cover of episode British Hodl - Why $900 Trillion of Global Wealth Will Be Coming Into Bitcoin

British Hodl - Why $900 Trillion of Global Wealth Will Be Coming Into Bitcoin

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The Bitcoin Matrix

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#blockchain and cryptocurrency#financial independence#financial influencer insights#wealth and social networks#investor perception and behavior#professional transition#investment banking#financial identity#philosophy Topics
@British Hodl : 我认为比特币的价值在于其作为一种去中心化、抗通胀的价值储存手段。我预见到机构投资者(如BlackRock)会操纵市场,试图让比特币价格上涨到大多数人买不起的地步,因此我积极传播"拥有一个比特币"的信息,帮助那些在传统金融体系中财富受损的人们(例如我的父母)保障财务安全。比特币是目前最好的货币选择,即使收入有限,也能通过少量购买积累财富。比特币的优势在于,无论投资金额大小,其购买成本都相对较低。 我关注的是那些因政府滥印钞票而财富缩水的普通人,并希望通过比特币帮助他们保障财务安全。优秀的投资者能够识别并适应不断变化的投资收益率门槛,比特币是当前新的收益率门槛。 我认为政客们对比特币态度的转变并非源于独立思考,而是受到了机构投资者的影响。BlackRock的最终目标是管理比特币资产并从中获利。美国政府对比特币交易征税,限制了其作为交易媒介的功能。美国建立战略比特币储备将促使其他国家效仿,从而对比特币价格产生重大影响。MicroStrategy通过其比特币持有量,为交易者提供了足够的波动性来获利。 目前难以对比特币进行精确估值,应将其视为价值储存资产进行评估。我不主张出售比特币,但支持将其用于改善生活。我认为比特币已经取得了胜利,机构投资者的介入标志着其进入新的发展阶段。比特币的未来走势可能并非周期性波动,而是长期稳步上涨。 比特币社区需要更好地理解传统金融体系的运作方式。我最初误解了比特币的本质,后来通过阅读《比特币标准》并理解"存量/流量"的概念才改变了我的看法。比特币提供了前所未有的财务主权和独立性。比特币有机会终结世界长期的金融压迫和创伤。我的角色是提醒人们关注比特币的重要性,避免错过改变人生的机会。我不会改变我的核心信息,因为它代表了一个重要的历史时刻。我希望埃隆·马斯克能够更深入地了解并支持比特币。 @Cedric Youngleman : (This section would contain Cedric's arguments and supporting evidence, following the same format as British Hodl's section above. Since the prompt only provides British Hodl's perspective, this section cannot be completed.)

Deep Dive

British Hodl, a former investor in gold and real estate, explains his shift to Bitcoin advocacy. He emphasizes the importance of acquiring at least one Bitcoin due to the anticipated price increase and the limited number of people who can afford it. He also discusses the advantages of Bitcoin over traditional assets like gold.
  • British Hodl's background in gold and real estate investing.
  • The strategic importance of acquiring at least one Bitcoin.
  • The advantages of Bitcoin's low acquisition costs compared to gold.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Cedric sits down with British Hodl, a former gold and real estate investor turned Bitcoin advocate, about his journey into Bitcoin and his mission to help others secure their financial future.

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––– Chapters –––

00:00 - Intro

01:24 - The Mission to Get to One Bitcoin

07:52 - Failing Traditional Savings

11:03 - Today’s Good Investor

12:43 - Trump & Bitcoin

15:11 - BlackRock & Bitcoin

17:38 - Bitcoin as Collateral

18:32 - Strategic Bitcoin Reserves

21:01 - MicroStrategy & Bitcoin

24:35 - Valuing Bitcoin

29:05 - Are Cycles Over?

32:11 - Spending vs. Selling

39:51 - El Salvador & Bitcoin

52:02 - Bitcoin’s Mission

56:15 - British Hodl’s Role

1:02:45 - Future of British Hodl

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for tuning in, supporting the show, and contributing. 

Thank you for listening!