cover of episode Tom Luongo: Can The Current Financial System Survive Without Bitcoin?

Tom Luongo: Can The Current Financial System Survive Without Bitcoin?

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Tom Luongo
@Tom Luongo : 我认为当前的金融体系正面临崩溃,而比特币的出现为其提供了新的可能性。虽然我不确定特朗普能否在就职典礼上活着出现,但我认为,如果他能成功上任,他将采取措施来改革美联储,并改变全球资本流动方向,这将对各种市场产生深远的影响。 我认为,在当前的体系下,我们必须利用美联储的力量,而不是试图立即废除它。通过一系列操作,我们可以削弱其他对我们不利的中央银行,从而改变全球资本流动,最终使美联储为我们所用。这将需要一个长期的战略,而不是简单的革命性措施。 我坚信,我们必须赢得这场关于未来货币的战争。这不仅关乎货币的价值,更关乎货币作为维护权力工具的用途。这场战争的核心是控制全球资本流动,而这需要我们采取强硬措施,而不是一味妥协。 我并不认为我们应该对未来过于乐观,但我们也绝不能悲观。我们需要保持警惕,同时也要保持希望。我们必须认识到,我们的对手正在竭尽全力阻止我们,但我们也拥有强大的力量来对抗他们。 关于比特币,我认为它在未来将扮演重要的角色,但它目前更适合作为抵押品,而不是流通媒介。我们应该利用比特币的优势,同时也要认识到它的局限性。 @Cedric Youngelman : 我对当前的局势持谨慎乐观的态度。虽然我仍然保持警惕,但我对未来充满希望,这很大程度上源于与Tom Luongo的讨论。我们探讨了地缘政治、经济形势以及比特币在其中所扮演的角色。Tom Luongo的分析框架帮助我更好地理解了当前的复杂局面,并对未来的发展方向有了更清晰的认识。 我特别关注的是全球资本流动以及中央银行之间的博弈。Tom Luongo的观点,即利用美联储的力量来改变全球资本流动方向,而不是简单地废除它,给我留下了深刻的印象。这需要一个长期的战略,需要我们谨慎地采取行动,并充分利用我们所拥有的资源。 此外,我们还讨论了比特币在未来可能扮演的角色,以及潜在的风险和机遇。Tom Luongo的观点,即比特币更适合作为抵押品,而不是流通媒介,让我对比特币的未来有了更全面的认识。 总的来说,这次对话让我对未来充满了希望,也让我更加坚定了我们为自由和公平而奋斗的决心。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Can the current financial system survive without Bitcoin?

The current financial system is collapsing, and those in power will go to great lengths to prevent its demise on unfavorable terms. They will likely attempt to manipulate us into accepting their continued rule, even threatening thermonuclear war. However, powerful figures are working to prevent World War III. Bitcoin's role is as a bearer bond of the 21st century, serving as collateral for a real monetary system based on property rights, rather than a medium of exchange.

What happened in the recent election?

The "comfortable wolves" of Wall Street and other powerful figures intervened to ensure the election wasn't stolen at the presidential level. Deals may have been made behind the scenes between Trump and Biden. While some down-ballot races may have been manipulated, the presidential outcome suggests a rejection of those trying to escalate toward World War III.

What is the current state of the "comfortable wolves"?

The "comfortable wolves" became uncomfortable and voted in a way that prevented the election from being stolen. Powerful figures on Wall Street also exerted influence to ensure a fair outcome. This suggests a recognition that maintaining the existing power structure requires some concessions to the will of the people.

What does "winning" look like in the current financial and political climate?

Winning means shifting the focus of capital flow down the production stack toward essential goods and services. It involves reversing the overinvestment in non-essential items and unproductive sectors, fueled by a manipulated monetary system and administrative state. This requires changing the structure of production and bringing investment capital back to domestic priorities.

What are the next 50 days likely to hold?

The next 50 days leading up to the inauguration will likely see attempts to prevent Trump from taking office. This may involve escalating tensions with Russia, possibly through a staged false flag operation, to create a pretext for war and justify delaying or canceling the transition of power. Financial markets will likely be manipulated to support these efforts.

What is the likelihood of Trump not taking office on January 20th?

While not certain, there is a possibility Trump won't take office. A potential scenario involves escalating the conflict in Ukraine, potentially through a false flag operation blamed on Russia, leading to the 25th Amendment being invoked against Biden. Kamala Harris would then become president and potentially use the ensuing crisis to justify delaying or canceling the inauguration.

What is the role of Tether in the current financial landscape?

Tether serves as a liquidity agent for Bitcoin, allowing it to trade against a stable asset and minimizing volatility. It may have been initially flawed but is now likely blessed by the Fed, serving as a tool to manage capital flows and treasury demands. Its market cap increases in response to rising Bitcoin prices, suggesting a link to treasury purchases.

Why shouldn't we end the Fed?

Ending the Fed would be disastrous. It would remove the US's control over the world's most powerful currency and financial institution, leaving the country vulnerable to manipulation by hostile foreign powers. It would also disrupt trillions of dollars in agreements and assets valued based on the current system. Reforming the Fed, not ending it, is the prudent approach.

What is the significance of SOFR?

SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) represents a shift away from the manipulated LIBOR system, allowing markets to bid for money and weakening the eurodollar system. This gives the US more control over its monetary policy and reduces the influence of hostile foreign powers.

This chapter introduces Tom Luongo, covering his diverse background, from research chemist to anarcho-libertarian economist and his unique perspective on the current economic and political climate.
  • Former research chemist and amateur dairy goat farmer.
  • Anarcho-libertarian and obstreperous Austrian economist.
  • Owner and publisher of Gold, Goats, and Guns.
  • Believes individuals are the only ones who can make the right decisions for themselves.

Shownotes Transcript

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Luongo to discuss if the current financial system can survive without Bitcoin. 

We also get into what Tom thinks about ending the federal reserve immediately, the odds that trump can make it to inauguration day alive, and of course we cover how Tom thinks all the different markets will perform during all of this.

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