There have been seasons when Sister Bonnie H. Cordon was a working mom and other seasons where she was able to choose to stay home. Today, she is a working grandmother who feels that the Lord has given her a miracle she didn’t know she needed in the form of an opportunity to lead Southern Virginia University. On this week’s episode, we discuss with President Cordon, the former Young Women general president, the Lord’s ability to direct us from season to season if we’ll just say yes.
3:26- Raised on a Farm 9:53- A Miraculous Mission Call 17:36- The Wrong Major? 20:15- Courage and Patience 23:57- Decisions Surrounding Work and Motherhood 32:20- Many Ways to Contribute 35:01- Advice to Young Working Mother 38:03- Advice to Stay-At-Home Mother 41:26- Prepared for Service in the Church 45:16- The Road to SVU 53:42- What Does it Mean To Be All In?
“We say ‘What is leadership? What is power?’ And it’s really influence.” -Bonnie H. Cordon
Links: Bonnie Cordon Announced as President of SVU:
Elder Perry Helps a Young Bonnie Cordon Feed Chickens:,Perry%2C”%20President%20Cordon%20recalled).
“In the absence of experiences with God, one can doubt the existence of God. So, put yourself in a position to begin having experiences with Him.” -President Russell M. Nelson, “Come, Follow Me.”
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