Every tire shop offers black friday deals, but only one tire shop as a walking talking spokesman. Re, that gives you a sale. Before the sale, tell where tire man will tire.
That's right now through november twenty seven, take a hundred box off with rebates at bell tire. But why is sale before the black friday sale build tire, you said a tire man always doing right by our customers is just another way we are changing times. Bell tire.
We're going to do like a instead of a youtube turn. Now we're going to be marketing with like a movie poster to advertise the dark and were also thinking about dropping a trailer for IT instead of just upload the video randomly. Yeah.
and there might be a little something.
I mean, sure, we just we have to give exactly tells, but this is a good feeler. We could ask the viewers, listeners.
do I have a Green light? Green light? okay?
welcome. I want to start off today with some very tragic news that was fast. Yeah.
welcome to the.
welcome to that. That's the tragic here. With recycle one. okay. Did you know apple just put the iphone ten s max on their obsolete list, specifically the max? You I don't know why you would think the ten s max came out with the tennis is well and you would think it's just and yeah, sure.
Apple has now classified the iphone six s plus choice and ten s max as vintage worldwide. They consider the device be vintage once five years is past sense. The company stopped distributing IT for sale. So how did the iphone six s and get timed up with the ten s max I have? I brought my ten s because this is like feel that .
yeah I know a little time compared to .
like what we have to use now, what we have to use.
I really like IT. It's like I think it's the greatest designed phone of all time, probably if they just can the iphone ford by chance. Now come on OK. If they came out with this with just an updated like dynamic island and know update internals and U S B C D, i'd buy IT immediately.
It's so complete to hold. And also the banded gold color really band go.
Yeah I I used .
to think like this. The back specifically kind of looks like banded color a little bit but I like the the sham ford .
edges and the gold you .
can even call that sham ford that's just around .
IT is just around round edges and is .
now that's just .
around I love comes on video oh yeah.
youtube outside recycle band if you want to see the video version of the ten right, don't look at so I was just do not even loud in here about the .
ycl recycle bin.
You're run the show. So what are we talking about? I I just blew my whole load right there. Okay, well.
ah we have been in the midst of some some nonsense covered that in the second. I just got to tell you the weird thing happened in this morning. Okay, I woke up hungover. I know you're confused.
I get go on. I was with you last night. There was no alcohol.
No well, I after you had left, I had a single um hard seller. Okay, one no, I woke up hung over one little like four point, like two five percent.
Well you dao I .
just had to. I was like, i'm kind of thirsty and like kinda I mean the mood to like, you know, we just have that in the fridge yeah I was like I .
that I have done that in your house too like when I was eating dinner and i'm like, i'm going to choke I need something to drink I grab ed the hard selves because I was just like this thing I don't wake up on over there but I don't .
think I finished either. I finish IT and like I had even do. I'm just surprised like I haven, I don't drink alcohol regularly.
Probably are Better. Oh yeah, anything are much Better. But yeah, like I just I had to bring that up because I woke up with a headache and like a little .
bit like I stood up and there's that .
specific like for people who have ever been hungover is like that specific feeling in your eyes. Like to back your eyes, like you feel gross and like, yeah, like I just that flared me that i'm thirty that's .
probably why got got yeah and like I could go the rest of my life without A P A 口 um probably me .
too the reason I thought of this actually was um you talking about the tennis max being vintage now OK and that .
made me feel so old。
Like this still feels like such a modern like i'm sure using a tens now is the worst experiences here maybe but like this feels like modern apple to me. Still like this doesn't feel vintage like much.
Conference is thinner my brain.
When I think vintage iphone, i'm still thinking like iphone five s five like that back and .
backwards member, the slate way on the origin, good Graces, really maybe the best, maybe the best color apple has ever used and they only use IT that one year, really the iphone five s yeah changed slightly. The back was later.
oh yeah, I phone five slate. Yeah five s was space's .
ay and there's a little gray oh my good .
just called slate. I think I .
don't know we've ever told this story. You remember how my iphone five? No five, just five.
Is that what happened with the headphone jack?
The headphone? So like, yeah, just tell the audience. A, I had an iphone five. I got IT. I not on launch day, but like I think within the same week back when you could just walk in the bison and sign a contract and get the phone .
for two in a box.
oh yeah, uh, so that's what I did. And I had IT loved IT Grace color ever. Uh, IT was the first iphone that I had that was like, new because my first iphone was the iphone four. But that was like.
maybe half into the life. Yeah, you got to five unlike, yeah.
really ever. And we had this mutual friend name fairs. And he had, what was he driving that Green pony?
Ag, what year was this? Like two thousand .
eleven thousand? We, we graduated. Oh, so right. Yeah, was two thousand twelve? I think that was the year we graduated.
Oh yes. Iphone released in public september. We graduated. Like june.
E, yeah, what you drive a pony? Ec, IT was a grand name, grand.
a grand. M.
A Green, like nineteen ninety eight car, I think. And he had one of those. Like, you remember back in the day that this is going to sound insane to people who had no idea these existed OK.
They were cassette pes, oh yeah. That went into the cassette pe slot in your car. But at the end of the cassette pe was a and oxford get three point five millimetre, yes. So we just like hanging out of the the cassez slot and you could plug that into your phone IT would feed the audio from your phone to the court to the cash to through the car.
Oh yeah. And just before you continue like that, not even the limit on how ridiculous technology was at the time till I get your phone audio. There was one that IT was a blue two thing that broadcasts a radio frequency oh, the kind of IT hooked up to your phone and a broadcasted your phone audio on a radio frequency that you're stereo cartoon into yeah well.
I mean there i'm sure there was like obviously blue tooth and stuff then, but for us for that age group, I don't know what kids .
driver, our friends who was like pretty well off his family was like wealthy. He had like an eighty something like bareda. Yeah, they had no paint on. Do you think kids are just get new cars now? No, I I T, T, I drive twenty thirteen like civics or something.
And so just put us in medal two boxes and hope for the the air back to work. Death boxes? yes. Uh, so at some point I don't know how IT happened, but the the end of the three point five oxyartes snapped yeah .
as they do .
off into the phone to where like the actual connector was flush with the bottom of the bottom. The bottom of the top of that phone was the bottom. I was flushed with that so you couldn't like, I couldn't pull IT out.
And that kicked off a few weeks of horrible, horrible, horrible attempts to try to get that out. We at one point, I think I had a tiny little draw bit, and I tried to drill into the thing and pull IT out. That didn't work a lot of things. The bottom, the phone was all scratched up from me trying to do this.
I remember you were at phase is house trying to fix IT. And like I remember you had the phone .
like advice. Yes, yes. I think because I did get IT out. You did. How did you get that up? I took IT to horizon and they .
use silly putting. I was going to say, yeah like nowadays it's almost like common knowledge that like hot glue or stuff like that .
is like or yeah I I did use hockley yeah, I did try the hockley thing and work.
Wow, I can be silly party work maybe was a special, a special like the questions there.
Like how did the silly party work? And also why is varied on of silly body? Probably reason, probably just that.
Oh yeah, I was coming back then. Like, think about what those people went through in that era of ell phone.
Around that same time, member fair had an iphone three gs really. And good law at some point. Don't know why i'm sure was horrible, stupid antigen.
We lost his phone like we got, because I used to lift at his house here like a gym downs irs. So IT was winter times that was dark early, and he lost his phone. And we started driving back, like looking for a colony. And IT was on the side of the road in the snow. Yeah, and I was, I worked.
That's crazy. IT worked partly that just like takes me back. I feel like that era, I just remembered something when you're telling that story too. Didn't you have an iphone forest that the back blew up on or an iphone four?
