right? What do we need to make you the left? Geo rogan.
i'll fuck off. I don't want to be the left show. Rogan, you're not the first person to ask you this question this week. God, David, I mean, I have thought about this not for me because like, okay.
no no for you. I'm only interested in the answer for you so I mean.
the problem is that like I am not a particularly mainstream person. I don't have a lot of mainstream interests um I watch a lot of them. Yeah he does that. He's the host of u fc.
Like that's pretty mainstone masculine, I think which is kind of the problem to when you talk about your rogan because like he has sort of like codified a set of things that men in amErica are supposed to care about, smoking weed, watching u fc, investing encysted o being buff. You know gains I don't have gains. Um I I can get .
you games.
My body type looks like doctor robotic from song of the hejazi very long legs and a very short torso and kind of .
a big belly so now I don't.
I .
don't want.
It's spent a week and change since the red wave. And every time I go on ryan twitter as he is arguing about dumb democratic s so today I thought we do a little bonus about what games are panicking about and what we think they should actually be panicking about. I am reserving pentagram producer and joining me today.
Everyone knows him as the joe rock of the left. Ryan b. Ryan, welcome to you show.
I don't know about that entry. I think, I think I hope the producer changed that entry later.
You're doing a great job already becoming geo and by hitting my .
I just OK I know so so yeah I think you have to start with who like what is joe rogan that that is the first, that is the first thing like democrats are convinced the joe rogan is this political mastermind, this like sangoa of american males activating the right wing fantasies. And that just not really true. I mean.
we will get there. I think all the our listeners know this. I wish just putting that question in the park with you. Where I really want to start is why did you think kalo would win?
There is a brief moment in August I remember where I was. I was on an amtrack train, uh, going on vacation, going off to vacation. And SHE had had that a particularly aggressive week.
Tim walls was in brat was relevant still, and felt cool. SHE had this massive war chest. I think swifty had just mobilized for her White dudes for Harris was like red around the corner that had happened already.
IT was this moment where I just felt good. I felt really good. And I look back on IT now, and I sort of realized that I may have been microtargeting for a milena nostalgia.
And IT was blinding me, but I felt really good. I felt like he had all the pieces. SHE was aggressive. Her internet game was strong. Her ground game seems strong, and people seem ready to move on from trump.
And I even like to her sort of slogan, like we can go back or whatever, like the whole thing felt right to me. And then IT showered pretty quickly. But that one got a couple weeks in August, felt really strong.
So I was, uh, I immediately accepted that her strategy is appealing to only White ladies was the only thing that could win. I now have my coping theory as to why SHE also epic. But before I share, I wanted hear yours.
Why SHE lost?
Why do you think you were wrong?
So I definitely think I was blinded by millennia astoria having to mls be a dream cassy like, really fucked up my radar, because I am a dream last guy. I have one in my apartment. I don't like crazy taxi.
I think it's actually a horrible game, but I like jack ran radio. I like, I like dream casi think he was ahead of its time. We can talk all you want about the vmu, the virtual memory unit that you could play with little video games on, say, sound of adventure too. Like, you know, we can go down the ravitch le.
but I wish we were talking about push.
I mean, like ten walls use american football and other tiktok OS like the bank by 啊 IT was really hitting me hard。 The major reason, though, I think they lost is quite simple, which is that coma had a very fuzzy platform actually like done to my head. I don't think I can really tell you what he cared about other than owning a gun and cooking.
I think he likes cooking and dancing. The other problem is that the democrats have what they one politician this week referred to was a high income base, and they didn't seem particularly interested in alienating that high income base. In fact, come on, Harris.
I think her brother in law is the chief legal officer for uber, who, according to one story I was reading this week, was advising her to be softer on big business to coke ceos to their side, like just typical democrat clowns, shit, that I think really muddled their messaging, which was vague and strange. And you, I think there is this idea that they could obama and be like, I want to be turning, turning, turning forever into the future kind of thing. And they didn't define the future.
They just said that we were gonna one and puts up again, sure, but they didn't really say what I was going to be. Meanwhile, trump is at ralls in his little like anti assets and cube being very clear about certain things. Obviously, he's like ranting and raving about sharks, a haniel sector and stuff.
But he is very clear about several things, which, you know, i'm gonna a make you never have to pay taxes again, and i'm going to deport every immigrant you don't like. And maybe i'll keep the immigrants you do like. And americans, I just think after four years of biden were tired, they were uninformed. They didn't like the democrats because they couldn't really understand what the democrats had done for them. And the symbolist message one.
do you think he ran a Better campaign than Hillary?
