cover of episode Tom Luongo: Bitcoin - The Savior of Our Financial Future?

Tom Luongo: Bitcoin - The Savior of Our Financial Future?

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#blockchain and cryptocurrency#political conspiracy theories#geopolitical conflict People
Tom Luongo
@Tom Luongo : 我认为当前的金融体系正在崩溃,那些构建并从中获利的人可能会不择手段阻止其崩溃。他们可能会试图通过制造国际冲突,甚至假旗行动来达到目的,以转移公众注意力并维持其权力。然而,我相信存在一股强大的力量在阻止他们,并且我们有机会去梦想,保持乐观,积极地改变现状。我们应该抓住这个机会,改变资本流动方向,将投资从无用的领域转向生产必需品领域。这需要我们与那些了解现有系统运作方式的人合作,即使他们可能有不可告人的动机。最终,胜利意味着改变资本流动方向,将投资从对坏想法的过度投资转向生产必需品。这将需要时间和努力,但这是值得的。我们必须赢得这一轮斗争,并阻止那些试图通过各种手段来控制全球资本流动的人。我们需要保持警惕,但同时也要保持乐观,因为我们正在取得进展。 @Cedric Youngelman : (作为访谈者,Cedric Youngelman 主要提出问题,引导讨论方向,并未表达自身的核心论点。其问题涵盖了对当前政治局势、经济走势以及比特币未来发展方向的担忧和疑问,并促使Tom Luongo 对其进行深入解释和分析。)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Tom Luongo believe the current financial system cannot survive without Bitcoin?

Luongo argues Bitcoin is essential because it offers a decentralized, transparent alternative to the existing system, which he views as corrupt and controlled by a select few. He sees Bitcoin as a tool to break free from this control and shift power back to individuals.

What is Tom Luongo's opinion on immediately ending the Federal Reserve?

Luongo believes immediately ending the Fed is a dangerous idea. He argues it would cause catastrophic deflation, disrupt global agreements and financial markets, and empower those who control offshore dollars. He advocates for reforming the Fed, not abolishing it.

What are Tom Luongo's thoughts on the odds of Trump surviving until inauguration day?

While acknowledging potential threats, Luongo believes Trump's current strategy of remaining at Mar-a-Lago enhances his security. He suggests further attempts are more likely after inauguration, during which Trump's public engagements will increase. Luongo also believes a "divine intervention" occurred during the previous assassination attempt.

How does Tom Luongo think different markets will perform during the current political and economic climate?

Luongo predicts a deflationary wave due to government spending cuts, impacting bond yields and the dollar. He foresees a potential recession, but also an investment cycle in infrastructure and essential goods. He anticipates Powell cutting interest rates to restore a normal yield curve and encourage lending.

Why does Tom Luongo believe capital flows are so important?

Luongo emphasizes how capital flows are central to the ongoing "central banking war." He argues manipulating these flows allows for control over wealth and power. He believes reversing globalist control over these flows is key to restoring American prosperity.

What is Tom Luongo's perspective on the "comfortable wolves" and their actions?

Luongo believes the "comfortable wolves," including Wall Street and established political figures, acted to prevent election theft and maintain their positions of power. He suggests deals were made behind the scenes to ensure a specific outcome.

Does Tom Luongo believe the United States should make use of Bitcoin?

Yes, Luongo argues that Bitcoin should be treated as a strategic asset, similar to gold. He suggests using Bitcoin reserves to back loans and stabilize the treasury market. He also believes the US is already using Bitcoin indirectly through Tether to manage dollar flows and liquidity in the repo market.

What is Tom Luongo's response to the idea of the U.S. seceding?

Luongo vehemently opposes secession, arguing it would cripple the U.S. economy, leaving the productive states burdened with debt while the wealthy elite retain their assets. He views secession as a strategy to further weaken the United States.

What is Tom Luongo's opinion on Trump enacting retribution against his political opponents?

While not explicitly advocating for revenge, Luongo believes holding those responsible for illegal actions during COVID and political lawfare accountable is crucial for justice and restoring faith in the system. He highlights the importance of equal application of rules.

Why does Tom Luongo recommend Bitcoiners own some gold?

Luongo encourages Bitcoiners to diversify their holdings with gold and other assets, emphasizing the importance of hedging bets and acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the future. He also suggests physically holding gold allows for a deeper understanding of its historical significance and tangible value.

This chapter introduces Tom Luongo, highlighting his diverse background, from research chemist to anarcho-libertarian economist and his current work connecting geopolitics and investments. His libertarian views and distrust of large organizations are emphasized.
  • Former research chemist and amateur dairy goat farmer
  • Anarcho-libertarian and obstreperous Austrian economist
  • Owner and publisher of Gold, Goats, and Guns
  • Believes individuals are the only ones who can make the right decisions for themselves

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, this is Cedric Youngelman, your host of the Bitcoin Matrix podcast. Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Luongo to discuss that the current financial system can survive without Bitcoin. We also get into what Tom thinks about ending the Federal Reserve immediately, the odds that Trump can even make it to Inauguration Day alive. And of course, we cover how Tom thinks all the different markets will perform during all of this.

Please like and subscribe to the Bitcoin Matrix podcast and make sure to check out our new website,, where you can sign up for our upcoming newsletter, make guest suggestions and leave feedback. And now let's enter the Bitcoin Matrix with our good friend, Tom Luongo. What is real? How do you define real? You can't jump into cash. Cash is trash. What do you do? You get out.

Tom Luongo is a former research chemist, amateur dairy goat farmer, anarcho-libertarian and obstreperous Austrian economist, whose work can be found on sites like Zero Hedge,, Bitcoin Magazine and Newsmax Media. Tom has a fantastic wife of 30 years and a teenage daughter, both of whom humble him with affection and respect he feels is now only mostly undeserved.

Professionally, Tom has spent a lot of his waking hours inside various analytic laboratories testing your water and soil for contaminants or in university research assessing how you process arsenic, where it is found and how to get rid of it. He's watched an entire industry be created by government fiat and destroyed in the same manner.

He ran for Florida House once and got 2.7% of the vote on Guy Fawkes Day. He's since grown up a lot. Tom then spent five plus years solving the puzzle of an electroless nickel baron coating that is intriguing wear resistance properties. Too bad the coating was better than the company's business model.

After that imploded, he spent a couple of years as someone else, ghostwriting more opinions on stocks and markets than any one person should have in a handful of lifetimes. The pay sucked, so quantity, folks, was key. Today, Tom Luongo is the owner and publisher of Gold, Goats, and Guns, where he attempts to connect the false narratives of geopolitics to viable long-term investment theses. As for politics, Tom believes that, and I quote,

Individuals are the only people with enough knowledge about their own lives to have a hope of making the right decisions for themselves and no amount of guidance or central planning can help that process along." He also thinks that all interactions between people should be peaceful and voluntary, free from the coercive power of the state in all its guises. Tom built the house he lives in. In short, he's a libertarian who distrusts all human organizations larger than a two-handed game of poker.

Tom loves hockey, his family, the art of drumming, board games of all kinds, a logically consistent argument, and the beauty of spontaneous order. Not necessarily in that order. And he owns a few guns. Finally, Tom feels it's time to get serious about collapsing institutions.

Therefore, he's long guillotined, rope makers, and led futures. Tom Luongo, head sneetch. Welcome back to the Bitcoin Matrix podcast for the fourth time, sir. How are you? I am good, Cedric. And it's really funny when you read back that intro that I saw on my website. It's actually the profile I wrote on my website. And I appreciate you reading that because at times it almost feels like you didn't update it. But most of it's still, you know, it's all true. It's whether or not it's all true.

kind of current to the way I see the world because so I it's good to see you it's good to it's good to be back and I appreciate you reaching out to me to do this again yeah I love chatting with you we had dinner a few weeks ago and we're gonna have a holiday meal coming up soon at a local steakhouse and

You've been on the show three times already. I think these are important to note. I think people should go back to listen to them again or at least once if they haven't heard them. On episode 120 in August 2022, Bitcoin, gold, goats and guns. In July of 2023, we talked about the myth of America. And in March of this year, we talked about your piece, The Counter-Revolution, Comfortable Wolves, Nuts and Sluts.

And, you know, maybe that's a good place to start, you know, if anywhere is, you know, where are the comfortable wolves today or what's the temperature check maybe for the wolves around the country? You know, I think there's a couple of events to highlight, you know, but I'll let you kick it off from there.

Well, it's interesting. When we had dinner a few weeks ago, Cedric, it was funny, you know, sitting around the table with the various people who were there. I'm not going to name names or anything. It's fine. And what was interesting was that it was clearly, I think at that moment in time, it was just before the election, a couple of weeks before the election. I think you were probably the most black billed of the people at the dinner table. And I, at a point during dinner, I'm like, you know, I think it's my, my, my, my, my solemn duty.

to try to help Cedric along here, that things aren't quite as bad as they, you may perceive them to be. Not to say that being cynical and being blackmailed at that moment in time wasn't, wasn't, I don't know, the, a, a,

a good position to take, right? It's not that I had any real fundamental problems with it because depending on the day of the week at that point, I might have actually agreed with you about everything. Cause I was literally, I talked about this a lot. I was like going back and forth from stem to stern, you know, almost feeling bipolar about all of this. I'd wake up on a Monday and I'm like, everything's gonna be fine. I wake up on Tuesday and I'm like, I see some other headline. I'm like, Holy shit, the whole fucking world's going to add. Right. So, um,

So you caught me on a good day, like trying to be at least reasonably optimistic about what was going to happen with the election and everything else. I think the comfortable wolves decided they were uncomfortable and they came out in droves.

And they voted properly. And then another layer of comfortable wolves, I would say very comfortable wolves, and these would be the wolves of Wall Street, made their presence felt behind the scenes to ensure that the now uncomfortable beta wolves, whatever you want to call it, the members of the pack, these are the alpha wolves,

Finally said, you know what? No, these people have to, we have to give them their due because otherwise there's not going to be a pack for us to lead later if we want to continue to extend that metaphor. So something happened clearly behind the scenes, be it a deal was cut between Trump and Biden or something, but somebody or some bodies ensured that the election couldn't be stolen.

at least at the presidential level. Now we can talk about the down ballot vote. We can talk about, you know, I think they've stolen at least three Senate seats and probably a handful, if not a half a dozen or more house seats and whatnot. That's where they, you know, that's where they're still counting half of these fricking things and playing this game. And they're still trying to push the, the, the popular vote. You know, you're trying to push Trump under 50% of the popular votes. So they have something to keep their, their troops safe.

you know, their spirits up so that if they do want to create a rent-a-mob and send them into Washington, D.C. on January 6th to, you know, get rid of the evil Trump and Fuhrer, well, you know, they can still do that if they need to. Clearly, I think what's happening now is that we're dealing with some very, very evil people trying to, you know, effectively, I wouldn't say memus in the World War III, but certainly escalate

um, things into that scenario. And this, again, this was something that you and I talked about at dinner that night, like not to say that that wouldn't be their end, their, their end move, but then you have to trust the kind of that there were other people also operating to stop that from happening. I think that's a, I think if you really look through all of the, the, if you really piece through like all of the little bits of information and all the little tells that are out there, that's clearly what's going on just behind the headlines.

that there are very powerful people trying to start World War III and there are very powerful people trying to stop it. And, you know, we'll see what happens because, you know, at the end of the day, no one really wants it. What they want is to blackmail us into accepting it, into accepting their continued rule. And they're threatening us with thermonuclear war again with this shit. And you and I are both of the generation that, you know,

have to you know grew up with this i was i was flipping through my twitter feed earlier and a friend of mine sent me a picture he's like dude i just bought a a gen x bomb shelter and it was a picture of a you know of a desk from you know our elementary schools you know or where we all had to like hide under the desk you know duck and cover which we did that shit when i was a kid it was it was ridiculous so but there it is yeah i remember being at that dinner and

I remember very clearly you were like, you need to talk to your therapist. You were way too blackpilled. And I was. I had a very doom and gloom attitude. I'm way more optimistic now than I was then. And everything you said at that dinner has really played out in Lime and the framework that you outlined while we spoke. I'm kind of curious. I still have my guard up, though.

And I'm kind of wondering what kind of moment do you think we're in? It does feel way more optimistic. You know, do we, you know, is this a chance to dream now? Are we in the clear? No, we're not in the clear. We have an opportunity. We should dream. Never stop dreaming.

Because if you don't have... You have to remain somewhat positive. Because I do... I'm not a particularly spiritual kind of guy. I mean, really not. But at the end of the day, if you don't put positive...

crap out into the universe if you don't put a positive vibe out into the universe if you don't go out with a you know some kind of a smile on your face and go no no even if it's gleeful anarchy in your heart that you're going to tear down as an iconoclast and tear down all these these horrible people right that's all you're even if that's all you you know that's how you manifest your positivity great like the meme lords like you know

Did a great job keeping all our spirits up during, you know, these last four years as my, as Dave column has put it. And, you know, he's been talking about that a lot recently. I think Dave's right about that. But we're not in a clear, clearly not like the fucking British are desperate to try and start world war three. I'm dead serious. And they're, and because they need an excuse to,

to collapse the existing financial system and the current political and financial system. The system's collapsing. We know it's collapsing. You run a Bitcoin podcast based on the very idea that the whole thing is collapsing. Well, you know, at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself, well, you know, what will they do? To what end will they go to stop that system from collapsing in terms that are not favorable to them?

