cover of episode Tom Luongo: Bitcoin - The Savior of Our Financial Future?

Tom Luongo: Bitcoin - The Savior of Our Financial Future?

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The Bitcoin Matrix

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#blockchain and cryptocurrency#political conspiracy theories#geopolitical conflict People
Tom Luongo
@Tom Luongo : 我认为当前的金融体系正在崩溃,那些构建并从中获利的人可能会不择手段阻止其崩溃。他们可能会试图通过制造国际冲突,甚至假旗行动来达到目的,以转移公众注意力并维持其权力。然而,我相信存在一股强大的力量在阻止他们,并且我们有机会去梦想,保持乐观,积极地改变现状。我们应该抓住这个机会,改变资本流动方向,将投资从无用的领域转向生产必需品领域。这需要我们与那些了解现有系统运作方式的人合作,即使他们可能有不可告人的动机。最终,胜利意味着改变资本流动方向,将投资从对坏想法的过度投资转向生产必需品。这将需要时间和努力,但这是值得的。我们必须赢得这一轮斗争,并阻止那些试图通过各种手段来控制全球资本流动的人。我们需要保持警惕,但同时也要保持乐观,因为我们正在取得进展。 @Cedric Youngelman : (作为访谈者,Cedric Youngelman 主要提出问题,引导讨论方向,并未表达自身的核心论点。其问题涵盖了对当前政治局势、经济走势以及比特币未来发展方向的担忧和疑问,并促使Tom Luongo 对其进行深入解释和分析。)

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Tom Luongo believe the current financial system cannot survive without Bitcoin?

Luongo argues Bitcoin is essential because it offers a decentralized, transparent alternative to the existing system, which he views as corrupt and controlled by a select few. He sees Bitcoin as a tool to break free from this control and shift power back to individuals.

What is Tom Luongo's opinion on immediately ending the Federal Reserve?

Luongo believes immediately ending the Fed is a dangerous idea. He argues it would cause catastrophic deflation, disrupt global agreements and financial markets, and empower those who control offshore dollars. He advocates for reforming the Fed, not abolishing it.

What are Tom Luongo's thoughts on the odds of Trump surviving until inauguration day?

While acknowledging potential threats, Luongo believes Trump's current strategy of remaining at Mar-a-Lago enhances his security. He suggests further attempts are more likely after inauguration, during which Trump's public engagements will increase. Luongo also believes a "divine intervention" occurred during the previous assassination attempt.

How does Tom Luongo think different markets will perform during the current political and economic climate?

Luongo predicts a deflationary wave due to government spending cuts, impacting bond yields and the dollar. He foresees a potential recession, but also an investment cycle in infrastructure and essential goods. He anticipates Powell cutting interest rates to restore a normal yield curve and encourage lending.

Why does Tom Luongo believe capital flows are so important?

Luongo emphasizes how capital flows are central to the ongoing "central banking war." He argues manipulating these flows allows for control over wealth and power. He believes reversing globalist control over these flows is key to restoring American prosperity.

What is Tom Luongo's perspective on the "comfortable wolves" and their actions?

Luongo believes the "comfortable wolves," including Wall Street and established political figures, acted to prevent election theft and maintain their positions of power. He suggests deals were made behind the scenes to ensure a specific outcome.

Does Tom Luongo believe the United States should make use of Bitcoin?

Yes, Luongo argues that Bitcoin should be treated as a strategic asset, similar to gold. He suggests using Bitcoin reserves to back loans and stabilize the treasury market. He also believes the US is already using Bitcoin indirectly through Tether to manage dollar flows and liquidity in the repo market.

What is Tom Luongo's response to the idea of the U.S. seceding?

Luongo vehemently opposes secession, arguing it would cripple the U.S. economy, leaving the productive states burdened with debt while the wealthy elite retain their assets. He views secession as a strategy to further weaken the United States.

What is Tom Luongo's opinion on Trump enacting retribution against his political opponents?

While not explicitly advocating for revenge, Luongo believes holding those responsible for illegal actions during COVID and political lawfare accountable is crucial for justice and restoring faith in the system. He highlights the importance of equal application of rules.

Why does Tom Luongo recommend Bitcoiners own some gold?

Luongo encourages Bitcoiners to diversify their holdings with gold and other assets, emphasizing the importance of hedging bets and acknowledging the unpredictable nature of the future. He also suggests physically holding gold allows for a deeper understanding of its historical significance and tangible value.

This chapter introduces Tom Luongo, highlighting his diverse background, from research chemist to anarcho-libertarian economist and his current work connecting geopolitics and investments. His libertarian views and distrust of large organizations are emphasized.
  • Former research chemist and amateur dairy goat farmer
  • Anarcho-libertarian and obstreperous Austrian economist
  • Owner and publisher of Gold, Goats, and Guns
  • Believes individuals are the only ones who can make the right decisions for themselves

Shownotes Transcript

Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Luongo to discuss if the current financial system can survive without Bitcoin. 

We also get into what Tom thinks about ending the federal reserve immediately, the odds that trump can make it to inauguration day alive, and of course we cover how Tom thinks all the different markets will perform during all of this.

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