Yes, that was my like that that was also .
the .
year we graduated. And IT was before the iphone five came out. So that was an iphone 4 s yes。 And I was I had a jo B2Convenience or tec hnically my las t lik.
e rea l job.
traditional job. Uh, and you guys would come over late at night ah .
and you work until like one or two I am yes, fuck and sucked. We just used to because we are just high scholars who had just graduated. We didn't have like we didn't respect our home time. Me and a mutual friend would just go hanging out at the store with you from like ten P M.
And anything Better saying, no, we did in there was free pizza. Yes, no one out there. No .
other pizza. I'm just saying we hung out with you for like we should have been getting paid part time is how long we were there. I ever cleaning up that fucked in store because I was like this. This is messy. I was started sweeping.
I old. This is not even like, this is not tech lately. But I have a good story about that.
Oh, we get a way to get tell about the iphone of plotting.
Okay, so um yeah, I had iphone for us. It's late night. Yeah and he died a shocker. And so this is either going to surprise people or not be surprised at all. Fifty fifty. I didn't have a charger with me, so what I did was I hooked a car charger drop to a car battery.
How did you even?
And I plugged IT into .
the phone.
how you, the surge from the battery, what shot straight up and shared .
the back of the phone you like. Pumped up the batteries.
Well, there was, there was nothing like regulating. And how much charge was going in that phone? Because I plotted IT into a whole car battery and IT strayed the phone.
But that allowed me to do something real cool. Because back then, amazon on amazon, you could get like a bunch of weird stuff and at this stage you could take the phones apart. Still had scars on the yeah about on the phone that you could take. You could just slide the back off when you did that.
Are the skirt still there like the modern iphone sixteen? Can you still do that? No, okay. And think so .
if you you yeah yeah they yeah, you could just slide the back of the phone on off.
You need to change the rails on the iphone four and stuff.
No, they would .
get bumpers.
bumper s right? Bumper cases. Oh, weren't the bumper cases. The solution to you're holding wrong was not about the reason he was .
part of a yeah, that would help apple.
I I think apple put out a bomber case like this. I was started anyway, back, the phone explodes. And on amazon you could buy all just turning them back and like with the apple logo on everything.
So I know that I bought a clear glass back for the phone for like two cents or something, and then put them on the IT. Looks so fucking cool if I can find a picture because i'm sure there's like pictures on google included uh, IT was so cool. That was a cool thing.
You know, talking about that specific phone I have, i'm tied to that phone. You realized the on, I ended up with that phone. Oh, did you really? Yeah, that was my first iphone.
What to clear back on IT to note at the time that I got IT for some reason, honestly, you're cheap. Amazon back back may have just shadow again. No, because I had a brushed like .
a little. Yeah, wow.
And I had that. That was my first iphone and man. And I remember I was such a broke, like kid at the time, like college kid, like first year college.
My cell phone service was some shady sim card that I just found online. Remember, that was a google five or no no do this was like, I can't remember the name at all, but I was pretty suspicious. And I was like phone service for, like at the time I was between like five and fifteen dollars a month.
But like the signal was atrocious. Like, yeah, I was so sketch. I remember my iphone in the top left when I would age to say, like the network I don't if this still does, oh, that is okay.
I don't even think about this stuff anymore. Yeah ah, I used to say like IT would just be random character. Sometimes I would change.
Oh, I do kindly .
remember IT. Yeah, I was so suspicious.
I mean, worked something .
I had to pay IT with like a weird service too. Like I couldn't just pay with my card. I needed to like I basic I think I was longing money for these people probably. yeah.
So I think I was used straight talk on the time, felt .
fifty. Mobile around this time of different .
cheap services that .
are like and s woerth al private network you using?
Ms no.
you should just left with the the confidence and I wouldn't .
a question that virtually network Operator, i'll take your word good um what was I going to say I was important but that was important.
It's probably gone. We're recording a little early and that you know what i'll do. I'll think about what IT is.
And while i'm thinking, i'll send them to an add that's a good idea. okay. Will be back.
You know, john, one of my favorite things is food.
The food is great. Food is great, the best.
And that's why today's episode of a cycle bin is brought to you by hello fresh.
Yeah, we love hello fresh.
The holiday season is quickly approaching. I mean, it's happening now and where everybody is looking for any ways to cut back, spend less and stress less. Hello, fresh makes meal time nearly has free with delicious home delivered chef crafted recipes that come together quick and are less expensive than take out.
Oh, burn, I love fellow. For me too, it's the best. Have you heard of fellow first market, by the way, over one hundred ad on items like deserts could breakfast snacks and a lot more this month.
They even have things giving items to help. Wow, a crowd with a minimal effort on your part. I not that anyone else has to know you keep a secret, just betwen you and hello free OK.
I love that. If for some reason you'll ve under iroquois, you don't know. Hello fresh is america's favorite meal kit service, and they make everything so much easier.
I have personally use hello fresh a lot in the past. I know you have to, especially like I got a baby, I got a little guy running around. It's really hard to plan meals with little guy running around.
Fresh takes IT all out of the equation that just shows up and you just make the food you follow along. You need to keep their cute little recipe cards IT truly is just a time. Any stress over the .
best thing about hello, fresh? This is like how I like to pitch IT always when you go to, let's say, you want a hot dog today, alright, yeah you go the store, you buy hot dog buns. How many hot dog buns are you buy in many? You can buy this one.
Hello, fresh. Just one of uns you for no more. And they didn't tell me to say this. But like the vegetables that hello for rescue of you is there are like next level.
They just like like at the store, like the farmer dropped off at your front door and guess what? Special deal for you guys? Wow, I just saw the deal and i'm upset because I did not get this deal.
But they can get ten, three meals. That's one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, ten, three meals. A hello, fresh dog com slash free recycle bin were locked up.
We need help. You are free recycle bin that applied across seven a boxes. News subscribers only a varies by plan.
That's ten free hello, fresh meals just go to hello fresh dog com slash free recycle band. Thank you. Hello fresh amErica number one milky.
Oh yeah. Welcome back from back in prompting outbreak. And I absolutely member can say you look at you.
I wanted to tell the story because I don't I mean, I could be wrong. And we've been doing this for twelve years. sure. I don't think at some point that we've told the story of how I got my first iphone or why I don't know.
I don't think I know the story.
are you well, once I say IT, okay um so I had a website called geek.
Every time you talk about IT.
you get a little embarrassed. Yeah I I call keep basics. The x is at the end and that's important.
You correct? B S, I, X, very important. Yes, no brand was important, important. And at that time, the website like that version, me considered a popular IT was.
I mean, that was your own website.
Yeah, I like a few thousand views a month.
That's crazy for a high scholar.
And I had I had tried multiple websites before that got zero years ago. So having anybody there was like really basically but keep basically was IT was around IT was I started IT in two thousand eight yeah so a couple years after youtube and .
were like fourteen, fifteen yeah. To put in a perspective, this is wild era. Oh yeah.
And people were just making mind spaces for four percent straight of HTML. You built that site? Yeah, yeah.
And the whole point of IT was I the idea. The concept was you could go basic search any technical problem that you have, usually with a PC or something. Yeah, and there will be a video that comes up that will teach you how to fix that problem.
IT was just like tax support. Yeah, people could submit their youtube videos like, yeah, you could go on youtube do that. But this was like a IT was organized and was supposed IT.
Like, this is the niche, every video research for as a solution to the problem, or looking for that was all thing. And anyone could sumi any video they want IT. I couldn't upload IT because I couldn't feature that out, so I would have them fill out a form to upload IT. But I would really just detail me the link to IT so then I could like, make sure IT was good and then i'd Cameron just died. Oh.
the look is not plugged in.
See that there.
We'll be right back.