They architected the system. They stole all our money. They sold generations of fucking wealth that's now unearned. And they want to hold on to that because with that, they have real raw power. I was just listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Marc Andreessen.

before I walked out to my office to do this podcast. I'm about, I don't know, an hour, 45 minutes into it. And that's when they were at that part in the podcast where they're talking about debanking and Operation Showpoint 2.0 and all of this stuff and the application of absolute raw administrative power. Kind of the managerial state, the James Burnham style managerial state taken to AIDA, which is what we have today. And that's what's thoroughly and utterly under assault

what's what trump represents and the people that are around trump the people that have rallied around trump right the entry since of the world the elon musks and all these guys they are again it's not a matter of whether or not they're pure as a driven snow or this or anything else and they may have ulterior motives and i don't fine you want to you want to go out and trace you want to keep tabs on those people fine you should you should never in a million years trust anybody distrust but verify is how i operate right just

But at the same time, when people do prove to you, or at least as of right now, that they're doing, for lack of a better term, God's work or our work, well, then you should trust them to go through that period of history, that period of time where they can be effective to do great things, even if they're only doing it for their own self-interest, which is fine with me. I don't care. I don't...

Their motives don't have to be pure. I ain't one of these fucking people that need, I need you to do the right thing for the right reasons. No, I need you to do the right fucking thing, even if it's for your own personal reasons. Because by the way, if you do it for the wrong reasons, I'll know. And five years from now, when you try and put the, close the door and lock us all in your digital

gulag then oh by the way we're going to take you out too because we already took out the other guys like who do you think they mean and think about it like if we win this round right they only don't think that we can't win the next round like the people you think elon musk and peter and if you're really worried about those guys right like the musk and andreason's and all if you're worried that those people are really freaking evil do you really think they're more entrenched and powerful

than the people who built the Vatican and city of London and wall street and the atomic bomb and the bank of England and all of this shit that's been running for 400 fucking years. You really think they're more powerful than that? If you do, you should have your fucking head examined because these are all nouveau riche in comparison. They're not that decadent. They're not that evil. You know, I mean, at the end of the day, they're, they're not that they, they haven't had time to become that decadent yet.

Right. So like, I don't, you know, Elon Musk has many things. He plays fucking Diablo for Christ's sake. He doesn't, you know, fuck goats. Okay. Like there's a fundamental difference. He's not drinking baby's blood or whatever it is. And, you know, doing the adrenochrome thing and, and, and dancing, barking, barking naked at the moon after dousing himself in goat's blood. He's not doing that shit, but we know some of these people are.

He's playing fucking Diablo, for Christ's sake. He's like, he's like, Warcraft. Like, that's... You know what I mean? That's who he is. We should take him out of this. And we should, you know, honestly, we should consider him. Does that mean that he doesn't have other grand plans that are evil? Well, possibly. But as of right now, I don't care. And so, do we let our guard down? No. But we have to get, we have to win this round. And winning this round now means...

going through the order of operations that take, that tears down their system as, you know, in, in the order that, and we're going to need the people who are involved in that system because they know how it operates and they, they know how it operates better. No, no offense, but to the Bitcoiners and to the gold bugs and to the Austrians and to the, and to the, and then the NAP libert, you know, the hardcore NAP libertarians, you know, I'm sorry, but I'm, I'm not going to war with Sally Agares from Twitter.

I mean, I like Sal, but I'm not going to war with her. Like, I'm just not doing it. I'm going to war with Jamie fucking Diamond if I'm going to war against the Bank of England. I'm going to war with the Federal Reserve. I want the Federal Reserve on my side. I like Sal the agorist, but I'm going to war with the Federal Reserve. You know what I mean? It's the same thing. They have the power. They have the resources, and they have the ability to take the current system

and shift it 90 degrees out of phase towards, they're going to shift it towards themselves, but that can also dovetail with us, with what we want. Because if you really think about what we would, how, in order to beat that existing system, the only, it's been so tilted towards them, right?

We don't get anything from it. So any shift away from it is going to be beneficial for us. Is it going to be enough? I don't know. But that's what we're supposed to do is keep demanding more until we get from these people what we want. We have a, we have to influence this situation and they're going to need us as much as we're going to need them. And then we get to decide later on whether they're full of shit or not and what we're going to get rid of them later.

I mean, you know, JP Morgan doesn't have to run the new banking system later on. They odds are they will, but they don't have to because, you know, I haven't really filled in the details when I talk about this. But what I mean by this is that we have a system tilted towards the big banking, the big banking conglomerate, the fiat money, the shitty debt indexing rates, LIBOR versus SOFR and all this stuff that I talked about in the past.

In order for us, you know, what does winning look like? Winning looks like the system that bias towards capital flowing down the production stack towards the lower end of the division of labor. What I mean by that is towards the lower order of goods.

We have a functional deficit in the production of lower order goods, raw steel, rolled aluminum, Bob, all of this stuff. We have an overinvestment in purple hair dye, nose rings, Marxism. Okay. It's an overinvestment and over and that, and, and, and that stuff's everywhere. And we have it. And we have that overinvestment in those things because we had a monetary system where we have a monetary system that had pushed the money there.

And we had an administrative and managerial state which made sure that the money kept flowing in that direction. And it was designed to. And it was functionally and fundamentally designed this way. And it was designed to be one big blackmail

you know, system of blackmail. Mark Andreessen is talking about this exact thing. You know, we talk about debanking and using soft power through the pressure on the banks to get the private companies to do the enforcement, the government enforcement, right?

And it doesn't matter if we're talking civil asset forfeiture or anything else. It's all right there. The libertarians, their criticism of this was all absolutely spot on all through the 80s and the 90s and the aughts and everything else. I learned it from them. I still agree with all of it. But now that we're in the moment where the fight is engaged, well, okay, now you're going to shift that system away from

the overindulgence in bad ideas through the application of credit money at leverage. And now we're going to de-lever the system. And when you do that, that means you have to change the structure of production to change the focus of the division of labor away from investing in that shit, YouTube influencers and only fans, whores and all that shit and back towards, hey, why don't we get it? Why don't you go out and like, you know, fly electrical lines because we need those guys. And how about,

food and how about you know and how about you know clothes and the thing and library real libraries or whatever it is that we need right real knowledge you know and and that's where the money is going to flow the money's going to flow the the the universities are going to go back to providing degrees and things that matter we're not going to have gender studies we're going to have chemistry

We're not going to have at the University of Florida graduating 15 people with a chemistry degree every year. Or in my case, the year I graduated five at the University of Florida that summer, we graduated five people with a degree in chemistry. I know because they were all in my PChem 2 class that summer.

Okay. Physical chemistry, second semester, physical chemistry. There's only five of us in the fucking class. There were more graduate students in the entry level graduate level, you know, quantum mechanics class. And there weren't P cam that year and P cam too. We need 25 people in that, in, in that, in that, in that classroom. Yeah. Granted it was a summer bubble. It was five. The university of Florida. Okay. Like how many, you know, how many liberal arts degrees did we, did we graduate that year?

That's something a lot fucking more because I can tell you that, you know, Lee Hall was, which is the chemistry building was, you know, a morgue during the summer, but Turlington right across the street, which is the home of the college of arts and sciences, where the English department was and all the rest of the place was humming. I had to walk past it to get to Lee Hall every day. So that's the investment we're going to be doing. And I think that that's, you know, and if we shift that, you cannot going to be able to stop that.

And we can change that. And the challenge for the Trump administration that's been coming, if they're allowed to take power, is going to be changing that in a durable way, in a generational and durable way, that will then bring the investment capital that was sent overseas during the ascendancy of globalism and bring it back home during the age of re-regionalization or mercantilism, as my friend Vince Alonci would put it.

And I think that that's what we, you know, that's what we should be demanding. I think we can get that. I think that's what we demanded at the election. And I think that's what Trump wants to give us. And if you look at his cabinet, it's pretty clear that's what he wants to do. Now we can get into the specifics on what's good and bad about the cabinet. I'm happy to do that. But, you know, just in general, the cabinet is designed to fuck up the managerial state domestically. And, you know, Trump can handle foreign policy because he knows what he wants to do anyway. So.

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Yeah, I love hearing what you're thinking. Lots to unpack there. Some things I think the overarching thing that I kind of want to probably get to, even if we deviate, is capital flows, this idea of how important capital flows are. Maybe we can expand and elaborate on that and how that fits maybe into the greater central banking war.

Yeah. But a few things to note there. I mean, you mentioned at dinner, you mentioned a little bit while you were talking there about maybe Trump and Biden cut a deal. Even if we just hypothesize, I wonder what that looked like and how that came together. I do have my sort of doomer outlook on where this could all go.

And we can get into that if you want. I look at something like Marc Andreasson, though, because it is very exciting. I do see this like...

We have like these three sort of ways we can go, you know, things kind of Trump does is not effective at everything he tries to do. And everything just gets muted down and watered down. We have Trump, you know, when I say Trump here, I just mean sort of the movement. I'm not looking at the person, but sort of get a lot done here. All these people get a lot done. We have a lot of change and we have sort of we come out of the fourth turning and we turn the corner and it's, you know, America the great again.

And the third is, you know, sort of my doomer. You know, this is all a big pendulum swing and to rope us into a whole bunch of evil stuff and just delivered in a different vehicle. But, you know, Marc Andreessen and sort of these people, I mean, different than Musk. I mean, these people are coming out after the tide has changed and revealing a lot of stuff that it's like, hey, this would have been really nice if you told us this before, right?

And it kind of paints them in a cowardly light, but I don't know. I'm not in their shoes in that kind of position. I don't know what kind of pressure they were in before and what kind of cage box they were threatened with.

Well, he actually speaks about that directly in the Rogan podcast when he was on the board at Facebook. He's like, I mean, he's, and it was, and it was interesting to me for him to hear that for me to hear that from him. He's like, look, you know, at the end of the day, like we were being threatened as much as anybody else was, you know? And, you know, one of the things that I, I, I noted about Twitter, for example, at one point I stopped getting angry with Jack Dorsey, for example,

because I thought it was pretty obvious that Dorsey was kind of a captured pawn. So as Twitter got worse and worse and worse and was being used to, you know, enforce the censorship and everything else and that we would then get angry with Jack Dorsey because Jack Dorsey was nominally in charge. He was the CEO where that's who we're supposed to vent our spleen at or Jack is a captured pawn. The board is the, are the ones making him do this shit. And, and,

The government regulators behind the scenes are pushing on the board. The board's pushing on Dorsey, and Dorsey then gets to be the bad guy. And he becomes a scapegoat for all of our anger, and we're not thinking through the entire process. Well, that model is everywhere.

right so you know at a certain point you know when you're being threatened with you know the extreme levels of sanctions that we've seen alex jones go through that gab has gone through that so many people have gone through and then hundreds of injuries like dozens of people you know dozens if not hundreds of people that were that were hit with

you know, similar levels of sanctions and that you don't hear about. Like, Kalen Long was on my podcast we were talking about. He's like, they went after Melania Trump. They debunked Melania and Barron Trump. Okay? These people don't fucking give a shit. You know, and, you know, they don't care. And, you know, they'll do anything.

And at a certain point, you have to make the decision or we have a company, we have fiduciary requirements, we have this, we have that. And so, you know,

It was the same argument I made about Patreon. I remember thinking about Patreon. I know so many people. And it became obvious to me that when I started thinking about Jack Dorsey that way, it was because I first started thinking about Patreon this way. Because I had so many people who were like, Tom, I really love... When we were struggling, we had 800 patrons or whatever, and we're trying to get new people. I'm like, well, you know, if you just gave me a subscribe star

or can I give you Bitcoin or can I send you a check? I'm like, yeah, you'll send me the first check and then I have to chase you down for the second check or then the third check. I'm like, fuck that noise. Sign up on Patreon for Christ's sake. No, but I'm boycotting Patreon because they're evil because they got rid of Sargon of Akkad and Jordan Peterson. I'm like,

Patreon is a company that makes $5 million a year. They have 40 employees. If George Soros says, get rid of fucking Jordan Peterson or you don't have a bank account, guess what? Jordan Peterson goes bye-bye. And now Patreon gets to be the bad guy. So I'm like, no, sorry.

Patreon has always treated me very well, never gave me any trouble, never had any problems with it, and neither can you. And what's the big deal? They take 5% of my revenue. So you sign up for a year. If you sign up for the year, you get 15% off. So it's 15%. So you're paying them $0.60 a month minus 15%. So you're paying them $0.50 a month. So for couch money, for $6, your $6 went to support Patreon.

You really, you know, what's more important to you? I have a, that I have a platform that you feel that you feel strongly about where you could pay around six fucking dollars. Did you pay your taxes last year? You're a fucking hypocrite. Yeah, you did. And you paid a fuckload more than $6 to the government who then bombed brown people all over the world or did this or debank this guy or some other goddamn thing they did with your money or, you know, ran a fucking pedophile ring.