That's a great question. Actually SHE didn't say hawk two are the polls. So that is one a point on hers on commons side that .
the I think I was a the place I think IT was .
definitely IT was a savior campaign. I think IT was IT was IT was a savior campaign for a political error that no longer exists. In fact, if you took comly harses campaign in twenty twenty four and you time traveled back to twenty twenty sixteen and you time travel back to twenty sixteen and you did IT, then I would have be in trump .
then exactly. That's that's so I thought he ran the heart limit up my theory of eld. yeah.
I think you are in the most competing campaign against trump we've seen. And I think in either twenty sixteen or twenty twenty, that would have been an a landside. But when you're representing the incoming, that doesn't hit the same way. So if I was to distill IT down, I think it's about vision.
A my theory is that campaigns win when they offer alternative and vision and the longer went on the more was like she's not about anything just like you were saying the right vision, they always know IT it's it's fear mongering. It's fear among gering in taxes. So like you know what IT was a about? And I think when the left lacks vision um that is believable and actually feels like it's meeting in the moment that when people want to go well, maybe we just support them all.
My life will be Better if you don't give people an adequate vision to feel good about. Then they were looking for an enemy to blame. And like broad strokes, think like no one has drop security. No one feels really like, like no one's buying a house, like the lack of vision. But things are gonna Better. Just felt real, felt not enough, considering that there that he hangs s out with a bunch of uber cee s and SHE doesn't really know that people are like I don't think i'm gonna able to for naked. Well.
okay. So there's like one macro trend that I think you have to sort of mention in these conversations, which you're kind of swiping at, which is that not one in combat politician in at any democracy on earth, one reelection in twenty four. And when I had read that start, IT reminded me a lot of this should not come as a surprise to anyone who's ever a garbage day.
Listen to any music i've ever scored for any of our projects are seen a garbage day life show. But i'm a big fan of the documentarian adam curtis out of the U. K.
You should go out typer Normalization, his three hour horrifying documentary about the birth of the twenty first century, anywhere you can find IT. He hammers this idea quite often, which is that at the end of history, in the late nineties, the sort of post world to status quo started to move into managers. Tony blair is the example he uses as this sort of like status manager at the end of history.
Bill clinton is another fantastic example. Or what it's like, we are done. The conflicts of the twenty eighth century are over, and we are just going to manage until the sun burns out.
And I think the biggest takeaway of this year's election cycle, which was the most amount of elections in one year ever, I believe the biggest takeaway for me is that the new liberal manager erie concept is not working IT IT cannot IT cannot hold IT could have never worked, but it's certainly cannot hold. now. People are mad and anyone who has power.
In fact, if you want a really example of this, you should just go look at all the prime ministers that have been elected and then kicked out of office in the U. K. Since the beginning of the brand era.
These manager, erik politicians, one of which is definitely common hair, is definitely biden bitange whole strategy was quietly managing the country while doing small fixes and never sort of addressing the root problems. These, this style of politician cannot win elections now, and possibly never again, or at least for several generations. It's over.
And so with that in mind, it's not surprising the democrats lost if they had run like, you know, the dominic liberal psychopath gave a newsmax california like maybe they were to one. But clearly, people want something different. They don't want a steady hand. They want, they want change whatever IT looks like for them.
And so I think we were seeing online and we're seeing is the entire democratic party coming to terms with that and facing problem in having a new and exciting conversation. Would the APP what you say you've experienced the past?
There's this thing that always happens, which is that instead of dealing with the thing that you should be dealing with and thinking about the problems that you should be, think about, democrat in particular, like to go for the thing is the easiest to look at, which is typically the media, right?
So instead of like recording with very real structural problems in their political platform, they are going like, we need to joe rogan, because clearly that's gna fix IT and IT drives me up a god dian wall, because joe rogan did not win the election for trump. I am going to guarantee you that ninety percent of jo rogan's audience knew who they are voting before trump came on that episode. No question ran.
I see that you already annoyed, and i'd like to make the stay worthy. So can I interest in the chat column? And I I would like you to pull up these tweet in order.
This is from user of painters. Hurts good. And IT reads, oh, this this fucking thing, yeah. So IT reads, let's not pretend the angry video game near's hateful rhetta c and crude language wasn't responsible for corrupting a generation of Young people.
And I believe my buddy gene park over the washington post had a really good report to this, which was like. We have already found the south park is radical zing Young men of the twenty twenty years. So for people who are not going to know the angry video gaming nerd is like a horrible youtube r that success.
You should go watch danel since short documentary about the angry river, the game net, if you want to go deeper down that rabid hole. This is not anything like this is like, this is a roll, right? I mean, they're called, paying us hurts.
yeah. No, this is a roll. This has to be a tool.