What the fuck? All right, we're back. We're back. No problem. I just need the audience to know right where the camera is. The plug for IT was just unplugged ged by a power strip like yeah IT 就是 sitting next to IT。
Oh, before we forget, because I just saw this on the table, because we have masking tips on the table with the phone number. Yeah, this phone, this pot test is yours. Four or four, nine, one, nine, five, five, three, zero.
If you call that number, you can leave us a voice message now and then hopefully make IT on the show. Don't text IT. We're not to read to your text.
All all. The number three in the U. S.
Obviously if you're not in the U. S, don't call and spend money. Use a void service .
like something .
like for zero four, one nine, five, five, three, zero call asks anything if it's you'll be on next .
week shall except for this one if we actually have a good bit to talk about. So no smells today.
but are a lot of talking about telling and why that ended up to your first iphone.
They were able update. I I put on the website. Yes, they couldn't update to me. K, I put on the website. And I used to have like not real ads on the website, but like because I wasn't not enough to sign up for something like add, send or anything like that um but I would do like a filet stuff.
And if I didn't have an ad, I still one of the website, I was a Young, I still one of the website to look professional or legit. So I would put place that, I would put images where the ads are supposed to go. And in that time my life, I was one of those nerds in school that was like, I would post pictures of the android pissing on the apple look, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had us all over the website and stuff in, uh, would you polls on the website and some people they go asked about android, iphone and the the tens of people that are using that website. They were like you should try and iphone because i'd never tried one yeah and let me know that I think at the time, I don't know what he is now, but right, like a fourteen day.
if you didn't like that.
you could .
return your phone you, so that's .
what I did. I was like, okay, i'll i'll give you a shot for fifteen days. I think I was coming from an ACC thunderbird. So the first four G E L T E phone for verizon, all speakers I think at the .
time um I don't know .
if that one had those speakers that was sweet IT was except IT had like a two hour battery. I had no doll speakers. If you guys remember this phone from back in the day, the ACC, thunderball.
You're also gonna think about there was a yeah, that there was a plastic external battery that you could get. So the back of the phone had like his big hump, because the battery literally last ted, a couple hours maybe. And you could get IT to IT is.
yeah, I remember this holy.
should you could get IT to last like .
four hours or that, yeah.
IT had a kick down on the back.
He was awesome that HTC was so .
fucking cool. Man, yeah, god really great. Um so I was coming from iphone. I got I went to rise and I got an iphone four um and within the first day was like, sweet Christ. I just remember how responsive .
felt they got.
I mean, you guys have to remember how android was at that time. I was like a wild sub optimal hardware, you know. And um IT not only was android on the thunderball, but also was like their fork of IT.
So IT had crazy U I element stuff in. The cool thing about that phone was, I remember when you unlocked IT, if he was raining a windshield for would go across the screen, wipe reno. I was cold and cool.
A lot of so much personality had made up for like the shortcomings in a lot of ways. Yeah.
yeah. Uh, so the iphone four was like crazy responsive um I remember I remember just like my first time swiping home screens and just IT felt like magic almost, man and the weather APP was beautifully animated.
I love just watching that .
yeah IT was so good you had .
a beer drinking yeah yeah.
And the flash light one and something else anyway, oh, I lights everyone. yes. Anyway, that was, that was my first iphone. And I continued using iphone until iphone six s and then, uh, because I was seven was terrible .
and you jumped back, yeah.
I was seven was terrible. So I I gave up on I O S. And I went with a one plus, three, one plus, two or three.
I one, one plus was awesome to. I had the first one plus.
The one plus was really, yeah, when I worked best.
a girl I worked with, he was using IT. And I was, like, in the market for a new phone, okay? And I bought IT off of her, and I was pretty fucking cold. And I had, I went through my own android obsession, like that was just the era 4。 I remember, remember you you, you nexus device, I had a nex six p.
yeah, yeah. I was so big I had.
I had the first access to on t mobile. Oh, and you had the next four. yeah.
Ah, no. I'm so I didn't have the first one. You, I had the next is for beauty, the Spark back.
I android was just different back then. Man, I don't know. IT felt like, you know what? IT felt like what apple felt like originally.
IT felt like rebellious s and like a kind of exciting. And like, look at what weird should this thing can do? Yeah, yeah. IT quickly just became just a different type phone ecosystem.
Some somehow we got more poor yeah, from that point. And like I remember, I had so I had my one plus phone for maybe years. So and then, uh, I worked with variation and they sent A A galaxy s eight, I think so here's something like that.
Break IT immediately, not immediately. But I did break IT at your apartment. How did you do IT? Ah I was in the back seat and you wanted to throw something away. So we were leaving and he was like, raining or something and you draw .
up to the.
oh yeah and he was like, that was the that when all the way to the edges there was like zero bezzle and yeah, in zero places to take a fok a hit yeah so I obvious ly, I didn't have insurance on that or in IT because I was just given to me by various on, so that wasn't paid for IT, right? That was sweet. Well, I had a free phone. Yeah, that was still like .
a seven hundred dollar phone at the time. There was a big .
deal for yeah um so after that I bought still one of my favorite phones I think I was at the honor eight which .
is insane to say.
uh, honor is I don't know they're still around but they were a subbrand .
of water way woe .
I think and IT was like, again, thin glass back in front had a fingerprint scanner on the center back of the phone that also doubled as like a such pretty phone. The god had an I R blaster. The cycle control tvs. IT was really cool um and then I remember from that phone I was then you were working at best by the time and I had walked in and I saw one of those SONY .
phones yeah IT .
was erit was giant White, had a giant like forehead and chin but IT was he was like very squared off and yeah, yeah, yeah I just look so appealing to me and it's like two forty burks. So I bought that and then this was my next this is what I know, jump back on. You came back yeah I haven't left on.
So this is the phone that bright, the iphone tennis, the phone that bright back. Yeah, apple, that's that's a great entry.
I found four brought me in iphone four. Iphone tennis brought me back.
Iphone seven was my return. Uh, but I can honestly, i'm blanking because when I worked best buy, I was like I got some really good details on I worked in the mobile apartment so I had some pretty solid deals. I would just go pop up, pop swap in around all the time.
Oh, i'm jealous. Yeah I mean, he worked out, but yeah, my wife had a one plus x at the time. That one was .
booking cool.
Yeah, he broke IT in a hilarious way going SHE got into her car at the time and she's little frustrated. I think of her job and image. She's like plugged her phone in because, you know, oxx at the time, right? And I like to listen to music. And she'd like tossed IT into the passengers seat lightly SHE like.
just slightly .
clip the seat belt. The metal part of the seats belt shared the IT was like that son IT was like, have you seen when people escape like a car and they have to use one of those little tools to break the the window? IT was as like as soon as like these tools are specialized as like as soon as they hit the temper glass or whatever. IT just es, yeah IT looks like dads. And for good thing.
just once the last time you broke a phone.
I don't know there .
was a lot of back to back stories of breaking stuff.
but I haven't I don't really think i've ever broken a phone. Honestly.
I am .
really, i've been a really good boy with phones. I I baby I I guess I don't know ah with .
apple care you get like two exchanges a year for hundred box yeah and usually that's I like my iphone twelve. I think within a week, one on vacation, I dropped IT on the ground and immediately stepped on IT such a battle. And that was sent by d brand. But I did have an apple care on IT, so I got that exchanging my iphone.
Thirteen I think I shattered the back of IT towards the end towards the end of wow having IT yeah i'd forget how that happened oh I remember I chatted the back of IT on accident and then um since I was gone to get a replace with apple care right before I did that, don't tell apple I same when I was doing the thing for apple fuse where we would swap channels once a year and on his channel for some reason. Not sure why I did a bit where I took a hammer to the phone and the comments were rather like, oh my god, he just really committed that he just shot with the back of his phone, but he was already shadow a and apple replaced IT because I was an accident. I mean, clearly a definitely accident. IT was also broken. Yeah exact the fell on IT there's yeah I fell down the stairs.