Right. But you know, you're going to, you're going to, but you're going to take a stand against patron and the $6 like fuck off. Like I, you know, I literally, after a while I started sending that email back to people. I'm like, no fuck off. I don't want your money that bad. If you're going to, if you're going to purity spiral that better over six fucking dollars, have a nice day. I don't need you as a patron. If you can't see the bigger picture, I don't need your, I don't need your fricking money. I'll go find, I'll go find business somewhere else.

And I still get this every once in a while. People still give me like, no, fuck off. I don't care. Now I don't even respond. But it's the same kind of thing. And this is part of the problem that we're having across, I think, now the entire libertarian space. Because now they don't know how to win. They're winning. They're winning. Dude, I'm serious. I mean, I'm talking to people every day who are getting calls by the transition team to go become...

to go and do the thing to go become a part of the of the transition to get in there and start fixing shit and i'm like and they're asking me oh should i do this or should i would i don't know would you i if i got called would i go most likely i don't think i'm going to get called because i think i'm more i think i'm more valuable doing this right here than in any other context i mean unless they really want to like clean up the freaking metal coating industry

Right. But you know, it's that kind of thing. I mean, if you think of your skillset, I mean my, at this point, my, the, the, my skillset is clearly to continue to do exactly what I'm doing right now. And so I I'm okay with, you know, if I'm not, not that I put my name in the ring or if there's something like, but it's like, it's not like these people don't know who I am. Like, so I think it's a good thing, you know? And so, I mean, at this point I'm like, like we have to be,

really careful about how we win. And we should be happy to win. And we should take the win and we should stop being miserable because losing is comfortable. There's a lot of people in the commentary space who are really comfortable with losing because losing defines who they are. It makes it easy to be critics without taking any responsibility for that which they critique.

I have come to have zero patience for that whatsoever. I have less than zero patience for that. We're here to win. Are we going to win? Do you want to win? How do you want to win? I'd like to win. You just want to lose so that you can keep your current business. I built my business on the idea that I'm going to tell you the truth and fuck everything else. And if I think we're winning, I'll tell you we're winning. If I think we're losing, I'll tell you we're losing. And I think we're winning right now.

And but there's still a lot of work to be done to get it, you know, to get it all done. So I'm not sure that I actually answered the question. It didn't just go off. That was awesome. I love the tanners, by the way, even if it was. So how you know, what do you think the likelihood of Trump not taking office on January 20th is?

So the other way is how certain are you that he's going to take office on the 20th? I'm not certain. Right. Okay. So I'm going to lay, I'm going to lay you out a scenario. We did Tommy's podcast this afternoon. I laid it out for him and I laid it out in the previous podcast. I think I did with Alice Craner and crypto rich a couple of weeks ago. This thing with Biden and the attackums and the escalation, escalatory framework that we're now, we have found ourselves in over Ukraine. And now we can add Syria and Aleppo into the mix.

is the following does anybody really believe that joe biden issued that attack that that order that allowed ukraine to throw attacking missiles into russia no they clearly didn't it was an unsourced rumor that came from the new york times which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the cia and on my six off if you think any if you don't if you if you disagree with anything i just said turn the podcast off because nothing i'm going to say for the rest of the night is going to resonate with you you're you're and you're in the head and you need therapy

Okay. That's just cope. And I don't think you have a whole lot of Rachel Maddow fans. Cedric, so I'm not really worried about, you know, telling people to fuck off. Now, he didn't give that order, but that order goes out late on a Saturday night. By Monday morning, I'm hearing noises about, hey, let's 25th Amendment out Joe Biden because he's clearly insane and not capable of being president anymore. Now, here's the hook. And I tweeted this out that morning. I said, oh, this is the playbook.

They're going to, so you go there. Oh, now he's unfit to be president because he unnecessarily escalated the war against Russia. So now you can get Kamala Harris and two-thirds of the cabinet

You keep Congress in session, turbo appointing all these freaking judges, the vacant positions in the federal judiciary. Why? To keep the process running so that Congress isn't adjourned. So you can see if you can get to the escalatory moment where they can then blame it all on Joe Biden. And he just pardoned Hunter Biden, oh, by the way. So now Joe's job is done. So now...

And I, like you said, I, we theorize it was literally at that dinner where the first idea it was first put into our heads that Trump and Biden might've made a deal. Cause it was one of the people who we had dinner with that night, came back from New York that morning and was talking about this stuff and, and put the idea in our heads. And I threw it out there into the podcast space to, you know, look brilliant, but I fucking care. I'm just like, Hey, by the way, this could be on the, on the, on the thing, right on the table. It turns out, I think we're right. But yeah,

Your 25th Amendment by now to put Kamala Harris in place, right? Now, that's in and of itself, that is a difficult process. So you have to have

an unacceptable escalatory environment, you're going to probably have to have Joe one more time do something really dumb in order to set the stage for this. I'm just thinking about it now. But the goal is, and I think they need to try and stop Trump from coming to power. How would you do so? Well, you do so by getting us to the brink of World War III with the Russians.

And then how do you get there if you know Putin has decided he's not going to take the bait? Well, then you clearly have to stage a false flag. Now, I think my internet, my connection may be a little unstable for a minute. So did you miss any of that? I don't think I missed anything. It's a little unstable, but I don't think I missed anything there.

Okay, good. Okay, so just to reiterate that in order to get... If Putin's not going to take the bait and escalate in such a way that you can get the just war framework, which is what they've always been working for, so you...

25th amendment al-biden to install kamala harris's president who then after a false flag operation where i don't know you nuke where you fake a nuke not fake but you actually nuke a bunch of civilians and blame it on putin this like this has never happened before and then you get you know sock puppet fucking harris as commander-in-chief of the military now to declare war on russia

and declare an Article 5 intervention by a NATO.

Bob's your uncle. You have World War III. And then they can do whatever they want at that point. And then they can do what Zelensky did. And that's clearly what they did with Zelensky, which is when we're at war, we're canceling the election. Or we can't have Trump come to power because Trump works for Russia and he wants to end this war and blah, blah, blah, blah. And that's unacceptable. And then they just flood the zone with a whole bunch of bullshit.

about, you know, well, we're not going to seat these electors and we're going to play that game. And, you know, they're going to do all of this shit until they get to what I think would be a Christmas coup against the American, against the American government, similar to 1913, where, you know, we got the 16th Amendment, the 17th Amendment, and the Federal Reserve Act all passed during an extended session of Congress over Christmas. Right.

Now, when I said this, I was talking about this before the Thanksgiving weekend, and I said, I fully expect there to be an escalation over Thanksgiving weekend while everybody's in a carb and tryptophan coma and no one's watching. They moved the fucking markets on Friday. Somehow, nothing has changed in the world, but somehow somebody decided that the entire belly of the US yield curve was nine basis points mispriced to the upside.

And in order to paint the tape to ensure that the dollar index didn't close above a particular technical level, the dollar index was on target to close above 106.62, which would have been a big breakout to the upside, technically. We closed at 105.74. The Japanese yen was pushed down. The British pound was pushed up like crazy.

A lot of shit happened on Friday. And the bond markets were the belly of the yield curve from the two out to the seven or even the 10 all bid hard on Friday when our fucking markets are closed. Who's buying all these U.S. treasuries to move the bond markets that much? And you can move them a lot when there's no frigging, when there's no, when one, U.S. markets are closed and you can get, you know what I mean? Like, so people were, so money moved over the weekend.

over this weekend in order to paint the tape on the monthly close, which was November. Friday was the November close. Very important to understand that you're painting the tape to set up December's open. And believe me, I don't even need to do the believe me look at this point. Guys, this is the way this shit works. I watch this shit every freaking day. It's clear. I can see the interventions as far as the eyes I can see at this point once you have eyes to look for it.

And it's timed with, oh, look, we just opened up a new front for the Russians to deal with in Syria, which they've been prepping for a couple of weeks now with the Israelis bombing various positions inside Syria and taking out the leadership of Hezbollah and IRGC generals and this guy and that guy, trying to paralyze Iran and their proxy network to leave Syria kind of, you know, without any defenders. So...

And then, of course, at that moment when they're trying to push the Russians into escalating, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So you can see how, you know, all of this is kind of happening all at one time. That's the kind of framework for all of this. So what's going to happen on Monday night or Tuesday or Wednesday of this week as we get into, you know, the two weeks before the next Federal Reserve meeting? Like, you know, this is what's going on here. This is all really important shit. So...

you know, they need to get this done. And Putin's refusing to take the bait. You know, he comes out in the speech and says that Trump's been treated inhumanely and that these, you know, and that basically the entire American political system and media complex and European media complex, and they're all, you know, they're, they're, they're, he was blaming all of them. Like it was crazy. It was, it was actually really nice to see him say that. But, but,

Because it's true. And he's clearly signaling to everyone that, look, we don't need to be doing this. We don't need to have a war. Somebody else wants this. Trump doesn't want it. The American people don't want it. We don't want it. Zelensky goes on Fox News and says, hey, we can have a ceasefire, which they just did a ceasefire the other day with the Israelis who then violated 18 ways from Sunday within 72 hours. That's a waste.

Like, so, you know, like we can have a ceasefire, but, you know, Russia has to, you know, they can have their, but we have to be in NATO and Russia can have the territory they've taken. But, you know, we're just going to, we're going to put NATO, put the rest of Ukraine into NATO so that we can take it back later. He hasn't really offered anything. Like, so, yeah. So Putin's going to take that deal? No, of course it's a non-starter. Like, yeah.

So it's, it's, and you can hear, you can feel the histrionics coming from France and from the UK in particular, not necessarily Germany. Germany's in a, in a kind of political flux at this point because the government has fallen. Right. And they're going for snap elections and, and there's a lot of political wrangling there. I can do half an hour on fucking Germany alone, but, um,

But understand that it's the French bond markets. So people are starting to make a big deal with the French bond markets are now a problem. The British bond markets are clearly a fucking problem. And money is continuing to flow into Germany within the European Union because it's the only relatively safe haven that they've got left, which is, you know, and they're still getting help from Janet Yellen over Treasury. So, yeah.

You know, no, it's, we're not out of the woods yet. We got 50 fucking days here. And these people are going to try and, you know, they're going to try and flip the game board in the next 50 days. So, you know, I'm optimistic that if we can get to January 21st, that things will start to change. Then, you know, we played all this stuff out and notice how Trump finally dropped Kash Patel as the nominee for FBI director.

Why did he do that? Why did he wait this long for it? Why? He wasn't even going to do anything with it. But they escalated. So then he has to grab the Overton window away from the British and, you know, the Obama shitbags trying to say, oh, look, Russia's weak and we can do this and we can strike, you know. And, you know, it's a classic thing. What Trump was trying to do with Kasparov was to change the narrative.

away from Russia's weak because, and they're overextended because now they've opened up the second front in Syria that they have to deal with. So interesting how we, how we use that, I think. Yeah, no, it's, it's all, it's, it's, it's in, in some ways, in some ways it's all good. And then just, we have to get these people off the, off the game board and Trump taking office and,

is that moment because so much changes the minute he's inaugurated because then he starts then he signs the executive order to audit like half the fucking federal government and shuts the fucking money right now because that's what's coming and i'm the only i i i didn't want to talk about this and i for a couple weeks now but i've known what the plan was for a couple weeks

until marcia blackburn like said it the other day like fuck it the senator from tennessee is like openly talking about it then i get to talk about it but it's clear that's what they're going to do they're going to audit all the ngos all the grants and all the university grants and all this all that shit that i was talking about at dinner that night yeah they're going to just audit it all and when they and when they're when these departments are under audit guess what they don't get any fucking money congress appropriates and the executive delegates

And if the executive branch doesn't want to spend the money that Congress has appropriated, the executive branch doesn't have to spend the money. So this is existential for a lot of people. And so what's their, I mean, unless I'm wrong about this, but I don't think I am. I mean, Vivek has all but said this is what they're going to do.

Marsha Blackburn has now openly said it. Everybody in Washington knows what's coming. They're all acting as if they know what's coming. And so that's why it's like, you know, it's a mess. And so now we get into global capital flow and it's very obvious that the United States cuts $2 trillion worth of spending like overnight. That's going to fundamentally alter the flow of dollars.

And then you can understand why they're trying to paint the tape on keeping the dollar from exploding to the upside, why they're trying to push bond yields down, yada, yada, yada. Like there's a deflationary wave coming here that very few people are thinking in terms of. And the inflationistas have got a big problem on their hands in terms of their thesis.

Because they just are wedded to this idea that we can't change anything. And as far as I'm concerned, Cedric, that is fucking learned helplessness. I don't buy it. That's not what we voted for. And that's not what this group of people that Trump assembled around him wants to implement. I mean, I just don't see it. I see them coming in like a fucking bulldozer because it's what has to happen in order to go forward. And so you're going to have that.

Fed's going to continue to roll treasuries off the balance sheet. They're not going to be in their bidding. So that's putting upward pressure on bond yields. Yellen's out there trying to spend more money than they have in order to try and keep bond yields. And it's trying to manipulate the yield curve by issuing short-term and restricting the supply of long-term. The world is biblically short dollars and they need dollar collateral. And so that's putting a bid along the end of the yield curve.

