cover of episode 2939: 8 Important Tips To Improve Your Finances (In Only 30 Days!) by Christina Browing of Our Rich Journey

2939: 8 Important Tips To Improve Your Finances (In Only 30 Days!) by Christina Browing of Our Rich Journey

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Optimal Finance Daily - Financial Independence & Money Advice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Christina Browning
Justin Malik
Christina Browning 分享了如何在 30 天内改善财务状况的八个技巧。包括提高信用评分、公开谈论金钱、了解雇主福利、积极谈判、制定财务计划、有目的地学习财务知识、定期与伴侣召开财务会议以及享受财务之旅。她强调了设定可追踪的里程碑、与伴侣在财务方面保持一致以及将财务独立视为马拉松而非短跑的重要性。

Deep Dive

Focus on improving your credit utilization ratio to boost your credit score quickly, which can lead to lower interest rates on financing.
  • Credit utilization ratio makes up 30% of your credit score.
  • Decreasing this ratio can increase your credit score rapidly.
  • Higher credit score leads to lower interest rates on loans.

Shownotes Transcript


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This is optimal finance daily, a important tips to improve your finances in only thirty days by Christina Browning of our rich journey dot com. While financial litera acy and long term money habits are the best way to improve your finances, there are a few quick fixes that will go a long way in improving your financial situation as soon as possible. And i'm not talking about budding or maxing out retirement accounts either.

Instead, i'm going to share a unique tips on how to improve your finances in only thirty days. Number one, increase your credit score. There are some surprisingly simple ways to do this, and the main one is focusing on your credit utilization ratio.

This ratio takes the amount of credit you're using and divided by the total credit that you have and makes up thirty percent of your credit score. By actively working to decrease this ratio, you will increase your credit score very quickly. As you increase your credit score, you can decrease the amount of interest you have to pay off when you're financing things.

For more info on credit utilization and the importance of increasing your credit score, check out our youtube video on the topic. Number two, talk to everyone about money. I know IT sounds weird, but bear with me. The more conversations do you have about money, the more ideas you'll have about how to improve your own finances.

Talking about money with friends and acquaintance should be Normalized instead of stigmatized, since IT helps everyone to Better communicate their own ideas about finances and share them with one another, whether it's making, saving or investing money. Number three, look at all your employer benefits, not just your four a one k or health plan, but any and all incentives your employer might be providing for you. This could include financial support for further education, taking public transport extra, as these benefits could possibly convert into extra cash in your bank account.

For example, back when I worked for the U. S. Government, I had public transport related benefits that we were reversed for.

Many companies have this benefit, but they may also have gym membership benefits, childcare benefits and more. All of these things can be used to your advantage, allowing you to save more money and invested. Number four, always try to negotiate.

At least whenever IT comes to your financial transactions, you should always be looking at your transactions and checking of their opportunities to negotiate that you may not have realized if you're starting a new job, negotiate your starting salary. If you've got a long term job, negotiate, raise red, negotiate currently, negotiate credit card interest repayments, negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. You get the idea.

There are many things you can negotiate down til lower rates and lower payments, allowing you to save and invest more. In the long run, you'll need to feel comfortable in your negotiating skills, so consider starting off small. If you're not there yet, maybe ask for a little more coffee in your starbucks up or inquire about discounts or vouchers are your favorite e store, things that may seem arbitrarily but will add up over time and help you to negotiate on bigger and Better things.

Number five, create a plan. If you want to achieve financial independence or fire, you need a plan on. I can't emphasize this enough.

Fire is about making, saving and investing money. And you need to know how you're going to do that over the long term. You, anna, create a detailed financial plan with traceable milestones.

This is exactly what a man and I did on our financial independence journey. And every time we broke through those personal milestones was a cause to celebrate as we could feel ourselves getting closer to our final goal. And IT motivated us to continue.

If you don't have plan already, you need to make one and commit to IT. Number six, learn with intention. Improving your financial literacy is a must, but you should also do IT with intention.

That is more than just willing away an hour to reading a general book on personal finance. My favourite method is to choose a specific financial subject and spend the entire day learning about IT. That means books, podcast articles and youtube videos you can find.

The next time you have a free day, choose a new subjects and repeat. Number seven, hold regular finance meetings with your partner. And by regular, I mean, once a week or once a month at least among and I have been having financial meetings together ever since we began our journey to financial independence.

And we will still keep IT up even now that we've achieved fire. It's incredibly important that you and your partner on the same page, finance wise and if you are in these meetings, are a practical way of bringing the two of you together by setting financial goals that you can both work towards and discuss during these meetings. If you're single, you can still have financial meetings like these.

You just need to find an accountability partner. This is someone who will put pressure on you to continue achieving your financial goals. These meetings will ensure that you are consistently reviewing your finances and tracking your progress.

A number eight, enjoy the journey. Striving to achieve financial independence is not a sprint. It's a marathon. It's a goal you might work toward over a lifetime.

So it's imperative that you take time to enjoy the process rather than see IT as a tour, you should find the right strategies to enjoy IT so you can prepare yourself for longevity and reduce the risk of burning out. This means setting reasonable goals because you don't want to deprive yourself over multiple years. You'll only make yourself miserable.

This means not scrimping and saving every single penny and still allowing yourself some new way to enjoy things, even if IT costs more than you might like. Making sustainable positive changes to your financial situation is key. You can incorporate all of these tips within a thirty day period, and you'll start seeing your financial situation improve very quickly.

Just remember to be consistent with this advice so you can maintain long term results. Happy saving. You just listen to the post titled eight important tips to improve your finances in only thirty days by Christina Browning of our rich journey dot com.

And i'll be right back with my commentary. I thought this was a great list, and I particularly agreed with the suggestion to talk about money more openly. While many of us aspire to acquire more money, i've come to learn that money is only as valuable as your clarity on how you'll use IT and your comfort level of how much is enough.

Our culture of secrecy around money does not encourage us to see clarity and comfort around our finances, and our lack of financial literacy causes us to make use this very powerful resource. Because we don't talk about our finances openly, we tend to confuse our network with our self worth, and our shame and insecurity end up driving our financial decisions. By increasing our financial literacy and talking about money openly, we start to view money as an in personal tool that we can leverage to create more autonomy and freedom in our lives.

Our beliefs, cultural norms and silence around money keep us from using IT to its full potential. I found when I started to surround myself with people who liked to talk about their personal finances, I more easily found resources and guidance to figure that out for myself. Over time, I developed the dissertation to know which financial concepts applied to me and which ones didn't, and by exposing myself to a lot of different opinions and perspectives about money, like you hear on the show, I was able to roll, relax into my own viewpoints that i've come to serve me well. But that should do IT for today. Have a happy rest of your day, and i'll see you for the monday show tomorrow where optimal life awaits.