I hope I hope everybody's enjoying like this, like a memory, an episode of recycle bin. Yeah, this was not planned. It's actually funny because the reason that there's no voice mails is because we have been in like the creative trenches with this video. Now we're working on and I feel like what's happening on recycling in right now, story time and just relaxing is like in backlash to how creatively stressed we are.
Oh, well, and they also this is our place to do that. Like I can seen a lot of comments label, they are talking about how people are really .
enjoying our cycle.
Banks are for people unaware。 So this is going to be on youtube to do sly or cycle bin h. The subscribers there IT may seem like you ever had episode a while, but the audio feed has been getting updated IT just we not having a video feels weird. So we're trying something new and feel IT not highly produced just so you have IT.
Yeah, I hope people enjoy IT. I mean, i've been in last weeks episode we tried a video version and they just I throw IT together too quickly yeah to focus the whole time I mean, that's ironically we hear the studio camera never leaves auto focus except when they were building the the event video yeah yeah well .
it's funny because in that recycle pen episode, we said at that time when I was recorded, which I think was the day after the election, we were under how we had two videos that we were like in the process of starting yeah and that has evolved .
into one really fucked in big, massive project.
The act like people that have hurt me, hype stuff up know that I don't just say stuff for the marketing aspect of IT. This is the best thing we have ever put out. And I feel like we say that every month, which is a good sign but like legitimately ah now like as we're working on this, we've gone back and like peek to the tim coke documentary and a kind of feels amateur.
I like comparatively yeah like this is next level shit they were working on. I'm very excited for people. Yeah i'm excited.
Yeah, I ve never been i've never been this proud of anything i've written. So it's just IT feels really good. We're creatively and like working wise, like berried right now very fulfill. It's just a lot.
We're we're going to try a few new things with this project, one because he deserves IT yeah uh because I don't know what people can tell. We're trying to stop away from the like, step away from the tropes of youtube a little bit. And so for this video recycle and viewers and listeners, you get a little like inside baseball cups.
Uh, I just feel like you guys just spend you're watching every video and then spending an hour plus with us a week like a lot it's a lot of your time. So thank you. We're going to try a more legitimate marketing approach for this.
yeah. So for this video, uh will just be straight up. It's another documentary is the second the only documented sense of tim doc, the only one that we would actually call the documentation.
the fb t dogs like the dogs play list on the channel. How has a few videos in IT? But this is really the only legit successor to the tim cook dog. Yeah, yeah.
And it's almost a possible you could say.
oh yeah, yeah. interesting.
yeah. So we're gonna like a instead of a youtube time now we're going to be marketing with like a movie poster to advertise the dock and were also thinking about dropping a trailer for IT instead of just up in the video randomly. Yeah.
and there might be a little something.
I mean, sure, we just we want to give exact details, but this is a good fear we could ask. Yeah, the viewers, listeners, do I vive a Green light, Green light OK uh, with this we are thinking about experimenting with, uh, a little bit of a subscription. So like.
well, we can you want just come out and to say IT like, yeah, go head, do you do .
IT OK i'm nero. We're going to be experiment with a patro on specifically for F P T docks yeah very, very simple. Something like um for one for one cost, for one of the tears. You're just like you get to support the what we're doing and in exchange you get the documentaries with no ads and a week early so already like pretty good ah yeah I say so the next and final tier is only two tear is not too complicated. Now the next miner gets your name as a producer in the actual credits of the documentary.
And we know that there are a few people on patron that will use like three, five books, get your name in the video, and they'll just show a frame of, like, a thousand names. And I really like that. I think that's really inclusive and fun.
But for the documentary, I wanted to feel special. I wanted to feel like, so four, ten dollars a month, you get your name in the actual credits. And because is ten dollars, hopefully, I mean, I won't complain that s one thousand of those people either.
But hopefully 啊, that will feel me a bit more limited. Yeah to have you like then you be able to send send IT to your family members and I look, I was on the producer this documentary. Uh so as a listener, as a you are especially if you're watching a youtube bloodson on the comments, what your what your thoughts are on that if if you that um and if you guys hate IT will no early yeah we tell everyone else.
you know, whenever I feel like everybody in their mom has a patch on these days or some some type of supplementary channel member chaper whatever yeah um but when he comes to these dog videos like we are legitimately, we're so torn because we are putting like our hard and souls into this yeah like we have .
I personally .
have not stopped thinking about this flocking project since the idea was like, okay, we're going to make this and it's been obsessive for me and it's like I love that but also, it's not exactly great for business because it's like we're not I mean, where we're so in this IT.
IT can be good for business and I think that will be it's just like the risks that we're taking covering this topic like there's just like, yeah, we want to take more actual journalistic approaches to stuff and sometimes that requires us to double in more serious topic creative rist. Uh, we this idea was actually like conceived of, I think, the night of the tim doc release.
Well, I think that was actually when we went out to dinner to celebrate yeah that release.
So it's been in the queue for a while. But IT was one of those just seeing is sitting there a notion was intimidating enough to work like whenever we do this, it's we got to have enough time to do this and got to be able to afford to do this. And yeah because to do this, we have to stop making because at the time when the tim dog came out, we were still putting out regular episode from page tech, which is crazy.
It's funny because in that meeting we went to all garden, had a little business meeting to reevaluate you think I did IT was fantastic. Uh, in that meeting, we discussed spending the next year. So the tim dog came out in jane. Jane, third.
I think of of this year. Yeah, good lord. yeah.
So had a discussion about a what that was. That was a lovely night because we took vitals with us on this meeting, so we had to upper there and back. It's .
The idea was we wanted to start to scale back from page checks show, and we wanted to spend this year putting stuff out that would prove to you guys, the audience, that we would be fine, you would be fine. The channel would .
be fine without the tech news show yeah going more .
towards the produce face IT out and IT happened way faster. I think we've got excited. Yeah we wanted to like in this year with an announcement that the front .
page tech show is like done yeah and when just to be clear that the tech news like three episodes a week, just talk in tech news, funny jokes in out that the show we're referring to yeah like specifically .
yeah um I mean, I don't want to say that it's never coming back. But IT doesn't feel right now doesn't feel like .
IT is the biggest thing is that I just doesn't feel good to m. We've been making that specific 批 a content decade.
if for a decade.
and like creating these long form dogs, having more creative liberties and freedom, like we have .
a sponsorship from, apply the way I said.
But like it's been so fulfilling creatively and like truly I I felt this immediately when the tim dog went out like IT wasn't like you guys were turning on the technical show, but like some of the reception was mixed and I was like for the tim dog. No, no, no, no. Before the tim dog, like the show itself, we weren't getting a lot of negative comments, but IT was kind of like we were getting burned out. And then we felt like the viewers were getting burned out too.
But we have like we're very lucky. We have a very unique audience that like watches literally everything fifty fifty percent of the subscribers are watching. I'm sure there's more of a percentage is watching every other video or something. Fifty percent of you are showing up every video and then I cry.
it's awesome and you're very vocal and I love IT and and as soon as the tim dog went out and like videos similar in that style, it's been nonstop positivity. Like he feels like not only IT feels like we took a risk and it's like it's paying for us creatively, but also everybody loves IT yeah like we have never had so much positivity on the channel in the entire time.
had been around comments that are talking about like I can't believe I just watch this on youtube for free yeah like that's the feeling that I that I want to chase like we're addicted. I think okay with this documentary can be straight up ah there's been times in our career where I have said we're making really good stuff and I was absolutely wrong like I I was very confident, actively impact yeah I was just for a while we're like wise, no one magin. We're making the best technology and IT just wasn't true.