And Powell, I think, is going to cut interest rates. And I think he's going to cut hard. I said it before the election. I said, I expect Powell to cut harder under Trump than he would have under Kamala Harris because he has to restore a normal yield curve. And you can do it in two ways. You can allow the bears to keep in her trade, keep interest rates, keep the Federal Reserve, keep the Fed funds rate at 4.5%, but let the long end of the curve go to 6%.

or you can keep the long end of the curve between four and four and a half and cut down to three. Then now you have buy-in from the banking industry because now the big banks can lend against the two 10 spread, a positive two 10 spread. And that unfucks the flow of credit.

And you can cut domestic spending, government spending, allow that money to circulate through the economy again and unfuck the credit markets at the same time. And you have this kind of ugly dance between credit deflation and pushing upwards on commodity prices. That's what I think is going to happen.

And I think it's going to be a kind of classic, you know, sagflationary environment in that respect for a little while, while the labor market uncorks itself and we have a shift away from higher order goods and an overinvestment in, you know, purple hair dye and kanji tattoos and, you know, building iron mines and, you know, repairing the roads. You know what I mean? Like, you know.

and the infrastructure and everything else that needs to be done and reopening the pipelines and all of that. There's a lot to be done there. And that's an investment cycle that's going to take 20 years. But it's got to be done in such a way it's politically durable such that the Democrats don't just come back to power in four years. So what you've seen, so if we get through these next 50 days, this is the last point I'll let you go back to. If we get through these next 50 days and we get into the Trump administration,

Right. Then they will shift into the same kind of vandalistic mode that they shifted into after Brexit, extend and pretend, destroy the economy, try and destroy the United States the same way they destroyed the UK to get people to eventually vote against that which they voted for and turn what they and turn their hope into the villain. Right. Turn the hero Brexit into the villain.

the Tories who didn't give us what we asked for and that makes Brexit the reason why we're all poor. That's not the reason the Britons are poor. The reason the Britons are poor is because the Bank of England, along with the Biden administration, you know, enforced a 25% devaluation of the pound versus the euro and

created massive inflation and a loss of purchasing power, and then at the same time also cut the UK off from foreign investment. So you destroyed the pound. You destroyed the ability for them to trade with their best trading partners, and you didn't allow anybody to come in and invest in the country. And so Brexit has been nothing but a nightmare for Britain, and that was all designed. And it was designed in Brussels.

And it was designed in Berlin. And it was designed in Paris. And it was designed in D.C. It was designed by Davos, what I call Davos. And now we have Keir Starmer destroying what's left of the country. Well, they're going to try to do the same thing to the United States if Trump gets in the power. They're going to try and extend and pretend and all of that so that we all wind up hating Trump so that four years from now, we get President AOC who destroys the country again. It's not going to work, but that's their plan.

So speaking of sort of plans, and I still want to analyze these next 50 days. And, you know, I love hearing the geopolitics and we get back to it when you get back to capital flows. But just a little bit of domestic affairs here. Do you think I kind of saw January 6th and I didn't go down the rabbit hole, but from afar, it looked to me like a lot of projection and predictive programing.

So do you see something either, you know, it doesn't have to be on, you know, the anniversary. It doesn't have to be on January 6th. But do you see sort of social unrest and riots and what kind of the temperature of the country in terms of maybe now we have a different set of uncomfortable wolves?

Or, you know, or how much money? I guess the question you're really asking is how much money does Soros and company have to rent the flash mob, as Mike Benz would put it? Sure. And to keep it burning. Right. And keep it going. I don't think I think they're trying really hard and I think they're failing miserably.

I think they're trying really hard to get this engine restarted. But look at Cenk Uygur. Look at Anna Kasparian. Look at some of these people. Look at even Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski having to go to Mar-a-Lago and kiss the ring. Look at, you know, like Rachel Maddow doesn't look like she's doesn't look at this point like she's rallying the troops. She just looks like a crazy woman. Right. And a lot of the spell has been dispelled.

Not this illusion that these people were under. I think the spell has been broken. And again, and the reason is because of the kids who are have to inherit the shit have all turned voting age. I've, I've, I've said this in a couple of recent podcasts and I'll say it again. I have a friend of mine who works in, who's been doing substitute teaching in the Alachua County school system, eighth grade this year. He was like, dude, something is fundamentally shifted.

And he texts me all the time. He's like, dude, I wake up every morning with texts from this guy, whatever he's popped into his head. I was like, great. I'm not despairing. The thing is, the day after the election, I've never seen a grade four walk around math in the American, in Alachua County schools. They're all wearing red hats. They're all wearing MAGA hats. They're all like, they're all turning into meme lords overnight. Okay. The, the,

It's there. It's uncovering. One of the things I was talking to Tommy Kerrigan about this afternoon was that what this has done is it's uncorked all of these people who were afraid to say that they were, because of social pressure purposes, were afraid to say that they voted for Trump or that they supported Trump or that they thought the country was on the wrong path or they really didn't want trainees in the women's bathrooms and all this other stuff. They didn't want any of that. Now, you know,

they found out there's a whole lot more people out there than they thought there were that were like them and i think that you know like it or not you know

And I am not in any way, matter, shape or form passing judgment on anyone. I mean this sincerely when I say this. Look, man, at the end of the day, everybody's got the mortgage and the car payments and the two kids and the house in suburbia and everything else. And they've got to protect what they've got to protect. The bureaucrats are trying to protect their fiefdoms within the governmental system and within these NGOs and everything else. I get that. You also have a lot of people who just go along and get along because they have

They don't have the ability to fundamentally change anything until the signal has been given that, yes, things can fundamentally change. And so they're not going to rock the boat. Like Marc Andreessen, like you said earlier, yeah, it would have been nice to know that you were on our side three years ago, dude. It would have been nice to know that. But he couldn't come out and do so because if he did, then Facebook gets debanked.

or whatever, or his funds get debunked, or his friends get debunked, or whatever. It's like there was a sincere level of suppression at every level happening behind the scenes. I can even take it one step farther. I mean, I'm not known to be a guy who minces words very much, but even I fucking put limits on what I was willing to talk about. Because at the end of the day, yeah, if they want to take me out, they can take me out tomorrow.

But, you know, our, you know, between myself and Dexter White, we've made it abundantly clear. Like, just don't make it easy for them. So certain things we just don't talk about in the terms that some people would like us to talk about. Why? Because, dude, I don't want to make it easy for them to take my fucking life away from me. Would you like me to continue doing this a year from now? Would you like to live to fight till the day when, you know, we can turn that corner and then I can uncork the last 10% of whatever it is that's on my head? And I'm saying half of that stuff I'm still not going to talk about in public because, dude, it's just fucking rude.

Like I've made it abundantly clear. Like, you know, like, you know, who I actually, you know, like, no, like I'm not going to do so. Like there's private me, there's public me. Those two, those two things are different people and they should be different people. So, you know, that's, that's the way this, this stuff works. So like, and if, you know, and, and I'm willing to, to, to, to cop to that. Can you imagine the actual, the, the pressure on the average person is, you know, is, is insane and they're not going to do so.

Because, you know, they got to run their business. And then when the day comes that the pressure's lifted, well, then they can like, you know, they can put the MAGA hat on from behind that they had stashed under the counter.

you know, underneath their cash register, their point of service little module, their little stripe thing. And they pull it out and, you know, next day you see it, you know, you go to the tire shop, you know, or whatever, you know, the car maintenance guy and he's got a MAGA hat on when he didn't have one on last week. Because now the blue hairs have been defanged. Moving on.

And we should celebrate that. And we shouldn't feel bad that they didn't have the courage previously. No, actually, that was the rational response to all this. It actually proves that they're normal, rational people making smart decisions about their personal gig. And that was my whole rant about comfortable wolves. At a certain point, yeah, these people were uncomfortable, but they couldn't be...

But they had a little too much to lose. They had a little too much comfort. Fine. Take, get them to the point where you take everything away from them, where now their children, now we're talking about, well, you know, they can, they can cut my, my boy's dick off because he, without telling me, because he kind of thought that it would be cool because, you know, he's, he's eight and eight year olds say shit.

Like, you know, dude, when I was 10, I used to write, I used to, I used to go around the house. Like, like Roddy McDowell from the planet of the apes for fuck's sake. This was my favorite fucking movie. Like, did I identify as a monkey? No, I didn't. But you know, for a few weeks, you know, for a few weeks, I, you know, wanted to be, I wanted to be Cornelius for fuck's sake. Like get over yourself. I was 10. Yeah.

I don't want hair transplants. I already have enough hair on my back. I don't need more. Like, come on. It's just dumb. Yeah. It's interesting. I mean, I love it. I mean, maybe that's oversharing. I don't know. No, that was great. And I appreciate it. You know, people...

You know, I do. And I do want to appreciate sort of the battle of a public and a private self. And, you know, I don't even think that's sort of censoring yourself. I mean, just you're going to be more intimate with people and your friends and your closer people that you spend more time with and reveal more with. But I want to still dwelling on the next 50 days. Yeah. Are there going to be more assassination attempts? Is that card played and done?

And I'm not even going to get into... I don't think Trump's going to put himself in the position. I think it's been very clear since the election that he hasn't put himself out in public on purpose. He's taking... He's in Mar-a-Lago for a fucking reason. Everybody's coming to Don Trumplione, right? And he's not going out. That's where he has security. And I guess he feels he's secure there. Can they take him out? Sure. They could bomb fucking Mar-a-Lago. Like, okay.

Like that's a, but that's, that's the wrong kind of power expression of power. You know what I mean? Like Trump at that point is irrelevant. Like, you know, Trump's just a figurehead at this point. So now you make him into a martyr and now he's even more powerful than he was before. You know, now he's Obi-Wan. Now he's Obi-Don Kenobi. Right. So no, I don't think that that, I don't think that an assassination attempt is really the, what's on the table. If they're going to go after him, they'll go after him the first hundred days of his presidency. Right.

where he has to go out and do, you know, he has to go and meet with people and he has to, you know, try and negotiate the end of the wars and all the rest of this stuff. And, you know, it's a very dangerous and chaotic, it's going to be a very dangerous and chaotic time. I'm not, I'm not trying to, you know, I'm not trying to sugarcoat anything here, folks. It's going to be fucking ugly because these people are not going to go away. But if you, but at the same time,

For the first time, I think, in every one of these cycles that we've been through, we have a critical mass of people around the world who know who the bad guys are. In the past, they've always operated from the shadows. They've always controlled the newspapers. One of the points that Andreessen made was that, look, the fucking newspaper industry has always been nothing but a propaganda company.

right? I mean, it's like the first newspaper was published by the Vatican for Christ's sake to go after their political opponents. Like it's a great work around the world, right? So, you know, this is not anything that's going to be, it's not going to, you know, it's changed. Actually what Andreessen was saying, it was really interesting. It was like, look, we're going to get to a point where information that's real is going to be on a blockchain and verified and stuff that's not real is going to be entertainment.

And I think that it was a really interesting point. It's something I kind of thought at some point. I've always thought about the blockchain for its power to preserve free speech, right? So if you want to say whatever you want to say, great. It's on the blockchain. There we are. Voting, shit like that. These are obvious use cases to use blockchain to verify information, right?

blockchain-based news that's true it's an interesting idea and uh i'm okay with it i don't know how it's gonna i'm okay with watching the technology evolve to the point where it can do you know it can do that kind of thing and then that takes away for the first time that takes away their power to seed mal missing disinformation into the zeitgeist in such a way that we can um that we can't

We can't function, right? Because that's where their power really lies. It lies in their ability to lie at scale and then propagate that lie through their controlling of the channels in which information is dispensed. Again, going back to the concept of the wire, we've talked about multiple articles and really think about the old HBO series

television show of that same name. That's the metaphor. That's the metaphor that the wire, you know, in a police context, but that's what the wire was about. Now you really think, you know, you take it one step further. You put, you make the wire something that cannot disseminate untruths that changes the way humanity interacts with information at a level in a way that is, that is truly durable. Wow. That, that,

that depowers these shitbag fucking people like i call tfps these fucking people uh in a way that should scare the shit out of them because what they of course wanted to do was control always control the wire then control the blockchain and then by extension continue to control information right so and create you know the create whatever matrix they wanted so hey bitcoiners

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Yeah, I mean, I kind of think, you know, a lot of the technology we're seeing now in terms of sort of maybe blockchain is like with Amazon in the 90s. I mean, you know, a lot of people thought Jeff was going after bookstores and Jeff knew he was going after all of retail. But even Jeff didn't know he was going after cloud computing, you know, things like that. I don't think any of the I don't know Bitcoin is going to be I like the idea of inscriptions. I like the idea of.

You know, you've said it on this show, lies are expensive. The truth sells itself. Bitcoin is the truth. And I believe Bitcoin is a truth machine. I don't know if it's built. I think it's built for money and monetary transactions. But I like the idea of inscriptions. I don't think any chain Mark Andreasson's involved in is going to be the chain of truth. But there will be maybe things in the future we can't see now. And maybe we will be able to inscribe truth into some form of a chain that is not corruptible. Getting back to sort of maybe...

No, I agree. I think it's a very important point. And every time I've ever said, hey, Bitcoin maxis, hold your water about where we think Bitcoin is going or what it's capable of, we don't know where the technology is going. We don't know. Yeah. And that's my sum total of my argument against being a Bitcoin maxi. That's it. It has nothing to do with, you know, I hate Bitcoin. I prefer gold. I don't prefer anything. I'm agnostic on this subject. I just know that. Yeah, I know. You just want the best tool.

