cover of episode Tom Luongo on the Promise of Bitcoin

Tom Luongo on the Promise of Bitcoin

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The Bitcoin Matrix

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Tom Luongo
@Tom Luongo : 我认为只有个人才能足够了解自己的生活,才能有希望为自己做出正确的决定,任何指导或中央计划都无法帮助这个过程。 我认为舒适的狼们(指那些对现状感到满意的人)在选举中大规模投票,并且华尔街的力量也确保了选举的公平性。 我们虽然没有完全脱离危险,但我们有机会去梦想,保持乐观积极的心态很重要。 当前的金融和政治体系正在崩溃,而那些构建并从中获利的人会不惜一切代价阻止其以对他们不利的方式崩溃。 即使某些人有不可告人的动机,但如果他们正在做对我们有利的事情,我们也应该暂时信任他们。 我们不应该放松警惕,但我们必须赢得这一轮斗争,这需要那些了解现有系统运作方式的人的参与。 胜利意味着改变生产结构,将资本流向低阶商品的生产,而不是过度投资于无用的东西。 我们需要通过减少杠杆来改变生产结构,将投资从无用的东西转向有用的东西。 特朗普政府面临的挑战是持久地改变生产结构,将海外资本回流国内。 许多评论员习惯于失败,而我们应该专注于胜利。 我担心拜登政府可能通过制造战争升级来试图阻止特朗普上任。 如果普京不升级冲突,他们可能会策划一场假旗行动来达到战争升级的目的。 如果特朗普政府大幅削减政府开支,将会对美元流动产生根本性的影响,并可能导致通货紧缩和社会动荡。 美联储可能会大幅降息以恢复正常的收益率曲线。 如果特朗普上任,他的政府可能会采取破坏性措施来试图破坏经济,以达到政治目的。 我认为试图制造社会动乱的势力正在失败。 许多人因为社会压力而不敢表达自己的真实想法,直到他们看到情况可能发生根本性变化。 我不认为特朗普会面临更多的暗杀企图,如果他们要对他下手,可能会在总统任期的头一百天内进行。 区块链技术可以用来验证真实信息,并区分真实信息和虚假信息。 我对比特币持不可知论的态度,我认为它是一个伟大的工具,但我们不知道它的技术发展方向和最终结果。 一场严重的经济衰退或萧条是有可能的,这可能会给特朗普政府带来压力,也可能导致社会动荡。 我们可以通过有效的财政管理来应对可能的经济衰退,减少政府未来需要承担的债务。 我们可以通过改变财政支出方式来提高财富创造效率。 比特币的承诺在于它是一种硬资产货币体系,改变了我们当前的运作方式。 比特币最好作为基础货币,而不是交易媒介。 美联储内部存在不同的派系,一部分人反对加密货币,一部分人则将其视为战略资产。 消除围绕比特币的不确定性将促进投资。 可以通过对美联储进行再资本化来帮助美国经济复苏。 美联储已经通过Tether间接地将比特币纳入其资产负债表。 目前不应该立即废除美联储,而应该利用它来达到我们的目的。 废除美联储的正确步骤是首先削弱其他对其不利的中央银行,然后逐步改革美联储。 解决美国经济问题的关键在于改革财政体系,而不是仅仅废除美联储。 特朗普政府应该对那些违反规则的人追究责任,以确保公平公正。 许多针对美国的行动是为了阻止美联储削弱全球美元市场。 美国的分裂对经济和国家安全构成威胁。 我认为特朗普政府的成功部分归功于一些意外因素和来自各方的力量。 每个人都应该进行投资组合多元化,不要把所有的鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里。 我们需要既有理性又有疯狂的元素才能取得突破性的成就。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Tom Luongo believe the Federal Reserve should not be ended immediately?

Tom Luongo argues that ending the Federal Reserve immediately would lead to financial chaos. The Fed controls the most powerful currency in the world, and abruptly ending it would disrupt global financial systems, including trillions of dollars in covenants and assets. Instead, he suggests reforming the Fed by shrinking its power and returning to a system where regional banks compete for capital, which would allow for a more natural transition.

How does Tom Luongo view the role of Bitcoin in the future of the financial system?

Tom Luongo sees Bitcoin as a strategic asset that can serve as collateral in the financial system. He believes Bitcoin is better suited as base money, similar to gold, rather than a medium of exchange. He argues that Bitcoin's role as collateral can help stabilize the financial system and provide a foundation for a more durable monetary system.

What does Tom Luongo think about the potential for a recession or depression in the near future?

Tom Luongo acknowledges the possibility of a recession or depression, especially with potential cuts to government spending. He believes such an event could lead to deflationary pressures and social unrest. However, he also sees it as an opportunity to restructure the economy and shift investment towards more productive sectors like infrastructure and manufacturing.

Why does Tom Luongo believe the British and European powers are trying to start World War III?

Tom Luongo argues that British and European powers are attempting to start World War III to collapse the existing financial system and maintain control over global resources. He believes they are using conflicts in Ukraine, Syria, and other regions to escalate tensions and create a scenario where they can reset the global financial order in their favor.

What is Tom Luongo's opinion on the Federal Reserve's potential use of Bitcoin on its balance sheet?

Tom Luongo believes that the Federal Reserve could eventually include Bitcoin on its balance sheet as a strategic asset. He argues that Bitcoin, like gold, could serve as a form of collateral to stabilize the financial system. He sees this as a step towards a hybrid monetary system that combines traditional fiat currency with hard assets like Bitcoin and gold.

This chapter analyzes the political climate before and after the election, focusing on different groups' reactions and the surprising outcome. It explores the author's shift from pessimism to cautious optimism.
  • Post-election analysis of different political groups
  • Shift in author's outlook from pessimism to optimism
  • Unexpected election results

Shownotes Transcript

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Luongo to discuss if the current financial system can survive without Bitcoin. 

We also get into what Tom thinks about ending the federal reserve immediately, the odds that trump can make it to inauguration day alive, and of course we cover how Tom thinks all the different markets will perform during all of this.

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