But I think we have enough experience and we ve done this enough time to be confident saying this is not the best document has ever been made, certainly the best piece of content we have ever made. And I would argue, in fact, people that have in our circle that have seen bitz of this documentation, people that viewers and listeners will probably greatly respect the opinion of yeah, have said like this is something that should be on the flix yeah and i'm sure we could spend time pitching something like this to them. And not to say that money wouldn't be awesome, but like that's what we want full creative control.
We just because we're changing, we don't want to change our relationship with you guys, the audience. We want you guys to still like be moving along with us. So uh all of all of this stuff is going to end up on youtube and you will be able to watch IT for free.
Ah it's just it's been it's been a lot of work. It's been a lot like I don't think I had this much fun. I haven't been this excited. Just deliver like an actual experience for them to see. And like I remember last a month when we're working on the event video, there is a point where I just needed IT to be done yeah yeah but I think when this is done.
i'm gonna sad yeah like looking for like the avoid it's like the an important piece has left yeah like .
what the tim dog worked on for three, four months yeah and like the when the edit actually started on that video, the footage was a year old or not a year old, sorry, a month old. The footage of me, year old footage. This one is being made within a month. Uh, but I think it's just because we we've done IT before.
We're more experienced and I think we had a Better idea of what we wanted this project to be here. I wanted to say that like it's so funny how I I think I just said IT like I am nervous to announce like a oh .
yeah I mean.
yeah because it's like just to be clear and it's like the fact that I have to clarify this I think is like in indicative of my nerves is like nothing not need to channel change in at all yeah, everything is still getting uploaded at the same way. There's not gonna like more ads or less or quality or like, oh, everybody I knew to be half video and very .
simple because we wanted to be clear that it's just an option. Yeah um the the only differences you to watch out eggs and .
you to watch week only. There's also going to be behind the .
scene stuff on there too yeah but intial yeah yes. It's like in terms of what's different between watching IT through patriot NER watching on youtube, the only differences .
there's no ads .
yeah and .
and you get to see the first and right and I think the biggest thing i'm like the hurt i'm climbing over myself is that like I really do truly feel like what we're making now is like worth 啊 啊啊啊 patriot, yeah like, i'm so proud of the work we're doing, but I never ever want to like ask the audience for them no.
yeah. I think this is worth giving just the option to pitch and if you .
wanted and and I just feel so crazy like IT feels every youtube r like I said, everybody has a patron but IT feels like such a cash rabbi thing to do but in right just because yeah and like and then .
they like they just sit there thinking of like weird, not actually valuable things to offer on just for the sake .
of IT and like just to be fully transparent. The us. Even coming up with this patch and idea and moving forward with IT like was a carbon, it's hard and it's it's like IT, we're going outside of our comfort comfort zone because we are so confident and excited to keep making this type of content.
Yeah, it's just okay. Again, full transparency we have now we work with a company that gives us uh, t connections with advertisers and story. It's kind of heart like to go to them be like, hey, I guess what we're onna maybe .
upload once i'm one yeah sorry yeah it's like which that that's being worked on too. Yeah yeah it's it's just like where i'm going to change a lot of the youtube tropes like exhortatory.
yeah. So just know that with the launch of this patriot, we're putting ourselves out there like we feel pretty vulnerable about that.
I mean, no joke. We would have been talking about this for maybe over a month. And I was just yesterday when we decided, like, okay, let's s actually yeah like we've been .
struggling yeah we feel pretty vulnerable putting that out there. And this isn't a cash grabby thing. IT means a lot to us, like you guys mean a lot to us and like your opinions of us professionally and creatively are what we live for. Yeah so like even considering that like you anybody would subscribe to a patron for us means the world you like. Honestly, it's crazy.
Some people that won't some people that like watching us more casually, they won't think it's worth IT and they should absolutely not do that. Some people can swing IT this month of the next in that like I don't want anyone to feel like if they don't participate, the patrol and they are gone to be missing out or losing out.
You just want to give some extra options for people that want to pitch specifically for these projects, not like from page, like the youtube channel. Yeah uh, we've tried patron in the past, which is why I think we had we kind of struggle with the idea. I I think we kind of did some some stuff wrong like the initial we were worth IT.
I mean, like anything was worth IT by a well, both times we tried patch in the past was for a show called F P T. extra. So from page to the technical show was going on monday, wednesay friday and then on tuesdays and thursdays, we were making an additional uncensored episode for patron subscribers.
And that was cool, that I was fun. But like that is literally those people are getting more content yeah than the people that couldn't pay for and that we didn't take any any public episodes away. They were still getting three episodes a week. But there was some backlash with that. And .
understandably like you and honestly that I am subscribed to a few different patriots for creators like I like and the way I treat IT is like um when I subscribe you a patron for somebody I don't really care about the the benefits and what not it's like I just appreciate the creator and a lot of the like. I just what can say IT of my favorite youtube st creators of all time is h bomber guy.
okay? And if anybody, a lot of people, he has really popular videos. And a lot of people, if they watch him, they know he upload. Maybe once year. I have been submit ed as patron for a long time, just through sheer appreciation. It's just like I want you to keep making this stuff yeah and I know like one one video here is not sustainable for any human to live off of you in a monitor anyway yeah in a money way, in a money way a so it's just that's that's how i'm approaching this is IT just if you want here, IT is and I appreciate .
anybody who you almost tempted to include the link for recycle byers. First.
i'm still working on way and and also comes up yes, and this isn't a mad. It's just this is what's on our mind. That's what this podcast is.
Yeah I mean, it's all surrounding the next video. And uh, patriot or not, I think I think it's worth being excited about.
I drop in the picture on out of the entire conversation. I'm so fucking excited for this video.
Oh yeah. Like regardless of patron, if you just spend some of your time watching our next video like that is that's all we could ever yeah and.
Think of IT like this. All of the growth that we've been getting over this past year has been because we've been taken creative risks and all this stuff yeah and we couldn't do any this stuff without the auto. The audience is taking risks with us exactly. And I feel like i'm sure there's a good bit of people out there who miss O G F P T. They bring IT up sometimes yeah I hope recycled in is able to like fill some of those holes yeah because where is been a service for more for jokes here yeah ah yeah but no, that is just you don't want to stop being goofy journey burn yeah but it's just like these videos just feel so good to make there's so fucking cool, bro. I love this shit is so awesome.
Well, before we move into the rest of podcast now speaking over the head, we should burn. I'm gona say the scarious thing you're going to hear today. All goodness, go ahead for the next project.
Or not allowed to use notion we can do IT wouldn't be impossible. Be impossible require notion. IT is a necessity for us to keep everything, organize, collaborate together, keep, keep the whole team on track.
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also notion dot com flash recycle band. Thank you notion. Welcome back from the ads. Welcome back from IT.
Thanks for enjoying the ad anyway um what do you for burn? Uh, you know what? Already an hour and three minutes on over quarter spicy yeah, but I I kind of want to talk about the market stuff. Oh.
I forgot about that. Yeah, let's talk about that. And also that doesn't matter like that. I couldn't I couldn't listen to us for two hours before into I want .
to say not about the test stuff. IT was in my note. I just want to say because i'm excited about this. There's A A new world of warcraft, uh, classic server being launched next week.
Okay, first you won't be here for the .
I will I just I I need this video done by them so we great yeah but anyway um yeah so .
here and maybe can .
be done but yeah so for anybody who isn't up to date a markest bromly M K B H D ah the kind of the like za guy in our category of the internet yeah um he made a bit of a misstep, made a bit of a mist .
and just not his last month yeah .
and like the reason I want to talk about IT is lake, I mean, we should say .
what happen first.
Yeah, so markets did a first one. IT was like a double wai situr load, a fully sponsored video by D. J.
I. Like a dedicated the yeah. And like the the hardware he showed off was neat, but but that people fuck and hate the dedicated sponsor. Video, so that was missed.
