cover of episode The Top Memecoins! Urgent! w/ Miles Deutscher

The Top Memecoins! Urgent! w/ Miles Deutscher

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Steady Lads

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jordi Alexander
Justin Bram
Miles Deutscher
Taiki Maeda
Justin Bram 认为加密市场正处于牛市第二阶段,迷因币超级周期刚刚开始,并已将投资重点转向迷因币。他之前的投资策略是跨领域战略性押注,同时进行交易,目前交易重点在迷因币,并已卖出部分 ETH。Miles Deutscher 最近买入 PEPE 并获利颇丰,目前主要关注迷因币轮动,并尝试一些其他的狗狗币。他认为 PEPE 的上涨是因为其高知名度加上大型交易所上市的共同作用,散户的热情也推动了迷因币市场。Jordi Alexander 认为狗狗币的上涨可能带来迷因币的财富效应,进而带动其他迷因币上涨。Taiki Maeda 认为本轮周期中,山寨币不会有好的表现,alpha 在于迷因币。

Deep Dive

The episode kicks off with a discussion on Bitcoin's recent surge and whether it signals the start of a meme coin supercycle. The hosts and guest Miles Deutscher explore the potential for utility vs. pure memetic value in cryptocurrencies.
  • Bitcoin's recent surge and its potential impact on the broader market.
  • Debate on the utility vs. memetic value of cryptocurrencies.
  • Speculation on whether Bitcoin's rise is the beginning of a meme coin supercycle.

Shownotes Transcript


Bottom line is just in as I understand that, that you might have even sold some eat, can you please confirm that?

I can confirm that I ve .

sold some if let's go, let's hope everybody.

all the haters .

in the .

comments saying this is tough thing for means not this is only the beginning of face two of the ball market, in my opinion, being going per cycle. I've been red pilled. I fully believe in .

IT now like that was all in on pet. Even though my pipe thesis was right, I would have bit more money, but you know I could have been all in on sorry, Justin and thereon and like not made a little money. So familiar was about like making a few strategic like bets across the sectors that I thought would perform IT.

And that's still the strategy that, that I take going forward. And then I also trading as well. So like i'll have that call portfolio might be like eighty percent, which is like set.

And I just like you know manage IT and but then I have twenty percent i'm trading percent that i'm trading. That's always going to be in the hottest playground. And right now, that's means so that you know what i'm getting in out of these positions. Its means then if next week something else, that's that's what all kind of.

welcome. Everybody is the second episode post election. And I feel like each one is progressive.

Vely getting crazier. We have miles story with us. Very exciting. Miles, one of my favorite youtube birds content creators. A miles, how you doing?

I'm good. Bk, excited to dig and out a little bit. I had some rumors about taking Justin reposition their portfolios a bit to go a little bit more risk on means. So I think there's a lot of impact today.

Yeah, the last, this are episode. Bring up for the meanness because this is a meme coin super cycle. So uh stay lad. Listeners on our sixty nine episode, you will hear that some of the lads have changed personality for real are not kidding.

So we will he see Justin and take his uh shifts and you know I anna get a um uh a shift as well as something at any the narrative art. But for today i'll be these two and miles you can hop in. But IT seems like we are in a bitcoin plus m means super cycle at least this is what the last week been telling us. Maybe we can bring up somebody the weekly moves just in on going eco. But in the meantime, like miles, if you just been I see the big in logo in the background hit there but like.

yeah holding bitcoin ploy es dd bitcoin not no, look for me, it's been one of the craziest weeks because I actually bought peppi um this video on my twitter if you guys want verify this, I bought IT like around a hundred million market company is now it's now ten. I was my first by obviously i've been taking profits and you know adding more as Price one up, sir, i've been like pay basis.

My number one mean for the whole cycle of kind of banged the drum multiple times on youtube. So it's been a bit of a ethnic flash crazy couple of days for me uh, hitting that more and think i've ever had one hundred before. Um that's been a bit crazy.

So that's pretty much when my focus is been and then just china cut up with the the mean coin rotations right now, which is just happening really quick. So maybe later in the video I talk about, but i've had a couple like plays moving down the risk of on coin base. I've added a few others dog coins to try and catch up to the wife trade. So that's pretty much to where my heads being out, kind of just going where the liquids flowing. That's definitely the means right now.

Yeah, I mean, we're going to do a high level review and animal do fifty I Q segment, I call IT. We will do a quick like, you know, assuming you're in the trenches, what's what's the fifty takes are going to work, but we see you know bit going up seventeen percent on the week. He is up ten percent along as up ten percent. Those are doge one hundred percent X R P N cordaro our performing eighty percent. Uh, that is tagged me that we're getting some of the I don't want to call a dumb retail, but somebody like a last cycle, people who look at the coins that they recognize rather than what's been hot in the last two years, they go with like twenty twenty one recognizable names ship as well as in that category, thirty two percent by a peppy the one you mentioned IT seems to me that a lot of this has been driven by like new listings.

