Olympic silver medalist Kenneth Rooks shocked the world when he worked his way from the back of the pack to become the second American to medal in the 3,000-meter steeplechase since 1984. But those who recognized Rooks’ name know that this isn’t the first time he’s come from behind. In fact, in 2023, Rooks fell in his third lap at the USA Track and Field Nationals but came back to win the race. Both races were a spectacle—incredible athletic feats—and, on today’s episode, we talk with Rooks about what he’s learned from them.
2:13- If Ye Are Prepared 7:10- Gospel Allegories in the Race 13:22- Self-Improvement Vs. Comparison 18:36- The Patience To Stick To The Game Plan 25:25- Being Coached By Ed Eyestone 32:03- Faith and Running 37:02- Pre-game Ritual 40:50- A Large Latter-day Saint Contingent 43:26- Discipline and Consistency 47:19- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
“All In doesn’t mean that you’re not going to forget sometimes. You might forget what matters most. Being all in is being able to recognize when you forget and trying to remember. …Those who are all in try to remember quickly.”
2023 USATF Nationals Race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT1ody_cpCA&t=190s)
2024 Paris Olympic Race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNgzHlE3Hko)
Church News article about Kenneth: https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/book-of-mormon-kenneth-rooks-byu-steeplechase-olympic-silver-medal)
Other links: https://www.deseret.com/sports/2024/08/07/kenneth-rooks-latter-day-saint-silver-medalist/) https://www.deseret.com/sports/2024/08/07/byu-cougars-runner-kenneth-rooks-wins-silver-medal-in-olympics/)