Ve number one. Or especially if that's not if you're usually not doing that.
right? Yes, it's never been that guy. Some people are used to IT like we .
have strict policy here that never do not do that. Yeah, turn down every dedicated video that is come away other than one, right? IT was twenty sixteen, and IT was a video for dyson.
Now he was never again. Never again. There are some creators I watched that like I, the commenters and the viewers are more accepting. There be like, man's got to eat.
I get that. Uh, no, no, no, no, no. Just respect or not anyone doing a, but we just don't do them no.
And then you know, a lot of people viewed wise, what can hate IT so that that I mean.
do you more money .
you get that back? King, yeah. So there was that there was backlash to that immediately and then I don't really know why um but towards into this video mark z included a clip of him driving like test driving a car yeah was like we could put a camera anywhere he's a lamborghini and he's just proving a point that you could wear this camera on your chester whatever and record P O, V driving and he like full cent on your fast this super or like lamborghini on like a local road, like a residental, like thirty five million hours children in the area playing road and like so so fast that um they blur the omelet went like IT wasn't like .
they were a oblivious .
or they knew this .
was wrong yeah they blurred out this parameter which I hear is like .
common a lot of them will that if it's blowingly obvious bly obvious safe yeah that it's like reckless driving IT doesn't IT doesn't make IT any Better um and who knows maybe Marcus was inspired by these car youtube ers. I mean, he does have auto focus. Yeah I mean, my for one like, I love a lot of car youtube ers and I watched them all the time.
I watch them do that and like, man, that looks kind of fun but also what the fuck you do in anyway uh so markets full sentience. Car going very fast, blow this parameter um for whatever reason. Lamborghini because maybe it's like they want to passenger to know like, wow, you're going on so quick. So there is a secondary supplementary parameters for the passenger side that they did not blow.
Did you get that one .
markets was going. He macks out at ninety six, my house, an hour in a thirty five zone that was like, IT was like, the speed limit was clearly posted as children playing, he passed IT. And he said, like slow, there are children in the area that could yeah um so that happened .
just to be fair, I think we should read his apology.
He did post an apology now before the apology he posted um he I think realized the mistake he had made or rather that his what he did was caught by people and he tripped out using the youtube editor yeah and made a call out. The thing that really sit badly with me is that like i'm sure that on a level, on maybe a majority level, his his apology was like a real and like authentic.
But the way the whole event transpired felt more than like he only did this because he got cut um like because he cut out of the video and he pined the comment that said, like ah hey guys cut out the unnecessary driving part in the video. And i'm also taking your feedback on sponsored deos to the video thing, right? So it's like IT was like an acknowledged of both backlashes, but like there .
there is further backlash to that because is like .
he's covering that up or something.
He apologized, but he did that on twitter. So like he, the issue was on youtube and he now I don't know. I know there's a good way to apology.
I mean, you could post to this is the talk comment. Yeah, this was his apology on twitter last video. I did something pretty stupid.
You might have already seen IT, but maybe not. So i'll dressed here. There was a clip what the action came with. Me, test, test driving a car in going way too fast. Yeah, T, T O.
way too fast. I think he definitely rock that quick.
Absolutely inexcusable and dangerous. Yeah, i've sense, cut out of the video with youtube es editor tool. I also understand that this looks, I am covering IT up, but it's the right thing to do.
There is no reason to leave that clip in. There was no reason include in the first place. And I would never want to make IT seem okay by leaving in this video.
I'm well aware of the strides and effect, and I know everything on the internet list forever, but I think that's the best decision right now. All I can do is, is and promise never to do anything close that stupid again. That's a terrible example to say and i'm sorry for IT and that was that his last tweet as well. So they're been .
kind of quiet since me. I bet the thing that like is really bother some is that like, first of all, cars on their own works extremely dangerous and there is such a number of like fatalities every year that are related directly to traffic incidents there. And like here is like you may disagree, but like I consider markets to be like the best of us in a way like there is a reason he's on top, right? Like he's kind of our guy. Like this is a student.
at least here in the us. The same. Like mr.
who's the boss, right? Like I hate how like my brain works because this feels like he's harvey dant and it's like he's been corrupted. Yeah, it's like he made such like a misstep like not only was a reckless but like there is people in the comments being like, I don't know that I haven't research this.
I'm just echoing what the sentiment was people's ying, like what you just record is of doing a felony yeah and it's like, shouldn't something happen there were people calling out that and some european countries, if you were to drive that far over the speed limit, that's like your car is forcibly removed from you by the government sold and then your license is also removed like you lose your license. So it's like this is quite, quite the event. Um I mean.
here's the thing. I'm i'm not at all saying that markets is like behind the scenes secretly a bad person saying. These the people that you watch are all people too exactly. And i'm sure the listeners and viewers, you've made a mistake in your life couple times.
Now just imagine that that mistake in front of everybody, i'm sure like i'm sure I would feel unfortunate to be judged as heavily for that mistake being on camera yeah ah, I do recognized this is not a not a great thing to do off or on camera. We still like the wallpapers. APP, that was one thing.
Last one collect else was great. Yeah, that was one thing. Yeah but that's like okay personally, before they launched while paper APP, I think that was just a side effect of them being out of touch like mark has is a bit out of touch of like maybe average consumers.
And he probably been his own creative bubble with yeah his channels. I mean, they Operate on a different .
yeah they just misjudge the release of that APP. Okay, that's fine. And they fixed IT, right? Fixed the issues there.
And what is IT panels? Think I think panels, they fix panels for the the most part. This is one of the things we like yeah there's no correcting this one.
There's just like all you can do is say you're sorry and keep keep going. I don't like I don't know. I'm not the viewers and I haven't.
We've been busy working on our own thing. So I don't know what the public sentiment is here. Like what do they want to happen? Do they want there to be consequences? Is that when they going to be happy?
I think honestly, being in markets situation and then apologizing, like I don't know what people could want from him I mean other than obviously like do Better there. I did see some people talking about like legal action should happen. I am not about to pass judgment. I I agree with you completely like he's just a dude yeah um I do feel like I mean, I know his team is small, right? And I know that like um maybe some of them even watch our content.
I know some of them do, but like not only like the way I see IT is that he made a mistake and then the people like the chain of events, like how the video eventually got uploaded, like the people involved, also like kind of failed him. So like, in a sense, that nobody was like, here, this is a mistake. Put this.
How do you not catch the other sport omelet or .
not even just that, but like the action itself, it's like if I had footage of you doing that, I would be like, hey, listen, we were .
different. Why just mean like our best friends in real life and would we treat each other that way regardless? Yeah and we are like equals in this business markets is not that way.
Well, like I don't know what the what the vibes are there, but he's definitely the boss. yeah. I I I think you know not saying if you spoke up, you're going to i'm just saying maybe the weird.
right? I just mean the best case scenario for me in the situation is that this is a big wakeup call.
I'm sure like I know for certainty st, to my knowledge he has never experienced such A I controversy and yeah, I know he's a smart dude and I know he's a well meaning guy and I I hope that like this is a good wake up call and not just with like sponsored videos like creatively I hope he's able to get in touch with like what his fans actually want and I hope that like, you know, reckless driving self like that IT never goes well. There's no upside. So I hope that is also something he does something about with his own life is like.
I mean, we're the same way, perhaps more socas we are in less places. Yeah then mark is like not post on twitter. You not posted on twitter or not on in care on tiktok. Um you're getting a very heavily curated view of a person that you follow. Everything is meticulously, for the most part, decided on what you are, what the things you're gonna and the things you're not onna see even we do that you don't know us personally because we have made IT that way. Yeah we Operate this connectivity so that word uh markets is bin is what thirteen .
years maybe maybe a little .
