Do you ever find yourself working hard on something and then stopping just short of your goal? In Episode 86 we look at how to COMPLETE YOUR GOALS. We look at how to overcome SELF-SABOTAGE and get comfortable with POSITIVE CHANGE. We look at dealing with a FEAR OF SUCCESS and discuss the HERO'S JOURNEY and how it applies to reaching your goals. We also talk about FINDING YOUR PURPOSE and the Blues Brothers and how they were on a "MISSION FROM GOD" Finally we look at ALIGNING WITH YOUR SOURCE.
FOX'S AFFIRMATION: "I belong to God. My work is God's work for God works through me. God's work cannot be hindered or delayed. Of course, God always finishes successfully what He begins. God's work must go through to completion. My work is his work, so it reaches full fruition. I thank God for this."
Hosted by Jason Napolitano, author of If You Can Worry, You Can Meditate (available on Amazon and at and Co-Hosted by **Chris Sheridan **author of Spirit in the Sky (available now on The Cosmic Eye show is a weekly metaphysical podcast where each week we talk about important spiritual books and ideas to help listeners positively transform their lives.
We investigate spiritual, esoteric, and occult wisdom on a wide variety of figures such as Manly Hall, C.G. Jung, Israel Regardie, Crowley, Jordan Peterson, Alan Watts, Marie Louise Von Franz, Pythagoras, Paul Foster Case, Vivekananda, Yogananda, and others. As well as subjects such as Meditation, Yoga, Psychology, Mythology, Magick, New Thought, Men's Studies, Poetry, Art, Initiation, Ritual, Shamanism, and Folk traditions.
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