cover of episode Clawmoor Heights Episode 1

Clawmoor Heights Episode 1

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Vampire: The Masquerade Port Saga

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Agatha Quinn
Bertram Gates
Lord Tiberius Valgrieve
Umi Novak
Rachel: 介绍了新的音频剧《Clawmoor Heights》,并介绍了其背景故事、演员阵容以及收听方式。该剧包含鬼故事、法庭戏和时代剧元素,邀请了众多知名演员参演,部分《Port Saga》的配音演员也参与其中。Rachel鼓励听众收听并订阅该剧。 Agatha Quinn: 讲述了她在Clawmoor Heights的经历,包括到达时的感受、与Valgrieve家族成员和佣人的互动,以及她对家族历史和秘密的调查。她面临着学院的伦理调查,并试图证明自己的清白。Agatha Quinn的叙述贯穿了整个故事,展现了她作为历史学家的专业知识和对真相的追求。她与Lord Tiberius Valgrieve达成了协议,帮助其女儿Josephine了解家族历史,以换取学院的提拔和导师的债务偿还。 Lord Tiberius Valgrieve: 作为Clawmoor Heights的主人,他身患重病,面临继承人问题。他与Agatha Quinn达成协议,希望她能够说服女儿Josephine继承爵位,并愿意为此付出代价。他展现了对家族历史和遗产的重视,以及对家族未来的担忧。 Bertram Gates: 作为学院的代表,他指控Agatha Quinn违反学院伦理,并进行未经授权的研究。他主持了对Agatha Quinn的调查,并最终根据调查结果做出裁决。 其他人物: 其他人物,例如Umi Novak, Perry, Crispin和Curazar,他们的对话和行动推动了剧情发展,展现了Clawmoor Heights的氛围和人物关系。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Who created Clawmoor Heights?

Rachel J. Wilkinson, the creator of Vampire the Masquerade: Port Saga, created Clawmoor Heights.

What is the genre of Clawmoor Heights?

Clawmoor Heights is a ghost story with elements of courtroom and period drama.

Which celebrities are involved in Clawmoor Heights?

Kate Siegel, Indira Varma, Byron Mann, and Mark Meir are among the celebrity talents involved.

What is the main conflict in Clawmoor Heights?

A historian, Agatha Quinn, faces expulsion from her guild for allegedly violating ethics and procedures while working for the Valgreave family at Clawmoor Heights.

Why does Lord Tiberius Valgrieve hire Agatha Quinn?

Lord Tiberius Valgrieve hires Agatha Quinn to tutor his daughter, Josephine, about the history and importance of Clawmoor Heights.

What is the significance of the reflecting pool at Clawmoor Heights?

The reflecting pool is said to be haunted by the ghosts of the Montbalans, a family that drowned there, and their cries can be heard on dark nights.

What is the deal Lord Tiberius Valgrieve offers to Agatha Quinn?

If Agatha succeeds in securing Josephine's commitment to become the next Baroness, Lord Valgrieve will sponsor her promotion to master at Crown Hall College and settle her mentor's gambling debts.

What is the consequence if Agatha fails to secure Josephine's commitment?

If Agatha fails, Lord Valgrieve will take away her mentor's institute due to his gambling debts.

What is the role of Renwick Curazar in Clawmoor Heights?

Renwick Curazar is a Piedmont Accord agent contracted by Lord Valgrieve to protect the family's financial interests.

What is the historical significance of Clawmoor Heights?

Clawmoor Heights was built by Norma Wilford Scott during the Sovereign Era and later acquired by the Valgrieve family, who have a history of violence and tragedy associated with the estate.

The episode introduces a new audio drama, Clawmoor Heights, a ghost story with courtroom and period drama elements. It features celebrity voice actors and explores a historian's ethical dilemma.
  • Introduction of Clawmoor Heights, a 10-episode ghost story audio drama
  • Involvement of celebrity voice actors such as Kate Siegel and Indira Varma
  • The story centers around a historian facing expulsion from her guild

Shownotes Transcript

Clawmoor Heights is a new 10-episode series created by Rachel J. Wilkinson, the same creator behind Vampire the Masquerade: Port Saga. 

In this ghost story, a historian faces expulsion from her guild when accused of violating its ethics and procedures. To defend herself, she must recount her time working for the Valgreave family at Clawmoor Heights and the dangerous secrets she uncovered there.  

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