IT was bound to happen eventually. You know you can only create so much .
and with that much online there's A A point that right ah something .
gonna get through the net and just keep mind like he's been doing this for that long and this was like he kind of his first public actual grow up other in the panels. This was like on a moral level that I think people have an issue .
with this morally oh yeah I mean the matter of people who have experience like a loss of life from my traffic collision is crazy high .
people that have children and like now yeah so I don't want to say, you know you're overreacting and to to stop but I mean, I think it's fair to cut them some slack sometimes uh and just like it's hard to judge me on this one act, it's hard to make a judge of his character through .
this two seconds. I think there there are things that we can objectively say about this situation. He made a creative mp with the sponsored video.
Yeah that's at a touch. And he just made a literal mistake in his life with the reckless driving. I mean, everybody could do IT.
I mean, like, I drives, I love cars. I drive spirally. Sometimes I do my best to be safe.
I try to like, excuse me, like, I like to to go so fast on an on ramp to a freeway or a highway or it's like, whatever, right? There are places that you can be safe. I mean, everybody has talked.
I'm sure that there is a million different ways markets wishes he would have handled this, renting out a track, closing a road, whatever. He's got A A lot of connections and money. I'm sure there's a million different ways he could handle this. And i'm sure he knows about the yeah i'm sure he knows this Better than anybody. So regardless, made a mistake and is this is .
really unfortunate that like it's a mistake in a video where IT literally was not necessary to be in there at all, that wasn't part of the story that wasn't like it's even weirder that like there was a car video and this is a mistake that was made in a car video like, yeah one clip out of all of those yeah, i'm not surprised.
I'm surprised that didn't happen out of focus, right? Yeah exactly.
But like I don't like if you're blurring out the thing, like there are so many other activities you can do an action. Can if you're born, auth is parameter.
maybe just cut the clip? Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Like I said, if maybe he felt inspired, i'm sure he watches a lot of car youtube ers.
Car youtube is awesome. There's a lot of great creators out there. We watch one all the time, the top and he is guilty of doing similar stuff sometimes so nobody's perfect but all yeah I said really .
yeah and it's also. If you driving that fast and I must feel bad saying this but like if you're driving that fast on the road .
is problem on your first .
time on all yeah I probably knew the area and just i'm trying .
so hard to like keep I like the man made a mistake and i'm trying not to like I don't know how he would hear what i'm saying, but I don't want to beat him down further because this is not my play. I am not worse from exactly. I'm sure like he's gonna okay.
that's about IT if I just I hope he makes Better choices future and if if he ends up in legal trouble over IT and so be at I mean, you major bed you got to and IT ah I just I want the best form because I know he's a great creator and I think is a call dude that's about .
IT right for that I would just feed into IT just make a video .
you turning yourself in I think I you say he should turn heel and just like, you know, I fuck IT i'm drive a fast everyone bucks you like now we just see dark markets. I thought I miss.
I misunderstood. OK, no, good lord. Okay, last night.
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Go watch the penguin.
Oh, I okay. I see the the show on H B L I, you call HBO. It's called max. I means .
made by H I think it's literally in hb originals could be right? You have a max description. Do like, do IT tononi t do IT right now after this, after this post goes up, after you've listen to you.
here's a thing, you have thirty seconds to pitch this. Tell me why people should watch the penguin. Uh, three, two, one, go.
Ulto grounded ultra realism and for the first time. And I think I think you could put his ledger joker in this category. But other than net, maybe more so than net for the first time they have created a villa you actually root against.
You want bad man to beat him? okay. Yeah, do you go? That's really bit you got ten more seconds.
That's IT. That's IT. That's it's incredible. It's like the superos but the Better universe was good. I think you watch IT yeah I too yeah it's a very, very well written show. There are no filter episodes just .
to get that's and they're they are all an hour or they longer yeah .
I give a take OK and it's like I think there's there in talks for a season too. But when the original launch of this said was a limited series, this was going to be IT. And if you watched the attention movie batman created IT um same director right for the pension yeah that's that's really cool at least created like you know I don't know I don't know if every .
episode is directed by him but he's .
had like over yeah good if you like the batman the first movie um you like you all IT to yourself to stay in that universe and like further invest yourself because this is the this I guess you could call this is the prequel to the batman too that's cool. This will get you to the next movie and IT makes that next movie matter like ten times more than the first one because you just spent time with a evian, a criminal that you kindly dance between the season of, like humanizing him and like feeling little bit for him. OK OK this .
now you're going .
this in this show. You watch this man betray everyone around.
This is like lining up with some of your favor shows of all. Oh yeah.
Watched this villain betraying everyone around him and you you still find yourself rooting for him and then somehow some .
way he betrays you that's AA viewer .
and it's awful and IT is IT makes you so angry but not unlike all fuck the shows ruin yeah yeah yes they make you angry and way we're like, he need to get I need bad come get him so yeah go watch, go watch .
that show ch IT together .
it's so good.
Um you know you have some really good will. They have a lot of good will with me in regards to show recommendations because you almost forcibly like you must grab me by my neck. And I watched this was Better call.
So oh yeah, I tried for month. I'm happy that show was amazing. I think Better breaking bad. It's more it's like i'm later. I think, well, I think if they were too after making Better call soul, if they were too like almost remake breaking bad was like the experience of making Better counsel. I think that would make breaking Better, Better show. It's almost if we could remake the tim doc since we've now like, oh, should we did a great job and now we're doing a Better job. And I feel like that the vince illigant and .
crew could breaking bad is just a full on a general experience from beginning to end like that show does not let up on you and you are just put through IT the entire time where as Better call soul is like there are those moments, but there are also moments that you're just spending time with the character as a person. And I think that's like IT because you're doing that IT makes us bigger moments. Feel heaven ier.
exactly. I agree with you .
today and I think that's what penguin is. It's like, okay, the batman was three hours of awesome like awesome batman movie. I I love that movie but this because you have an eight episode, you get to spend more time in the world and in the universe and it's just like not the hole like I think I was on episode six where i'm like, this is fantastically written.
This is gone perfectly so far. Like I have no complaints, no pain complaints. No, no nothing. But IT was so good than your nervous game of thrones. More like the dismount. Yeah, you like land IT ah there are in episode six you know there's only two left. Like how do you get out .
of this show?
Yeah like the way you're setting this up, you're making promises that if you don't deliver, it's going to hurt at a in the .
the show now like .
game zones would be the best T V show ever made. And now I can't even think about IT in that light because of the last two seasons. Yeah, I barely want really uh, but they not only they stick the landing on the family, they surprised me. I was standing up and living with my hands on my head, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
You go watch IT. Yes, I know if you want.
Yeah, I dress as the penguin. Oh, god. And fairly is crazy. Dude is range in the prosthetics like you?
Heath ledger did .
an incredible job of making you forget that heath ledger like you're just like that is the joker. This is like because of his performance, but also because he looks nothing like colon faial. He sounds nothing like a fair.
He sounds like colon fair has like an accent yeah and he is skinny and handsome and penguin is the opposite of that. Sounds like tony final cut pro elements out two and IT sucks. Oh.
thanks for watching. Now you fucked me up. I was going to say of the god dying, I don't know. I forgot, was about penguin HBO Colin farel h. IT was called, thank you.
Um when you said season too, I don't know if this is a real thing that I D maybe just made up of my head because they look like he went to hell. I I really hope there's almost not a season to so he doesn't have to live in that prosthetic anymore. Oh, because he loves IT. Oh, really.
I thought he hate to IT. Yeah, I think so. I know that like jim Carry historically hated the grinch thing like that was he he said he was torture, like level torture. Uh, maybe Colin farel heads said something like that. Uh, I think because I also thought the same thing. But I saw after the series ended, I was watching an interview where he called liberating, like only role in his life, where he could completely shed himself because he looked like somebody else like, yeah yes so chit um final couple eleven is out there was uh, at the time of this recording I was yesterday made the day before. Not sure uh, some new A I features A I captions so now you don't have to like that's pretty cool.