I think it's a very interesting tool. I think it's a great tool. And I want to see it. And I want to see it do it. I want to see Bitcoin succeed at that, which it is best at succeeding at and nothing more. I don't even know if we'll get 100% of that. You know, that remains to be seen because it's technology. It's software. It's still forming. We don't know when pencils are going to be put down.

And what's going to come of it, both intended and unintended consequences and limitations and limiting factors. But it'll be very interesting. It'll be a reflection of what we want. And what we put into it. And the apathy of what's not put into it, maybe. All those things are fair. And so it's going to be a mixture of those things. And that's why I refuse to spurg out about it. And just like the internet is not 100% of what we'd hoped it would be.

But the internet is still evolving, so we'll see. Maybe we'll get a true internet of money, which is decentralized and not corruptible and peer-to-peer. That would be awesome. And if it happens, I hope I live long enough to see it. Yeah, I think it'll happen. I don't know if we'll live long enough to see all of that, but we'll be on the journey. Talking about limiting factors...

Do you think, you know, I wonder, you know, my doomer attitude is, okay, maybe we get hit with a recession or depression and Trump is the better vehicle for that. And that's sort of my doomer blackpilled. But let's say just even maybe not blackpilled, do they try to stick him with a recession or not even stick him like one was coming and it was like better on him than our team, however you want to frame it. What I'm really getting at, is it possible that a major recession

depression or depression-like event, a little greater than a recession is coming our way. You know, you mentioned before, like we're going to be a lot of cuts to maybe government spending.

Maybe $2 trillion, which can cause both, like you were saying, deflationary environment, but maybe recession-like pressure, but also maybe social unrest and unhappiness with family members and all these government employees getting the ax when they have these cushy jobs, maybe. Cushy being maybe from the point of view of not as... It's a little different than the private sector is what I'm trying to point out. Well, what's interesting about this, and Vivek has talked about this,

He's talking about how we can make the transition necessary and make it as smooth as possible. He's clearly thought about the mechanisms by which we can get these things paid for and dealt with and off the government's books in terms of future liabilities. He's thinking purely in terms of balance sheet management, which is the right way of thinking about it, by the way.

And it may cost us a lot of money to, you know, put these people out of work and get them retrained and, you know, get them moved into the private sector. And there's going to be an 18-month or two-year period where we're going to have to pay for a lot of shit and that, you know, we're not, you know, but that doesn't mean that it's, but that also means that we're not paying for them for the next 30 years. So let's, or next, let's put it this way. Think about it in terms of, you know, you're managing,

the, the, the balance sheet of a company or of a city or, or whatever. And you've got, you've got to pay, you hire an employee under these rules and they're going to get 20 years in retired, you know, from the government job. So they got the job at 30, they retire at 50. Now you're going to pay for them on a pension and benefits and health insurance and this and that for 25 years or 30 years after that. Right. Right.

Now, the Davosian model would be to shorten everybody's lifespan so that you only have to pay 20 years. Well, what if you just say, hey, how about we fire you, okay, and we're not going to pay your pension because you actually didn't do anything and we have good causes to reasons as to why we're not going to pay you, but we're going to give you two years severance. Go find a new job. Two years up front or 30. You can pay me now. You can pay me later.

You know, like if you think of it in those terms, that's actually from an investor's perspective, one that wants to invest in the United States durably for the long term. If I was an investor and I was going to say, well, if I'm going to, you know, I want to put money into a new factory in the United States and all the money handling rules have changed, such that I'm not just looking at the way things are now, are they going to be, you know,

are going to be perpetuated for the next 30 years. But no, it's going to be bad for two years. During this investment cycle, this is when I can put the money into the country, knowing full well that once these people are done, I'm going to have built, once these people are off their quote-unquote UBI for two years, which is basically severance pay.

And I'm just throwing out an idea here. I don't know that it has to be a year, two years, whatever the hell it is. It doesn't matter. I know as an investor, I'm not paying another 28 years worth of unfunded liabilities on these people. They're off the books. So now all of a sudden the unfunded liabilities in the United States go from, I don't know, $200 trillion to $180 trillion. Say we save $20 trillion in unfunded liabilities this way in future government employee payouts.

That's burden on Medicare, burden on Social Security, or excess burden on Social Security because now all of a sudden these people aren't paying the same. You know, you got to get it. Whatever it is. I'm just...

Let's not talk about the specifics of what I'm getting at here. You understand that it's not going to be that same set of liabilities that we had previously. We're going to cut those off. Now you're a foreign investor. Now you're a CEO of a company here in the United States that's thinking about building another plant in fucking Argentina. And you can go, hey, no, if we build it here, yeah, that makes more sense. That's a durable thing.

Because once I'm done building the new plant, which will take me two years, these people will be coming off their severance. They've got skills. Hopefully they'll have retrained themselves and get ready for the next phase of their career. And we can employ them.

And they'll be right there waiting to reenter the productive workforce as opposed to the UBI. We're currently paying them in running their stupid government fucking job where all they do is push paper around and nothing else because these people are UBI. We already have UBI in the United States. It's everywhere. It's every HR department.

It's every legal department. It's every this department. It's every compliance department. It's every environmental compliance department. It's every fucking government functionary that runs the goddamn agency that checks up on the compliance department of every fucking company. This shit's everywhere.

Now you have to ask yourself, we spend all this money. We generate $27 trillion worth of spending every year and call it GDP. But how much of it is actually moving money? How much of it is actually generating wealth? Is that $27 trillion worth of wealth generation? Or is that $27 trillion worth of spending? What would happen if we spent that $27 trillion differently? Or, hey, how about we cut $2 trillion, which is the government deficit,

out of that spending and i don't know do something productive with that money and raise the percentage of productive spending within that 25 trillion dollars that's actually generating a lot more fucking wealth it's that simple there are a lot of the a lot of ways of dealing of skinning this cat and i don't have those i don't have any of that worked out that's not my job my job is to tell you it's possible

Guy like Vivek has already worked it out. You know, other guys like Russell Napier, I was reading an article about Russell Napier that was thrown in front of me and he was talking about how the, you know, how the U.S. is going to get out of their fiscal problem and he was thinking about it and I think in a much less...

optimistic way, thinking that we're going to have to go to yield curve control and all this other, and I'm like, yeah, maybe. How about we cut $2 trillion, Russell, and then talk to me about what it is that the Fed has to do and what the Treasury has to do and yada, yada, yada. Because start thinking about outside the box and how we can fund with the leftover future under the liabilities of Social Security and or Medicare when we're now talking about throwing gold out on the yield curve. We're talking about throwing our Bitcoin reserve, strategic Bitcoin reserve out on the yield curve.

which is what Lutnik is talking about with Bitcoin-backed loans and all this other stuff. This is a big deal. These are 100% collateralized loans of bearer assets on the back end. And I know the Bitcoin purists don't want the government anywhere near their Bitcoin. And I'm like, hey, you want Bitcoin to win? You want government to see that big pile of Bitcoin that's out there?

as a potential savior for their fiscal asses now all of a sudden they can't live without bitcoin or they can't live without gold and they can't live without you know and i've said this before i've called bitcoin the bearer bond of the 21st century because that's what it is it's a bearer bond that's what it is do you own the keys to it you're on the bearer bond do you present the bond you get the money you present the freaking you present the the the hat you present the key

You own it. And there ain't better collateral than that. You drop a 100-ounce gold bar on the fucking table, news for you, that's collateral. What are you going to lend against? I want to buy that property over there. I want a loan. What's your collateral? This? Yeah, that'll work. Oh, do I have to convert that into some amount of U.S. Treasuries first to make you happy? Fine. Here you go. Sit in a bank account, lend against it. Do whatever we have to do.

Like whatever, you know, like, like this is the world we're going to be moving towards as opposed to a way we've been moving away from that to the last God knows how many fucking years. And now we're going to move back towards it. And, you know, and I, and I'm here to tell you flat out that in that world, you and I are empowered.

The current financial system is not empowered by that. The current financial system is empowered by selling you nothing for something, selling you a fiat dollar to get your time or your gold or your wood or your labor or your leather or your cow's milk, whatever it is. They sell you nothing.

that they got at a cheaper price than you're going to get tomorrow for your stuff. They use tomorrow's money to pay for yesterday's goods at today's prices. And they make the VIG on the difference. And that's why the wealth is rolled up to the finance class. You know, that's the promise of Bitcoin. That's the promise of a hard asset money system. That's the promise of a fundamental change in how we operate today.

uh a financial system but that financial system is still gonna be based on you know moving dollars around at this point because there's no reason for them to not move around that way bitcoin is better served not as a medium of exchange and anybody who tells you all bitcoin hasn't been adopted by bull crap i got 134.2 billion dollars with the us treasuries and gold sitting in tether's bank accounts in the caimans that say otherwise

Because that's what liquefies the Bitcoin trade. Bitcoin is becoming collateral. It's better served as base money in Exeter's pyramid. I've been saying this for eight years. It's just like gold sits at the bottom of Exeter's pyramid of the monetary system.

A little bit of gold, then currencies, then stocks, then commodities, then stocks, then derivatives. U.S. Treasuries and derivatives. Like credit. You go from collateral to credit. Well, Bitcoin sits down here. Why the fuck do you want it up here as credit? Why do you want it circulating as a medium of exchange? What do you want that for? It's better served as collateral for a real monetary system based on real property rights.

And then the world will create credit as it needs to, elastic money, currency necessary to liquefy the system and to allow people to express themselves within the division of labor. That's all you need. It doesn't fucking matter. If Bitcoin enters the system, it is fucking collateral at the bottom. You won. Take the win. Shut the fuck up. And everybody who tells you otherwise is a fucking punter who's talking their book. I don't get it.

I have it on good authority that this year's New Orleans Investor Conference, because they were there watching the panel. Actually, it was one of the men who we had dinner with, went to New Orleans and watched the panel discussion between Peter Schiff and Larry Leppard and a couple other people. And at one point, Peter starts going off on fucking Bitcoin again. And Larry Leppard literally tells him, Peter, shut the fuck up. Go fuck yourself. You cost your clients billions of dollars. Your antipathy to Bitcoin is retarded and stupid.

literally told him to go fuck himself at the gold conference and then of course peter didn't listen and peter says this of course and you know he has bitcoin on his fucking balance sheet you think peter has bitcoin on his balance sheet of course he does his son made him he already admitted his son made him buy it seems like they're uh buying gold selling gold out the front door and buying bitcoin out the back door

whatever they're doing. It doesn't matter. Like I, I just, I cannot stand the hypocrisy of it. I cannot stand somebody who's like, I cannot stand it. When I listened to somebody literally not be willing to under, to like, you don't have a good argument for it. Like it doesn't make any sense to me. You know, I've got, I've got some patrons that are this way. And they're like, they say some of the dumbest shit imaginable. I'm like, like Tether doesn't have $3 trillion on their balance sheet to, to liquefy the crypto trade. I'm like,

That's not what Tether liquefies. Tether's market cap is $134 billion, and Tether is not the thing that's the collateral here. Bitcoin's the collateral. Tether is the liquidity agent. And we know multiple times that there have been runs on Tether, right?

where it's broken peg. Ah, that's it. Tether's going to get crushed. People made, they made runs on it the same way that Soros made a run on the Bank of England or yada, yada, yada. And then, you know, to prove, and guess what? Tether ponied off the money. Multiple times this has happened. Like, I'm okay with Tether in terms of, why are they so different than all the other stable coins? Because they were blessed by the Fed. Why were they blessed? Were they created to be blessed or are they just lucky to be blessed?

No, they eventually they they're the biggest and the best and whatever happened. They, I guess they just decided they were probably the least corrupted of all the stable coin providers. I think at one point, yeah, it was tethered a bit of a scam. Like in its early days, it probably was. Did they have all the collateral back in 2016 or 2017? Probably not. Right. But today, but after Letitia James went after them,

And had to give them... And bless them. Gave them the slap on the wrist. New York AG. The Southern District of New York. Yeah, that's big. Took them to court. Yes. Took them to court and gave them a slap on the wrist. Why? Because now they're under the purview of the New York Federal Reserve. They're captured in a way. Sure. Absolutely they're captured. Or... Or... Or...

Wall Street and the Fed understood that we can't get rid of this thing. We don't like it, but we can't get rid of it, but we can use it strategically as an asset. We can either... Now, again...

I've had many a discussion with Kate Long about this and she doesn't fully agree with me on this, but she's also, she's having a hard time like arguing that I'm wrong. I'm like, look, it's not that there are people within the Fed who hate crypto that are working with Elizabeth Warren to shut down the crypto industry. And there are other people within the Fed and within the banking system who have blessed it. And that, and you can see that fight

clearly. And, and, and, you know, and there are fiefdoms within the fed. There were verticals within the fed at the end of the day, you know, never forget how all as many things, but ultimately he's a bureaucrat that does what he's told. And Powell was told raise interest rates and Powell was told, you know, and probably ultimately Powell said, yeah, okay, well we need to deal with these people. We need to get rid of all these shit bags. We can't get rid of Bitcoin. We need to have something out there that trades that Bitcoin trades against. People clearly want the shit.