I like that you who is very good at spotting tools was too angry till this moment. Um what was not a rol was the IT was deleted because the person was getting rrh iod. But there was the democrats just like it's a shame that theyve to deals. Ignorant people tweet. Do you do you talking?
I yelled .
them about this.
Yes, yes. Can you use .
some rice? Yes, I definitely RAID yes.
I forget IT was IT doesn't matter. Um they were claiming that there wasn't a messaging problem on the democratic side, but they were saying that. Voters were ignorant of what the democrats we're running on. Now I was briefly in english major in college. So like, I know what words mean.
And I would say that if your job is message to people and the people that you want want a message to are ignorant in your bad messaging, because that's the whole game, right? Like that's IT. If you run a newspaper and your readers are uninformed, you run a bad newspaper.
So if you have a political party and your message people in the ignorant and they stay ignorant, then you bad a message. And this is like a thing that he's come around a lot where the democrats really of the media environment is bad right now. It's like, yes, IT is IT is very Better right now.
And in fact, I can hear a stat that I was looking at this morning for a piece that I was working on. Almost all of the top posts about the election on facebook in the lead up to the election were pro haris. The act blue donation page was the single most viral interact with third party link on facebook for elastic months.
The top publisher on face by leading up to the election last month was the new york times. We are not in a in a like like twitter, yes, is controlled by like a psychopathy networks for Donald trump. But like twitter doesn't drive traffic.
No one's on twitter. IT doesn't really matter. The actual people, the actual voters were looking at very basic stuff on facebook and largely supportive of common Harris.
Now that could mean that facebook is just like not in touch with like the culture of amErica anymore possible. But this is not like a totally extraordinary thing to do with, yes, the media environment is fractured. Sure, by that's their job.
They had a billion dollars instead of throwing, instead of paying a million dollars for like Opera to come to a concert, they could have just set up a website and blasted an email as or they like they could have give me, you could bought and had a garbage if they wanted. Like like there's a million things you could have done with a billion dollars and they didn't do any of IT. So like I don't have a lot of sympathy for the messaging is hard in a fractured online media and environment because like with a billion dollars, you could have just build a new media environment like are you are you crazy?
Next election will just make this apology run by the dnc. They can give us one percent of that of that money, and we can create another media environment.
A great strategy. I I spoke to democratic strategies about these, these issues. I like, do they pay you? No, they didn't pay me. But like and also like, I wanna taken IT, but I if you want to say that democrats are out of touch and like they are, but the biggest way that are out of touch is their total misunderstanding of what IT takes to campaign in twenty twenty four from a media standpoint like the donal trump dark social. But like campaign was so aggressive, their text game was out of control.
They were find that they pretty much ignorant tiktok, which I think is correct, because tiktok has almost no impact unlike the world, is like has an impact on how we see the world, which like can have downstream effects. sure. But like their major thing was manos here podcast and an aggressive texting.
Why do you think the trump campaign in twenty sixteen? I don't know about twenty, twenty, but definitely here seems to just be a step ahead. I mean, because because cella basically try to do trump twenty sixteen strategy of extreme social spending. And as I got that, where that spending money on social was like, you know, kind of everyone reaction, why like why do you think that their prime to be a step ahead?
I think one thing is that by going through twenty sixteen, the republicans realized that they can throw you at the wall and see if it's sticks. And they're much Better about creating an an environment where they can sort of like all experiment and then see what rises.
So they know you can have that a guy like daus vault fourteen and eighty eight being like, I think flour turns you trans and then a republican attack like retweet IT and be like interesting looking into this. And then if enough people retreated, they like, I guess we're looking into this. They have sort of completely structured their political party to very intensely listen to signals that they're getting online, where the democrats are not like that.
They worth even like that during the first obama election because I I went back recently just to see what they were doing. And like they had a myspace. They had the hope poster.
I think I think obama did an ama on red in two thousand eleven, but IT wasn't like they were full viral all the time. And also, the variable of like, ten years goes totally different than IT is now. So like republicans are much more comfortable.
And this is why they are constant lying, constant making stuff up and constancy saying stuff that is making any sense because they don't really care. They're just trying to see what they can like. Once again, Steve know Steve band's timeless quote, flood the zone was shit, that that's all they trying to do.
Okay, if you wanted check out the rest of the conversation, you can head over to a patron at patron don slash panic and uh, just to give you a heads up in the next portion of the conversation, right, gives you all the answers you need, not just about what the democrats need to do and what wrong in the election, but all of the answers you personally need.
So for five dollars, at patrona comes last panic road, you can get all the answers you need. All right, please give us five dollars. Thank you.