cover of episode Julian Duran (Marathon Digital) on Bitcoin Miners and Sidechains (EP.532)

Julian Duran (Marathon Digital) on Bitcoin Miners and Sidechains (EP.532)

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Julian Duran
Julian Duran:我领导 Marathon Digital 的所有 Layer 2 项目,目标是刺激比特币采用。我们致力于推动比特币的应用和创新,使比特币社区更加多元化和强大。Marathon 的业务已从单纯的比特币挖矿扩展到开发技术产品,并探索增加交易费收入的新途径,以促进比特币的应用和矿业的盈利能力。Anduro 项目旨在通过解决现实世界的业务问题来扩展比特币的实用性,其方法介于 Layer 2 堆栈构建器和孵化器之间。我们专注于机构采用和现实世界应用,并通过与现实世界企业合作来推动比特币的采用。衡量机构采用比特币的进展很难量化,实际应用比营销宣传更重要。Anduro 项目的目标是创建能够使主链受益的侧链,其核心是使用比特币作为原生资产,并以工作量证明作为共识机制,以促进比特币的应用。Anduro 目前有两个侧链:Coordinate(一个 UTXO 侧链,旨在解决未来的问题)和 Alice(一个侧链,旨在解决现实世界的问题)。Alice 侧链旨在通过解决现实世界的问题来拓展比特币的应用,例如客户忠诚度计划和跨境支付。Anduro 的目标是促进无许可创新,而不是创建一个许可的区块链。与其他 Layer 2 解决方案相比,Anduro 侧链更注重比特币的信任假设,并专注于解决现实世界的问题,而不是简单地复制其他生态系统的模式。Anduro 的多签名桥梁由机构级比特币专家组成的联盟来管理,这与其他 Layer 2 解决方案相比,更能赢得长期比特币持有者的信任。我关注那些能够利用区块链技术解决独特问题的领域,例如对历史资产的代币化。ETF 和比特币减半对 Anduro 的战略方向产生了影响,促使我们专注于简化比特币的购买和使用方式,并开发更可靠的 Layer 2 解决方案。新兴市场是比特币应用的巨大机遇,但需要针对当地市场进行本地化开发和推广。矿工将成为比特币创新和应用的领导者,因为他们拥有强大的资金和技术实力,并对比特币的长期发展充满信心。客户忠诚度计划、跨境支付和作为不同金融体系之间信任机制的结算层,这些都是比特币未来应用的潜在领域。 Wyatt: 对 Julian Duran 的观点进行提问和引导,并对相关话题进行总结和讨论。

Deep Dive

Julian Duran, Product Lead at Marathon Digital Holdings, discusses Marathon's evolution from a Bitcoin mining company to a technology company focused on driving Bitcoin adoption and utility. They discuss the importance of increasing transaction fees as a revenue stream for miners by exploring new applications for Bitcoin, including real-world business solutions and institutional adoption.
  • Marathon Digital is focused on stimulating Bitcoin adoption.
  • Historically, mining companies have been seen as hardware operators, but Marathon is focused on advancing the utility of Bitcoin.
  • Marathon is creating a multi-sidechain platform called Enduro to extend Bitcoin's utility.
  • Marathon measures institutional adoption by looking at real-world applications and not just TVL commitments.

Shownotes Transcript

Wyatt sits down with Julian Duran), product lead of Marathon Digital’s Anduro) project. Discussion included:

Why miners are strategically expanding and exploring new initiatives New innovation in Bitcoin broadly How Bitcoin today differs from Bitcoin 2+ years ago Where Bitcoin L2’s and sidechains are headed

Learn more about Anduro)