How can we use it? There was a shift in a, and remember, go back to, it was during the Trump administration when China went and kicked out all the Bitcoin miners. Remember that? Why? Well, because Bitcoin was doing what my friend John Seth said it would do, which is that Bitcoin is an organism that eats energy subsidies. It's destroyed. It was, China was subsidizing its energy costs to the consumer. So that's why all the Bitcoin miners were in China.

Because they were getting their power for three cents a kilowatt hour at a subsidized rate, which was causing the Chinese government to go bankrupt. They were losing money left and right. So eventually she says, no, never mind. Get rid of all the Bitcoin miners. And guess who picked up all the Bitcoin miners? The United States. I literally sat there on a fucking three-way between me, Dexter White, and John Seth privately. We were talking about this shit back in 2018 when this shit was happening. We're like, oh no, all the Bitcoin mining is coming to the United States. It's all coming.

Because we have great baseload power generation. We've got co-location everywhere. I put these ideas into the head of a friend of mine who worked in the nuclear power industry. And he's the one who was working literally within the nuclear power advocacy group.

And he went to his boss one day. He looked literally at him. He's like, I went to my boss and I said, I want to reach out to the Bitcoin miners. And the guy was like, whatever, go for it. And he brokered multiple deals to get co-location of Bitcoin miners at nuclear power plants around the country. So you're using up the excess power, sucking it up. And, you know, I mean, like I've been at the intersection of a lot of this shit behind the scenes. You just watch, you know, really powerful

really talented people like figure it out and then go out and do the thing. And, and, and we've picked up a lot of the Bitcoin mining because we do generate power at places around this country pretty cheaply. Right. And for what purpose?

Maybe because we identified then or members of the banking sector and the strategic thinkers, the few of them that were actually left during the Obama administration, understood Bitcoin as a strategic asset. And then they were running a stealth operation.

underneath you know while at the same time the davosians in the obama administration were doing their very best to choke it down to kill it again put gensler into the sec and all those other crap warren running around with her you know her extra um uh constitutional um

pressure squad again um i remember the name of the department the name of the choke point you mean well the operation joke but the print act elizabeth warren actually runs some government fucking um um commission or or agent or agency um that is clearly unconstitutional but she's but it's through that thing that i in recent mentions i don't remember the name it's in the the rogan interview well listen to that section of that interview it's a

unbelievable that that's what she's doing outside of she's using that to put pressure on people to you know to to make everybody toe the line right so she's fucking hip deep in this shit she's going fucking jail for being a traitor this one she knows it that's why she's out there histrionically screaming screeching about everything um and um no somebody clearly recognized the strategic potential for bitcoin and got ahead of it and then all you saw from the biden administration was

And from Congress was, you know, them trying to keep the uncertainty around Bitcoin as an asset class and to have no regulation, have no rules about it. That uncertainty would then keep the investment, you know, to keep investment in it. And in Bitcoin companies, you know, in America, if you keep it in a regulatory purgatory, right? Yeah.

then that means that the government can change the rules at any moment. And there's no way to run a business. So now I think I spoke to Mark. I think, I think, I think I spoke, we chatted with Marty Ben about this the other day when I was on his show, we got into this just a little bit. So, you know, get rid of the uncertainty and all of a sudden you'll see all the, the, the companies, the investment take right off. So that's, that's what guys like Andreessen and, and Musk and others are. That's what they all want.

Putin's recognized this. This is why he, you know, he recognized it very early on and he had to fight his Ministry of Finance and his central bank who were all dragging their fucking feet all throughout like 2014, 2015, 2016. And he just finally just got angry and just like decreed from on high, fuck off, give me something by, I don't know, February. Give me something by February or you're all fired, you're all going to the gulag.

It's amazing. Right after that, Elvira and Nabilin over at the Bank of Russia was like, here you go. For them, the blessing. Now the Russians very quickly had, he's like, I don't care whether you like it or not. It does not fucking matter. We need to have this. We need to make the people who are mining Bitcoin legal. They need to have a framework in which to operate. Otherwise, they're not going to stay. And clearly, we need all the investment capital we can get here in Russia. And by the way, we also produce some of the cheapest power in the fucking world.

So would you stop? Clearly, the people who were dragging their feet in Russia were no different than the people who were dragging their feet here. Same thing. So why was Tether blessed? Because you need to have something. If Bitcoin has been identified as a strategic asset, then you need to have something that it can trade against to keep it liquid so that you can make a market in it that's predictable and minimizes the volatility of it.

I use, you know, minimize volatility with my scare quotes, but, you know, relatively speaking. And so you don't want like six or seven stable coins out there. You want one that you ultimately have effectively control over. And then at the same time, if you're trying, if you're Powell and you're trying to change the flow, the rate of flow of capital around the world, the way dollars flow around the world, and you need a hot sink,

for treasury demands, for treasuries. Say you have this situation where the world is de-dollarizing and treasuries are getting sold because people are buying dollars to defend their currencies. They sell treasuries, buy dollars to fuck with the exchange rate. Well, then that money needs to flow. Those treasuries need to flow somewhere. Well, wouldn't it be great if they had a vehicle that you could expand the market cap of whenever the hell you wanted? And here's another thing for you.

So Tether becomes that. And even if the Bitcoin market itself doesn't change, i.e. X amount of, say there's X number of Bitcoins per day to trade, right? But the price goes up.

If volume doesn't change, but the price goes up, that means you have a demand for Tether because the market cap of Bitcoin is going up. The amount of Bitcoins that are trading on a daily basis, say that's a constant, that means that if Bitcoin goes up in market cap, then Tether has to go up in market cap in order to keep the same volume of trade liquefied. If you go and look at Tether's market cap chart since the election, maybe it's calmed down in the last couple of days, but just go and do like a 30-day chart.

And you'll see like at 8.30 every freaking morning when the treasury market opens, it's like, boop. It's like it goes up throughout the day and then, beep. And then it stair steps up because at 8.30, they're literally in there buying billions of dollars of treasuries on the open, on the New York open every morning in order to back the tethers that were traded the night before. The orders that were, you know, during the overnight market. Because remember, the treasury market's not open 24-7, 365. But tether is. Bitcoin is.

So you, I mean, so something fucking changed, dude, like something changed overnight because Trump won the election and this thing has changed. Like it's, it's unbelievable how quickly it changed. And it's really edifying. Actually, every Bitcoin or listening to my voice right now should be like, should be pumped because what it means is that it's exactly what I was saying before the election. It's what I thought Powell was trying to do. Like I've said this before and I'll say it again. I,

One of the ways you help recapitalize the United States is by recapitalizing the Federal Reserve. You recapitalize the Fed's balance sheet, which is impaired because it's got $1.7 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities, which are unmarketable at par. You've got a couple trillion dollars worth of U.S. Treasuries, which are unmarketable on its balance sheet.

At current prices. Because, you know what I mean? Like, at some point, there's a leverage of the amount of currency that's in circulation. The quality of the assets backing that currency in circulation is impaired. Unless you allow the price of gold to rise. And you've got 8,133.5 tons of gold on the balance sheet, and it's rising. And by proxy, you have Bitcoin on your balance sheet through Tether.

Because you've got Bitcoin backing the part of the treasury market. And Bitcoin can be used because of this by proxy through Tether can be used to liquefy the repo markets. Because Bitcoin becomes the collateral that these treasuries are trading against. That's a different fucking world than we've been thinking about. And...

The Bank of England is not playing that game. The European Union is continuing to be as hostile to Bitcoin as humanly fucking possible. And they're going to fail. The United States is making it official.

And I've said, you know, I said, I know I said this on, if not on your podcast, I know I've said it a dozen times to all the Bitcoin maxis. What'll bake your fucking noodles the day the American, is that when the day the Federal Reserve puts Bitcoin on its balance sheet. Well, it's already happened. It's not officially. In the same way that the Fed hasn't restated on its balance sheet what the gold it supposedly owns. And I know there are people out there. Now, all of a sudden, everybody's like, oh, the federal government doesn't have any of the gold. Like, really? Yeah.

Who do you think put that fucking idea in your head? The same freaking people who are trying to meme us in the World War III to bring this all the way back around, who don't have any gold, who sold it all at the bottom, who are selling out their country by the pound every day. Like, duh. Me, I believe the gold is there, even if it's been leased out. Even if there are IOUs written against it, got news for you, the gold never left the fucking vault and possession is nine-tenths of the law.

And who do we owe it to? To the same fucking banks that own the Fed. Who do you think they loaned it out against? This is part of this whole argument about we don't own the gold. This is dumb. Like, I would be... Now, if so, then where'd the gold go? What, we sent it to China? Oh, go fuck yourself. We did not. Did we send it to the Bank of England? No, go fuck yourself. We did not. No, I don't buy it.

All right. I got to ask to expand on that. There's two more topics I want to squeeze in here. Sure. Sure. So I'll ask these three questions in a row from from X people asked. And I have the same question. So this is one from Steve Brown. Why should we stop with all the end the Fed rhetoric, at least for now?

And compounding on that, Matt C. Snow said, order of operations. Why should American Bitcoiners consider the idea of ending foreign central banks first before ending the Fed? It's a similar question. How can we use the Fed to our own advantage in a Machiavellian way as Americans and as freedom loving Bitcoiners? And this kind of gets into the sort of capital flows and the central banking wars. So how would you say, I mean, Bitcoiners are like, let's just end the fucking Fed. Right. And then replace it with what?

- Right. - And where you replace the dollar system with and how are we gonna value our assets?

We're just going to tomorrow just turn around and like send Bitcoin to $5 million a coin. And then do we have a, do we have a financial system that's, that's built up around Bitcoin to allow that to happen? And then how are you going to pay? How are you going to handle the payment layer? How are you going to handle this? How are you going to handle that? Like we have, there's trillions of dollars bound up in covenants and money around the world and assets that are valued based on these things. Like you, if you have, this is a, we have, we have,

The most powerful central bank in the world. It's more powerful than the BIS. It's more powerful than the IMF. It's the Fed. The Fed controls the value of the most powerful currency in the world. Why would you give up that power? Because they're going to continue to send shit money, fiat money, into the system because it's cheaper.

Gresham's law, bad money drives out good. No, overvalued money circulates and undervalued money doesn't. So Bitcoin is huddled and gold is huddled until such time as they are valued at a level that is less than they're capable of circulating. Gresham's law is always misstated. Gresham's law will destroy the United States if we get rid of the Fed tomorrow because

They will beggar thy neighbor with shitty euros and people will spend those and invest and use those to invest and pounds and everything else. And they'll use those to buy the gold and to buy the Bitcoin and everything else. Like you go back to the gold standard tomorrow and all the gold will leave the vault, right? Because gold should be valued at $40,000 an ounce, but it's valued at $26.50.

So you either allow gold to go to $40,000 an ounce before you do that. And same thing with Bitcoin. And the Fed has the ability to set the price of those hard assets in terms of our money. Let's take them off the board and we lose because we're not going to, we end the Fed tomorrow. We put it back under the what? The treasury. You trust the treasury. So you're going to take the monetary creation system

out of the hands of the commercial banking system, which is what built the country. And you're going to, we're going to like hand that and the bond yields and the trillions of dollars in bonds and everything else. We're just going to get rid of those tomorrow. And all the hedging strategies and all the risk laying off strategies and the insurance industries and the actual, we're going to get rid of all that. Really? Are you going to replace that with Bitcoin? Or are you going to replace that with gold? A hard gold standard tomorrow? No, you're not.

Because no one wants that. This is the world we have. In the world we have, the Fed is the most powerful institution in the world. Should it have that power? No. Do we devolve that power out of what the Fed is, how it's currently constituted? Yes.

I want a Fed that goes, you get rid of the Fed in order of operations by taking the Fed from where it is today back to a 12 regional banks competing against each other for capital, which is what it was originally designed to do and provide elastic money to the banking system if it gets in trouble regionally. How can you do that? Well, as a consequence of SOFR, you will have that anyway because you have a domestic debt indexing rate, which will then allow for the,

which will allow for markets to bid for money once you've destroyed... First, you have to destroy the euro-dollar system. Then you have to destroy the euro-dollar system and bring it back to the point where it's not an order of magnitude or two bigger than the domestic dollar markets. Because right now, you get rid of the Fed, what do you do with all the dollars floating around the world? Like your tomorrow, what are you going to do with those? So the thing to do...

from an order of operations perspective is allow the fed to drain all the other central banks that are hostile to it he'll stop using the fed as a tool to grease the wheels of globalism you're operating on the people who don't understand my argument don't don't understand that when globalism was ascended and the fed was a tool of globalism run by globalists with a globalist

debt indexing and currency arbitrage system that was in place, i.e. the Plaza Accord, the LIBOR standards, the Plaza Accord and all that shit. Once you understand that, yeah, during those years, the Fed didn't work for us at all. And now we have a Federal Reserve reversing that. Now we have SOFR. Now we have

um now we have a fed and we have a fed that has that needs reform don't get me wrong but you reform the fed through natural market forces as opposed to you know some like end game decree i mean even ron paul was like that's a dumb idea because it will literally usher in a kind of 90 deflation that would be catastrophic because

you're missing all the complexity of the legal agreements around the world and the trade agreements and this and the investment covenants. What do the family offices do? And how do people pay their fucking bills and all the rest of it? No, you change the system by changing the way the system deals with the value, the pricing of dollars. You do that first, which is what we've been doing. Once that's accomplished most of its goal,

which is to have the dollar stop liquid, um, liquefying by everything. Now you can have the fed. Now you have the real potential for the fed to be reformed. I'll keep doing what the, what Powell has been doing, shrink the balance sheet, allow the hard assets that, that the, that the country, that's a big effectively on the national balance sheet. Um, let them rise in value again, um,

We're mining all the fucking Bitcoin. We mine a lot of gold. We're stopping the flow of physical gold out of the country. Oh, by the way, that's soft capital controls have already gone up around the entire gold industry. Vince and I have done multiple podcasts on this. And then...

