Today we discuss how to start defining your ideal avatar: that ONE perfect listener whose life you would change by them hearing your content. We dive into their demographics, their struggles, their fears, their desires, and how your podcast will move them from their current situation to their desired situation. We also discuss how to research and confirm who your ideal avatar is for your podcast. We will cover where to find your ideal avatar, how to discover more information about them, what the best tools are to research them, and what market questions to ask when interviewing your ideal avatar. In this course you’ll learn to how to successfully make, market, & monetize your first podcast and how to use that podcast to attract your ideal listener, share your story, and help hundreds with your message.
Future episodes will address three distinct topics related to podcasting: making, marketing, and monetizing. Each day will have a short 5-20 minute audio with actionable steps to help you get your podcast out to the world.
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