cover of episode Bob Burnett - Hash Wars

Bob Burnett - Hash Wars

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Bob Burnett
@Bob Burnett : 本人认为技术专家需要结合科技发展和社会结构变化进行思考,跳出西方思维模式,预见问题比解决问题更重要。比特币的技术应用目前落后于投资兴趣,仍处于早期阶段,类似于个人电脑时代的DOS界面。除了作为矿工奖励和新币发行机制,比特币的区块补贴也为用户提供了免费使用基础层的时期。比特币的普及程度可以通过相关会议和聚会的减少来衡量。在快速发展的行业中,保持创新和财务健康非常困难,很多曾经的巨头企业都因此失败。成功的公司往往难以颠覆自己,即使这意味着扼杀自己的‘摇钱树’。 @Cedric Youngelman : 就比特币技术采用现状、未来区块奖励构成、区块空间的稀缺性以及国家间的潜在冲突等问题与Bob Burnett进行了深入探讨,并就个人电脑行业发展历程与比特币发展趋势进行了类比,探讨了区块空间的商品属性及其衍生品交易的可能性,以及各国如何通过发展比特币挖矿基础设施来维护金融主权。

Deep Dive

Bob Burnett discusses the role of a technologist, emphasizing the intersection of science, engineering, and societal change, and highlights his experiences and inventions, including a famous patent.
  • Bob Burnett identifies as a technologist, blending science, engineering, and social change.
  • He shares experiences from early computing days at Gateway, Inc.
  • Bob discusses his most famous patent, an innovation in MP3 players.

Shownotes Transcript

Today’s episode with Bob Burnett, the CEO of Barefoot Mining who has become a good friend and mentor to me was recorded several weeks ago but I still think there is a tremendous amount of signal in here as Bob always packs a punch. We talk about wars over hash rate, Bob’s most famous patent, the future of block space, how countries could possibly be sovereign in a bitcoin world and towards the end of our conversation we turn to some tough, hard topics like suicide, retirement, quality of life and true happiness.

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Bob Burnett is the founder and CEO of Barefoot Mining, a company focused on the development of “horse-class” mining sites, and he is a vocal proponent for the expansion of diversity in Bitcoin mining site geography, scale, and energy sources. Bob has spent over 35 years as a technologist including 13 years at Gateway, Inc., a Fortune 200 personal computer company, where he led the company’s product development efforts as Chief Technical Officer. He has founded several companies in the Bitcoin mining space and is an evangelist and educator for Bitcoin and its importance to the world’s future. 

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