And you can even throw the national goal down the yield curve in order to, you know, finance a lot of the unfunded liabilities. That's another argument. And I thought, literally, I need to read this. I haven't had a chance to read it. I got to send a copy of this by her publisher the other day, Judy Shelton's book. I need to read it. I've read her papers and I've listened to her talk. I know what her argument is, but I'm like, I'm on that one. So we do this, we do that process. At the end of the day, bringing the Fed back to its original conception,

with Bitcoin as a strategic asset, with gold as a strategic asset within the monetary system. And we can easily have a hybrid transition system, that hybrid period where we have, you know, where we remonetize gold and we monetize in many ways Bitcoin, but we still have the vestiges of the old system running. It's got hard collateral underneath it as opposed to just promises to pay. And, um,

we can encourage competition within the 12 major, within the 12 regional banks through the use of SOFR and, you know, bidding for capital, investment capital as a, as a premium or a deficit to our discount to SOFR. Like, and we can obviate and get rid of the need for a monolithic Fed funds rate. And eventually, you know,

the fed can get away from its two percent inflation target and like but that chain that only that only changes if we also reform the fiscal side of the equation as well we change the way we we we regulate the economy change the way we collect taxes like how about we do all those things how about we get rid of capital gains tax on selling gold how about we get rid of capital gains tax on on on bitcoin by the way chevron the the the supreme court overturning chevron literally

tells the IRS that you don't have the right and the power anymore to decide how to classify Bitcoin as an asset. Because that was just decreed by the IRS. No act of Congress. We're talking about really being radical. Start really thinking about this. The Fed's a problem, but it's not the problem. The real problem is in D.C.,

The real problem was the 16th and 17th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. All three of those things had to be done at the same time in order to betray the country. I want direct election of senators to go away before I want the Fed to go away. I want the original federalism where senators were sent to Washington by the state legislatures. And if they don't do the state's business, they can be fucking recalled.

I don't need term limits, folks. I have state legislators, legislatures. I want the 17th Amendment repealed. I want the 16th Amendment repealed. It was never properly ratified in the fucking first place, and we all know it. Let's start there. Let's shrink the size of the federal government to the point where it doesn't matter. Let the commercial banking system actually do its job, which is to lend money to people to build businesses with, as opposed to doing casino gambling in globalized frigging markets. I got news for you.

everything we're seeing now jamie diamond is blessed it came out this week over the weekend diamond and trump have been working together for the last year bloomberg said it the fucking post the new york post said it bloomberg said it got news for you i was right about all that shit and i know somebody else asked me today this i know one of the other questions that showed up on twitter today because i i checked all i saw all that which was does tom ever get tired of winning fuck no

I never get tired of winning. Why would you? Winning's rocks. I'm an American. I like to win. Patton's my spirit hero. He's my spirit animal. I wouldn't give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed, right? Like we should never be tired of winning. Like the commercial banking system understands that we can serve. They know this and they understand this better than we do. Let them do their job, which is get back to actual lending.

as opposed to the bullshit that they were forced into because of the hyper-financialization of our markets because we weren't in control of our own monetary policy. And then let's decide whether or not we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve, which I firmly believe we will at some point, or not. And we'll have it be so small that all its job is is to be a lender of last resort with a couple hundred billion dollars on its balance sheet to lend to banks that get into trouble.

The original conception of the Fed was not a bad idea. It was always known to be corrupted, no argument. But we need to have a conversation about 100% reserve banking, community banking, and everything else. We're so far removed from that right now that unless, if you want that tomorrow, are you working out four hours a day? Are you a dead shot with iron sights at 150 yards? Do you have three years worth of stored canned goods?

and toilet paper. Fuck you. If you don't, you're not ending the Fed. You live in an apartment. Okay. You got, you know, you, you don't, you don't have enough testosterone. You've got a, you've got a pedophiles mustache. Fuck off. I don't want to hear it. Like I'm just over libertarian. The world.

between central banks, which is what happened. It's a fight over the future of money. Private formation of capital, public formation of capital. You get rid of the Fed. If you do these things now, we're going to wind up with the money is never going to flow into the U.S. to recapitalize the country. And the money is going to stay in China, in Europe, and in the U.K. You're going to let these people who stole your life and your parents' lives,

And your grandparents' wives. And your great-grandparents' wives. They stole all the money, all the wealth that they generated. They stole it all. It's sitting in their castles. It's sitting in their bank accounts in the Caymans. It's sitting in the vaults all around the world where they both hold all their fucking money. And we have them spending their seed corn right now to stop us. And you want to end the goddamn Fed. Okay. How about you just tell me that you want to lose? It's just dumb.

We're killing these people. They're so fucking on the ropes. They're ready to start World War goddamn three over this. They're threatening us with nuclear fire. Take the fucking hint. I gave a version of this talk at the Mises Institute and it was not nearly this confrontational. It was, hey, we have the right story. We can help them. We can win. Let's go help them win. And won't release the speech. Yeah, I heard about that.

It was grief Z huddle who, you know, asked if you were tired of winning. It's kind of speaking of winning and thinking about, I mean, the last three or four years were, were kind of really fucked up. And, um, you know, I saw two things. I think there was just a lot of, um, laws broken during COVID. I feel like, I feel like someone should go to jail for that. Oh God. Yes. And I'm sure there were laws broken, uh,

You know, you know, it seemed like there was political lawfare in the last year. They went it seemed like they went after Trump in a way that was outside of the lines. So do you it's a two part question. It's like, do you think Trump kind of does something about that in terms of retribution? And do you think that's good or bad, whether he does it or not? Should it be done?

No. Okay. Should he specifically go and enact revenge on the people who went against him in particular? Let's say it's not revenge. But I mean, just looking at it from the lens of maybe the great financial crisis, no one went to jail for breaking the rules. And at some point, I feel like we need, need's not the right word. The justice in society would be good.

to feel like they were the same set of rules for everybody and so were there i'm assuming rules were broken i'm not an expert on you know yeah i mean my you know yeah no they have broken a lot of rules and i'll be honest with you like the again the way i've been reading this honestly has been when you when you stop to think about again correlation doesn't necessarily apply imply causality but

From the moment we started down the path of SOFR and ending LIBOR, that's when everything kind of went crazy, right? Starting in 2017. And that's when everything had to be accelerated. Because again, it's about the future of money. And so if you can destroy the United States by any means necessary...

then you do so because what you're trying to do is maintain the control over money. It's not just the value of the money. It is ultimately about the value of money, but it's about what the money actually represents and how it can be used as a tool for maintaining power. And so I really do believe at this point that

So much of the lawfare, the color revolution attempts against the United States, and the acceleration of all was done in order to break the Fed from trying to drain the world of the offshore dollar market. Because if you can control, because again, go back to what I was saying at the beginning of the podcast about Patreon and Jack Dorsey and all that.

If you can blame the U.S. and its dollar diplomacy or enforce at the barrel of the U.S. military's gun, then you can turn the world against us. And then you can continue to run the world from the shadows while you have your public scapegoat, which is what they were doing when they controlled the Fed.

The Fed greased the wheels of these globalist shitbags in Europe. I'm dead serious when I say this is centered in Europe. The most degenerate fucking people are in Europe. Okay?

And they wanted their colonies back. And I've skinned this cat multiple ways in the past, right? But at the end of the day, that's what this is about. They don't have any fucking physical collateral. They have no energy. They have no natural resources. They have nothing. And they go out and they colonize the world, these fucking locusts. And then when they're done raping an area clean,

They move on. They take all their money. They take all their money back out. They go and they go apply it somewhere else. So they were raping the frigging shit out of the United States, destroying it in order to then move their money to China. And then they were planning on taking it to China.

And then she comes to power and says, fuck a whole lot of that, refuses to cut, refuses to open the capital account, and then starts draining them on the one side. And then we had a sovereignist restoration here in the United States with Trump in 2016, and that starts the process. And then the people within the U.S. who believe in the U.S. put shit in place to reverse the capital flow, specifically SOFR.

Because the English have run their bullshit and the fucking French and their colonial shit in Northern Africa with the remnants of which are in Central Africa. And the British, they've always understood that if you can create a currency arbitrage that's durable to your advantage, then you win because you suck all the money out of

They're mercantilists. You create a currency arbitrage that doesn't close, and then you suck the wealth from one area of the world to you. It's what they've been doing. And so when we established the dollar reserve standard for real around 1981 or 82 when Volcker goes to 19%, and by 1984, London is pricing dollars for us.

How the fuck did London get the gig? Well, because the city of London is the place where all the, at the time, was where all the international transactions were clearing. It's where the forex was. The foreign exchange was happening. It still happens. The British pound settles 30% of forex trades around the world still. It's all they have.

And by the way, that's where the banks make most of their money today. They don't make it on net interest margin lending. They make it on Forex fees. That's their real bread and butter. And they don't want to give that up. And then there's insurance and there's this and there's all these other, you know, intended stuff. But, you know, they really make their money on Forex. When I was talking to Vince about this in a podcast and when he brought that up, I'm like, oh, shit, you're right. So that's what they're really trying to defend here. So why can't we have that business? Why does CineLending get to have that business?

Why did, you know, like, no, we don't, they don't, they don't get to keep that business if we, if we decide not to. So, um, like ultimately I think that, you know, I mean, I think back to the original part of the question on this is what were you, I, I, I'm, I got lost in a little bit of this. So you, what you ultimately wanted me to answer was, um,

Why the lawfare? Why did they go this route? Yeah, why did they go this route? Well, it's because they were trying to defend that. And they would, by any means necessary, they needed to destroy the United States from within. And then take the last best and the last way you... And once you get a country like us to the state we're in now, where we're divided politically, we still have this big military that we can throw at somebody.

And so you get us involved in wars we can't afford to fight, and that's going to be the final bankruptcy. And if we're going to have this fight a war, we should fight that war for whose ends? To defend Europe's ability to go out and colonize Russia and or the Middle East.

and destroy the United States. And maybe the United States is so powerful, you have to get them involved in three wars, Middle East, Ukraine, and China. And then everybody gets taken down a peg. Default on the old system. I mean, but it's clearly what the, if you listen to the British and Macron in France, and you listen to them very carefully, they'll tell you exactly what they want.

They need to end Ursula von der Leyen at the European Union. They all want the same thing, which is to break Russia up. Don't let them have Ukraine. Don't let them have Russia. They need the collateral. If you're going to collapse the existing system and default on all your debt, and by the way, the British have defaulted on their debt at least twice. They're called consuls. George Soros has talked about this. So if you're going to default on the system,

The reason why they were able to default on their bonds previously was because they were still the most powerful nation in the world. So now you just, so yeah, okay, well, we defaulted. You're not going to get your money back. You invested with us the first time, but we are going to pay you in perpetuity. Oh, and by the way, we're still in charge. So here's our new business venture.

Yeah, we went bankrupt last week, but, you know, we're still, you know, it's like saying we're Microsoft. We went bankrupt because we fucked up, but we're still Microsoft. We still have all these lines of business. So, you know, Windows is still, you know, whatever, or Apple. Imagine if Apple declared bankruptcy tomorrow and didn't pay their, you know, but they could still, based on their future cash flow, find a new round of investors tomorrow because nothing about the core business has changed.

But they have to cram down the old investors, and then they can issue a new round of it. That's what they want to do. They also want to do it at a global level. And in order for them to do that this time, they need to have control over the two biggest piles of natural resources in the world. One's in the United States and Canada, and the other one's in Russia. And both of those countries are saying, you know what? Fuck you. No. No.

It's not really more complicated than that, guys. Everything else is all down. Everything else I've talked about tonight is all downstream of that. They want to collapse the system and have control over the future cash flow streams. And they've sold this, pre-sold all this on the Ukraine war. Now it's envelope day and they don't have it done. They don't have Ukraine. Russia's not going to collapse.

The United States doesn't want to go to war with China. We just elected Donald Trump who's saying, nope, we're pulling it all home. Drill, baby, drill. We're investing for America. Trump can do a half-assed fucking job of this, and it's still so fucking powerful that the United States will last for another 200 years. So what are their end games?

attempt to get us involved in world war three and tell the blue states they need to to to secede from the union and the fucking libertarians are so up their own ass like oh secession is just right man and they'll fuck you okay the northeast and california have 160 million people and they produce 50 of the fucking gdp in the united states and if they leave

We're left holding the bag on $36 trillion worth of debt and $180 trillion worth of unfunded liabilities. You fucking moron. Where do you think? And now, I want you to sit down and think like somebody who controls $10 billion in a family office sitting in Europe. Where are you going to put your money? The United States is broken into pieces?

