...By popular demand! As Dave and Laura come towards the end of the second series, they consider two listeners’ dreams through the lenses of different interpretations. Trainee psychotherapist Kit presents her fascinating maid of honour dream, in which the most beautiful silk dress she is going to wear to the wedding of a childhood friend is stolen and worn by her father. How dare he! Dave and Laura explore the wonderful imagery of the operation of Union, the Royal Wedding, or coniunctio, through the lenses of Jung, Freud, and the DRI’s Waking Dream technique. We journey through gorgeous conch shells, royal blue velvet cushions in an Uber and dingy basement bars, to look at the delicate balance between masculine and feminine energy and what this means for dreamer Kit. Then Ayurvedic doctor and osteopath Angela joins the Dream Lab to present her magnificent seven-foot Australian shaman dream. Dave and Laura accompany her on her dreamtime spiritual sojourn as the dreamer returns to the family home to meet her real-life friend and mystic teacher before she encounters a beautiful indigenous Australian hunter in the attic. She then returns to eat clams, another powerful spiritual image of pilgrimage for the dreamer, with her sister. Dave and Laura look through the various lenses: Jung, alchemy, the elements and the amazing Waking Dream Technique to unearth interpretations. What would it be like for the dreamer to become the hunter? And what happens when she eats the clams? But as the lenses turn Dave rightly reminds us at the end of Dream Lab that despite these interpretative explorations the dream always belongs to the dreamer. Enjoy! Let us know what you think, and submit a dream for us to explore on the podcast! Instagram @thedreamboatpodcast) FaceBook @dreamboatpodcast) Twitter @dreamboatpod) DRI website: driccpe.org.uk/contact) This podcast is a project of the DRI), the centre for dream studies at CCPE), the psychotherapy college overlooking the canals at London’s scenic Little Venice. Remember you can join the DRI for just £30 a year currently to access discounted events, courses, newsletters and join in the conversation about dreams. Go to driccpe.org.uk/sign-up) to join! Keep dreaming, and keep sharing your dreams! Credits Recorded by Sophie, Lev and Ella at the Boat Pod https://theboatpod.com) Edited by James Ede at Be Heard https://beheard.org.uk) Podcast Artwork Design by Kat Seager Design Music: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu) Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT) Music released by Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE) Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/MkNeIUgNPQ8) #dream #dreams #nightmares #psychology #research #psychotherapy #trauma #treatment #sleep #luciddreaming #transpersonal #science #alchemy #spirituality #jung #lucid #luciddreaming #podcast