This week, John and Ben are joined by Ben's friend Sam to discuss one of the great works of scifi-horror: Peter Watts' "Blindsight"! Topics of discussion include "metal science fiction", AI, the nature of intelligence, and (of course) the Gothic.
We hope you enjoy the conversation.
Texts Mentioned this Episode
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Adorno & Horkheimer - Dialectic of Enlightenment
Ian Banks - Culture series
Peter Watts - Rifters
Peter Watts - Echopraxia
Arthur C Clarke - Rama series
James Gunn - The Listeners
Roger Zelazny - Creatures of Light and Darkness
Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light
M. John Harrison - Light
Aase Berg - Dark Matter
“Spar” - Kij Johnson
Blake Butler - Aannex
Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination
AA Atanasio - Radix novels
Gene Wolf - Book of the New Sun series