Final has been really good about having extensions and plugins that you can buy and purchase that work like in conjunction with the software like IT, IT explains the capabilities and apple has started to add some of some of the things you could buy before into the thing that they just made. okay. Um none of IT as is as good as the things I ve purchased in the past. Like there are some masking capabilities and road scoping capabilities .
that named something .
else fortunate. It's good enough for tiktok.
It's probably really exciting for like may not maybe people who are making videos on like not on the scale we're out currently.
Oh yeah, it's free. Like once you purchased IT, you spent two hundred dollars on on this piece is often are IT just continues to be an incredible value that keeps delivering over and over and over again.
It's like, you know, we have a we have a really good chrome key plugin that was hundreds of dollars yeah but final cut has its own key thing and there so it's like if you wanted do IT, you can do IT yeah i'll get you like a certain percentage of the there and it's kind of like that. It's just a default way to do the thing that you could do Better if you paid more for. But having IT is Better than not having IT at all.
The AI captions are really good. I know people have been using like captioning or or like an extension plug in for that stuff, specially for tiktok. Um but that's the sort of integrated directly in that was in premier as well. But premiere is the worst. I do is the worst.
It's so funny how we can like i'm actually proud of us. We have an actually complained much about apple at all this episode but is so funny how we get so excited about non iphone stuff now oh yeah, great. Like like you're complaining about final couple eleven. It's still the best I was yeah is still like it's really fucking cool steel .
yeah that's amazing. I don't see myself switching at all. If I was ever going to double, I think I would double in devin chi because yeah just to the cause that's like the default industry standard color .
grading yeah but also the workflow for like editing is completely different and it's yes, that would be an interesting .
experiment yeah and like i'm really good to final cut. And if I if we wanted to switch, i'd take us that back for a little bit. Now there's no reason switch probably yeah I left premiere because I was frustrated with premiere. No one actually makes changes in their life just because like IT comes from frustration at some point or yeah and like with premiere, I I don't know how many O G O G viewers around to remember this.
But uh, twenty twenty one or twenty one to something like that uh, there was a stage where premiere, for some reason, just decided on every export to put in one random Green broken frame yeah remember that and I got to point where I was exporting the video like eight times and then taking those exports and then cutting together, like putting puzzle together of all the ones that were clean without agree, and then trying to let exports. IT was a god named catastrophe. Literally, IT forced me to try final cut because IT IT was terrible.
And so so i'm god, that happened what?
Uh, now we, we, we only rely on adobe for one thing.
And that's photo show. You know honestly, why has an apple come out with like a real?
It's funny you say .
that is IT no.
Yeah, oh, oh yeah.
I also also .
this week or last week, I think time is the pixel matter. Yes, I need a final. I I could be wrong, but I I think they acquired final cut.
I know they acquired logic yeah uh and I have never personally tried pixel matter. Um i'm like, very i've been photoshop is the program of been using the longest talking about story standard yeah like photoshop is. Og yeah my brain was still developing when I started using that. So like to break that would be hard.
My brain was still developing when I was pivoting photoshop cc.
ah, yeah, yeah. He was like, well, okay, so obviously we started with windows movie maker office like, everybody SONY vegas SONY dude SONY VS good man, ah, yeah. Use SONY vehicles for a long time. Lot of people .
still use SONY veg really do make IT. I watch youtube ers who still use something. Va.
oh yeah because there's like certain things in anyways if they you can see like they're certain forms and texting the drop shadow of behind text yeah it's like, yeah, premier was good while IT lasted and then IT wasn't. Yeah, photoshop i've never budgeted from. I've tried gim remember .
gim I remember .
trying that i've tried a few canvas can't .
member that .
can still around I but i've never tried pixel matter. Honestly.
I don't be Better fucking and figure IT out because if if apple comes out with an actual competitor for photoshop there.
get there, not adobe. They have really like they have trashed and tarnished to their reputation with the subscribe model o and they got away with IT because there was no competitors.
But it's I was just going to say it's actually funny that adobe uh is in the position therein with this because like in so many ways, apple like take advantage of these opportunities so often like yeah apples first to make to do certain things like the headphone jack and whatever yeah but like so often and it's like samsung, you know the photo ables, they are like they will like figure the market out.
Four, apple, like, there is clearly people at apple studying samsung. K that didn't work yeah, but that did okay. People like that don't like that. yeah. Adobe is just l after l after l and apples like keep going yeah let's keep showing us exactly what not to do.
First, there's just a giant class action lawsuit because they are subscription only. And when you sign up for any of the adobe creative sweet stuff, you. You you can choose an annual plan, but even if you don't and you choose to pay monthly, you're like signing a year contracts. So if you if you decide that you don't want to continue your subscription, you have to pay your way out. You have to you have to get yeah yeah and it's not clear and a lot of their like user agreement stuff .
and just straight .
up anti consumer yeah so they in a not great spot.
I hope that either adobe makes their shit way Better. Apple just takes advantage of the dust fire and goes here, and, you know.
either one, i'm going to come out and say.
you say, IT.
go off, king, I am a professional. We are adults. Okay, pirated photoshop is a Better experience.
Yeah, you don't anta deal with all the creative cloud. Well, IT literally IT crashes less. I don't know why it's more stable than the actual thing, but IT is more stable. It's it's more reliable. It's Better to use.
Uh, I tried that a few months ago because I I know I started using logic instead, so I didn't need I used to do be addition for a while for audio stuff. Long time. Yeah, that's gone.
Uh, prefer logic. So photoshop. P, S, the only thing that I was stuck with and IT never worked and sound like, what if I never works?
Well, I am I paying for IT, so i've got a private version that work Better, but I will be I mean, they come on again. They're allowed to do this. I'm using a party version, but they like tries to connect to a creative the servers.
And if he doesn't do that and just shut IT down for you, like if it's they're pretty good at like knowing if the software is the good. And the issue is if you're gonna parrot software, you have to commit to that. Oh yeah, every version of every adolay product using has to be pirated.
And I don't want a pirates. I don't want to be a pirate. So the only pirated photoshop and adobe audition was like the thing that was like, hey, that's not a real one.
I'm the real one, but that's not the real one. So I I pay for photoshop now it's like, I know it's like twenty box a month for just photoshop, but IT doesn't fucking work. It's always crashing. It's not reliable and it's terrible yeah twenty box every month.
It's very telling that a pirated version of the software works Better than the legit one yeah like that just that .
should be the case should not be like yeah the the only reason that photoshop er is worth paying for is the creative of cloud apart because .
no matter .
no matter what new computer I .
buy your man apples yeah they really have all the tools they need other i'm excited to see.
like, yeah, apple push a pixel matter and excited to see IT gets face turn.
I wonder what they're going. If you, if apple does follow through with this, I wonder what they gonna call IT. Because like, thank you matter what this pixel matter.
I mean, no logic was logic. No but like but those names are cool. Picture is not cool. They're going to come out with like photos plus or some show.
I don't know yeah maybe I feel like .
we have successfully how long ourselves out want and take a guest. Don't look um last .
time you look at time was an hour three minutes so I want say our forty five it's pretty .
I was impressive hour thirty nine and some change for .
someone that is always to everything. I'm pretty good at guessing durations of things somehow yeah or like what time that is in the day. okay. I think that's IT.
That's IT great podcast in my opinion. I love that a great episode. I enjoy talking to journ. I hope I enjoys talking. Hope everybody enjoyed hearing us.
You will go marial card.
I'm .
going to go .
work .
in moral ow OK see next K.