrity and that often where there is a question, there is often an underlying emotion. On today’s episode, Tyler shares his insights into how to approach seasons of life “when church is hard” and how to help others in those seasons.
1:24- The Questions at the Base of the Iceberg 6:19- A Generation Seeking to Have High Integrity 12:52- Addressing Emotion Before Cognitive Gaps 18:40- Doubt: Good or Bad? 25:23- Wagering Everything on a Belief that the Gospel is True 33:43- People Not Statistics 41:50- Mary Magdalene 50:41- Certainty is Not the Point 57:42- What Does It Mean to Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
“To some degree, we have to choose to commit and then make the thing to which we commit beautiful and true by virtue of the way that we are committed to it.”
Links: “When Church is Hard”-
President Ballard talk mentioned: › ...By Study and by Faith - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)