Where the productive part of the fucking economy is now saddled with $36 trillion worth of debt. And the shitbags, the fucking crazy fucking communist Wokenistas who sold out to China and sold out to the fucking... Where do you think they're going to put their goddamn money? The money's going to stay in fucking Europe. Everything's going to collapse here. And we're fucked. No, not fucking secession. California doesn't get the fucking lead. They stole all of our goddamn money. Not just New York. Fuck that place too. No.

Fuck no. No. The United States can break up because it's too fucking big 20 years from now, 50 years from now. But not today. Today, we take out those fucking limey shitbags. We take out those fucking frogs. And we take out those fucking, we take out the fucking Vatican. Take out all those fucking people. They need to go. Then we can do this. You free humanity first. Then you can decide, oh, well, we'll have peaceable America.

People, you know, moving across arbitrary political borders. Fucking idiots. Literal fucking morons. Because you just don't get it. Because my property rights and the Fed. Okay, fine. No one even understands how we would get from point A to point Z. We're just going to, like, do that tomorrow. Like, okay, you just, like, un...

Literally, you've never done anything other than, I don't know, anything more complicated than run a guild in World of Warcraft, which is actually more complicated than running even a small business. And you should know better by now because every fucking guild leader I've ever met in World of Warcraft runs a really successful fucking business. No, you were the rogue trying to ninja loot. I'm just so over it, dude. I really am.

Like, it's so, like, no. These people are trying to destroy you and you're carrying water for them. No, they don't get to secede. No. We make them stay and then we decapitalize them the same way we decapitalize City of London and Frankfurt and Paris and Brussels. Fuck those people. They don't believe in freedom. They don't believe in property rights. We fought a fucking war 250 years ago to get away from these fucking assholes.

And you just want to hand them the win? All right, fine. It would be like the 1978 Yankees in game six of the World Series after Reggie Jackson's already hit two home runs that night. That because Charlie Huff is on the fucking mound and Jackson supposedly has trouble with the knuckleball that we're going to sub him out for, I don't know, the schmuck on the bench.

Yeah, okay. No, we're going to just sit Reggie Jackson down. Okay. And you people wonder why you can't get more than 2% of the fucking vote and why you had your party taken over by a bunch of fucking Trotskyites this summer. It makes me think of, it makes me very hopeful. It makes me feel like there's been a zeitgeist shift. It makes me think of two scenes in two different movies. One, you know, Star Wars A New Hope, episode four, which I think it was episode one.

But, you know, sort of towards the end when Luke's trying to destroy the evil empire and he's on his own. And it's still a tenuous mission, though. You know, you feel very hopeful. You feel very optimistic. You feel like it's going to happen, but things could go wrong. It also makes me think of like... It's that moment in Star Wars, actually that moment in Star Wars, when Luke turns off his targeting computer and then they cut back to the base and everybody's looking around like going, what the fuck is he doing? Right?

We're at that moment right there. It's like when Leia's looking at General Donana, I know the scene really well. I know that movie. Okay. Now what? Yeah, that's where we are. It also makes me think of like Good Will Hunting after he beats the shit out of the guy who beat him up in kindergarten. And, you know, he's got to go through the court system and he gets out by the skin of his teeth because the professor pulls him out to go into therapy and do math.

And, you know, it's hopeful. It's like, you know, you're really rooting for Will. But, you know, Will still has to kind of pull his life together and do the work, you know, and he's going to still have his trials and tribulations. But it's very hopeful. And we mentioned sort of the strategic Bitcoin reserve. I don't know who planted the seed in my head, but it's very exciting. You know, America kind of could write its the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, its own balance sheet.

It's long-term liabilities. But I can't help to see, you know, maybe there's going to be machinations that we don't expect, like,

you know, once that thing, you know, you buy a million Bitcoin, it's now worth 20, $30 trillion. And, and a politician like maybe AOC comes along and says, Hey, why don't we use sell all that and pay for America's healthcare or pay for housing? You know, let's get rid of it. There's always, there's, there's always, there's always a catastrophe around the corner. Yeah. And yeah, we can't, but you can't like, what are you going to do, man? No, I don't mean it's a bad thing. I just think it's going to be interesting how it goes.

Yeah, again, like everything else, we have to just kind of trust that. And that would be a good outcome, you know, just that we're on that path. Wouldn't it be great that we were at the point where we were so free and rich that we could, again, we're going to solve the problems. It would be great. And we could argue what problems we're going to solve and how we're going to use the solutions and the bullets we've acquired. As opposed to, you know, giving up.

Yeah, fighting with two hands tied behind our back and fucking ourselves. Yeah. Well, that's what we're looking at on July 12th, right? And then Trump lived. Yeah. I still have mixed feelings about that whole thing. I just, you know, if these two are really Elon and Trump are such enemies of the state, I don't see how the state just, the deep state just rolled over for them. You know, came out with these pew, pew little assassination attempts. No, no, no. That was a real assassination attempt.

And the universe intervened. I'm sorry. And I'm not a spiritual guy. I'm really not. The universe intervened. We're on that timeline. I hope so. We're in the world Alex Jones made, man. I'm telling you. And that's okay. And it's, you know, have a little faith. Things happen. And they happen for a reason. And make the best of it. The deep state hasn't rolled over. They're fighting tooth and claw.

But the power that they hold is very brittle because we can see them. And there are equally powerful forces saying, you know what? No. Every day, every time they try and play their fucking reindeer game. Oh, we're going to stop Matt Gaetz from being attorney general, for example. Now, one could argue that Trump was never serious about

nominating Gates in the first place and that Gates was laid out there as bait to see to find out who was actually going to spend every erg of political capital they had in order to stop him from becoming AG why because of course he made a copy of the fucking Hunter Biden laptop and put it into the congressional record they all know he has a copy of it and he's and he could fuck them over it and so they and they so they they fell for that you know in chess terms a kind of pawn sacrifice now of course Matt Gates is

But now we know who those people are. So what did we see over the weekend? That McConnell and Schumer both got multi-million dollar graft payouts from Ukraine aid. Who do you think dropped that motherfucking envelope on someone's desk over the weekend? Oh, by the way, Mitch, you now work for us. Oh, by the way, Schumer, fuck you. Fuck you. And we know that. And that's just a taste. That's only part of what we know about what you've done.

That's what that was. McConnell's going to roll over. Lindsey Graham tried to play the game, well, I'm against Matt Gaetz's A.J. No, you're not. He was never against it. We know you can't pass the dead hooker live boy test. Lindsey, you work for us now.

There are a lot of people out there playing very, very, very hardball. We're just used to them playing hardball against us. We don't know what it looks like when we have people actually work playing that game for us. And so we naturally, because we're abused children, distrust it. And it's okay. There's nothing. It's the rational response. It is. It takes a lot of time to rebuild trust.

And you should maintain your skepticism. But it happened. It wasn't a hard shot. Crooks missed. The universe intervened. That's it. If the timeline that we've been given is anywhere close to correct, the cop shows up at the moment he was about to take a shot. He knows the jig is up. He turns around. He tries to take the shot. Trump moves his head. Missed. Killed two people in the audience. Shit happens. Like assassination attempts go south all the time. We just never hear about it.

I'm not talking about in the United States. I'm talking about around the world. Robert Fisto in Slovakia lived. Viktor Orban has survived multiple assassination attempts. Putin has survived multiple assassination attempts. I mean, and I've heard about some of those, about the circumstances in every one of those. I'm like, yeah. And they were as close to a near miss as, you know, not as close as Trump, a quarter of an inch, but I'm living with it. So once you take that shot, though, you know, the old adage,

holds true. You take a shot at the king, you better not miss. They missed, and now they're fucked. They can kill him now, but the minute he nominated Vance, forget it. I'm not sure I trust J.D. at this point, but I trust him a fuckload more than anybody else you could have put in that position, other than maybe Gabbert. But Gabbert wasn't VP material for Trump at this moment in time.

But the whole story just tells you that the only rational explanation for why things have worked out the way they have is because in that moment, a whole bunch of people stood up and went, okay, that's enough. That's it. You took a shot, you missed, and now we're taking you out.

Cedric and I have been talking since 10 o'clock this morning. I'm really tired. Yeah, we're going to round it out here. So I've enjoyed this immensely. You know, I struggle with what to believe. It's one of the reasons I'm a Bitcoiner is you don't have to trust. You can verify it for yourself. And it's a truth machine. It really resonates with me. You know, so it's the only thing that I know that is real. But

You talk about memories being a kid. When I was like five, my brother gave me a huge rock of what he told me was gold. I brought it to school, and show and tell, I showed the whole class my rock of gold, and my teacher and third grade teacher explained to me, like, that's not gold. There's no way you're walking around with a pound of gold in your hand, and your brother lied to you.

I went home and I told my brother's story because I argued that no one, there's no way he lied to me. And it's really gold. And he told me, you know, it's fool's gold. It's not real gold. We bought in Grand Canyon when we were two. My brother's nine years older than me. But, you know, I ended up in a Costco randomly about a month ago. My wife dragged me there and they got the gold little bars there. And I've always wanted to, you know, Bitcoiners hate this, but I have a little appreciation for gold, especially since as a Bitcoin with Trace Mayer.

and the history of gold and be able to touch gold and bring it into the physical world in a way. I mean, I think Bitcoin connects the, you know, the real world to the physical world, but it's nice to actually understand the Lindy effect and the actual feel of gold. And, you know, I don't know if this thing is real, but I feel like it's real and it's interesting. And, you know, speaking to you gives, giving me a tremendous amount of optimism and,

for where we are in the world right now and what we can accomplish and what we can fight for, you know, and keep fighting. So I'll leave it to you for any, you know, final words and let us know where we can find you and your work. So I had that same kind of moment when I first, I've told this story before and I'll tell you, I thought I'd say it again. The first time I held a piece of gold in my hand, I talked about buying gold for two years. My wife finally got tired of me and she bought me a small 20 ounce, 20th ounce piece of gold.

for christmas one year little um earthman year of the dragon 20th ounce and i held it in my hand it was like 20 pounds piece of gold it's like this big right right i got it right here is what analysis is like and it's amazing how small it is and what yeah how is society in the world even that values it right even that you go holy and so holding a piece of gold for the first time

making a real connection with my dog that I, I, I adopted from the pound, like the moment I met him and a kind of, it was a preternatural moment. And one of these, maybe the next time I'll tell you this, I'll tell you that story in detail. And then of course my daughter being born, those are moments that like fundamentally change who you are. And, um,

I recommend every Bitcoiner that's living in their head and they're looking at the number go up on their screens and they look at their strike account or wherever they hold their wallet or whatever. And they're like, well, I have some Bitcoin. And it's a number on a screen. It's not the same. You should own an ounce of gold. You should own a couple of ounces of gold. You should own some. You should own some Bitcoin. You should own some silver. You should own some this. You should own some U.S. Treasuries. You should own a little bit of everything because it's savings and you don't know what's going to win. And you should always hedge your bets.

because hell, I watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off with my daughter for the first time the other night. And life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to appreciate it, you know, you could miss it. So you don't know where life is going to take you. You don't know what's going to happen next. Don't believe you understand that, that you know where we're going to wind up because you don't. So enjoy the journey and hedge your bets. It's never a bad idea. You're not betraying Bitcoin by buying gold.

And it's not a logical decision, you know.

If you live everything without, if you do that without any, like Andreessen and Joe Rogan were talking about, you know, AI government and stuff like that in order to try and get rid of the crate, you know, get rid of the irrationality of it all. Wouldn't it be great? Well, yeah, it would be great. But then again, at the same time, they're also saying, yeah, if you remove the humanity from the process, if you remove the predictive, if you only go with the predictable and the rational, you wind up with a bunch of boring shit and then we never create anything brilliant.

Because you need crazies, you need people, visionaries, you need that. You need that spark of like the insane. Yes, let's go to fucking Mars because it's cool. Tommy Kerrigan and I were talking about this the other day, this morning or this afternoon about Neil deGrasse Tyson saying Elon Musk wants to send us to Mars. What's the shareholder return on that? It'll never happen. Like it's not about the shareholder return, you fucking DEI hire. Fuck you, asshole, you fat asshole. It's about going to fucking Mars, dude.

You can find me at TFL1728 on Twitter. You can find me at my blog at and you can find me at Patreon slash GoldGhostsAndGuns where I do this twice a week for my patrons privately and the monthly newsletter where this month we take a victory lap for Gen X. Tom, this has been so dope. As always, do I open this thing up and play with it like a toy and connect with it at a real... Yes, I would.

Does that devalue this thing? If you're going to do it, and if you do it with silver, just know that you're going to ruin the value of the silver coin. But silver is only $30 a coin, so fuck it. You should... That would devalue this. Take this global thing. No, it would not. It would not devalue it whatsoever. The one thing I actually recommend everybody do, buy two one-ounce silver coins, sacrifice them to you fidgeting with them in your pants. And when you go out, when you leave the house, always bring them with you.

You want to watch yourself go, do I want to spend my money on that? Would I be willing to trade these two ounces of silver in my pocket to buy that? No. That cured me of a lot of weird, you know. How you broke up? Many work. Go to the pawn shop and buy some. That's what I would do. Yeah, it's amazing to connect with this stuff. I've done it. It's a really powerful thing, man. It really is. So with that said. Thank you so much, Tom. This has been incredible.

It's been fun. We'll round up in two weeks. I can't wait.