Tobin learns a valuable lesson....kind of We get a play by play of Tobin's experience watching a Marlins spring baseball game Jazz Chisholm Jr. gives us the Most Confident example of an experimental Basball rule Chisholm Jr. showed zero hesitation in taking his base after challenging a strike three call on a full count We attempt to bring a similar rule to the world of Football Our very own Fan w/ Good Access Uly "The Monster" Diaz Joins us to discuss his newest venture with Dirty Boxing! Uly explains why he chose this oppurtunity to come out of retirement for We get the details that seperate this promotion from other similar promotions We get his prediction for this Saturday night's bout Diaz answers whether or not he'll examine how fights before his will be judged Is Goran up to something with fellow adorable Heat player Nikola Jovic Udonis Haslem compares Jimmy Butler to A shot of Whiskey Will the honeymoon phase wear off? Are the Warriors exaggerating the narrative that Steph Curry has too much on his plate?