Matt and Nic are back for more news and deals. In this episode:
- Matt get’s 2nd in Jeopardy at ETH Boston
- We reminisce over Nic’s 2020 holiday quiz
- Ian Cain’s Senate candidacy in MA
- CZ get 4 months in prison
- The significance of ‘4’
- Did CZ deserve his sentence?
- Roger Ver arrested for tax fraud
- Tough week of outflows from the ETFs
- The chilling effects of the DoJ Samourai case
- Coinbase reports earnings
Content mentioned:
- Nic’s 2020 Bitcoin Esoterica Compendium)
Sponsor notes:
- Measuring Exchange Quality & ‘Fake Volume’)
- Trusted Exchange Framework)
- In Coin Metrics' State of the Network issue 257, we delve into our framework to assess exchange quality in digital asset markets