Yeah so they could stand a Robin hood in coin base. And it's obviously that's been the catalyst. But I think what actually happened, if you look at the chart, like IT compressed into that arrange for so long, and like when you think about a pip is probably the most recognizable name on the planet, at least like in the online domain, which is specially where means live anyway, right?

So to have that converging with the big listing. So people were finally exposed to actually be able to buy them, I think that was really positive, and that's what caused the reaction. Um I also want to kind of go into, I think, the psychology.

What's happening at the moment. I think what's happening is if you've going to the finance rankings, coin base and Robert hood and now rank one and two in terms of the up store rankings, right? So you have a lot of retail which are redoing load in coin base. So they're just had on their phones as being dominant.

They're locking back into the apps and they're saying, oh, ww, that dose position that was worth ten dollars for years is now with a hundred dollars or that five hundred dollars I put in law cycle, which I thought was dead because a lot of the retail that and so I that is hold throughout the whole beer market. They opening get up at me like all i've got five hundred dollars again and that gets them excited, telling their friends like going on to the mean section and maybe they sell some and buy something else. So I think it's like a bit of a marketing campaign like talking like dog goes up. It's marketing for like nori retail because the first meeting is open up like Robin hood claim bed. So a lot of the means that are pumping right now, the that are getting listed there or have been listed there with as well got a listing .

that's a that's a good point and thought about that. But we talk freely around the how biton doesn't necessarily create a massive wealth effect because the people hold bit. You know, at this point, a lot of serious large institutions and you know very rich people eat is like the community money.

We're like money pumps. Everybody has some and can. But now doge coin potentially is the mean coin sort of wealth effect because that goes up and then know people may be rotated into some of the other stuff that's going on.

I have the first announcement. So Justin, guys, this might mark the bottoms on top. So just get ready just and has done a profound shift for psychological purposes.

Just can you tell us more? Yeah, look, i've been being cock right now but death can wishes in theory based conference and it's been an interesting experience. You know most of the people who are developers are sort of disconnected from the Price. But um the big milestone that happened at devon was just gay.

Give a talk and sort of like the next five years for a year and how a thereon is going to scale and what's on the road that and he laid out this five year vision, which if you're familiar with the theory, development and development in general, everything always takes longer than you think it's going to takes. So this is a five year plan. If we look at what happened with if two back in the day, that took many, many years more than was planned.

So maybe this is like an eight year plan. And IT seems so out of touch with reality. And what was going on in this space and then the Cherry on top here going to pull this tweet up as Justin drake was giving this talk on the future of a theory um literally at dev con at the exact same moment the heat of the year foundation was selling eth, selling the top into this hype.

So a few hit thirty four hundred leading into this talk. The E F sold as the talk was happening. And then eat has been down and bleeding against big point that so all of that if B D, C pump has retrace, it's been really tough to be.

The guy talking about the theme every week on this channel, reading the comments, hearing how mid curve I am. And so tiki has finally convinced me i've did my toe into me. Goins.

you you're giving like the, you know, when you have to get a break of talk and you and you just like start explaining hey like but this is bottom line is just in as I understand that you might have even sold some eat, can you please confirm that?

I can confirm that i've .

sold a meth. Let's go.

let's hope everybody.

all the haters in the comments saying this is a tough single for means it's not this is only the beginning of the face. Two of the ball market, in my opinion, mean, going super cycle. I have a red filled.

I fully believe in IT now yeah, this is the .

second shift. The tiki has abandoned, abandoned arv. No, unless excited. Yeah, I think i've come to the conclusion that the all season that we're going to see this cycle is not going to the tackles because they are all fairly valued or overvalued if people want them to make money, they're going to go to me points.

So the alpha and the edge is like which sectors are going to perform? Like which A I like because I which mean sectors are going to perform, you have to fully erect IT, you know it's not what I want to happen with somebody you want to happen. Market wants means coin base is invent device to list more mean coins, finances incident dev list more mean points that creates like a marketing loop as melts at earlier IT create a world effect food trenches it's still happen yeah um so i'm just fully .

in he's fully in like there there was A T halloween I think chopping block recently were you know I C played to room and like we all kind of play each other IT feels like, you know like the roles are shifting here. So miles is becoming tag takes is becoming miles and Justin is because I don't I don't know it's going on. Everyone's like shifting because miles, you've been actually doing a little bit of like you you have more belief and utility than than these then then taking .

maybe or I mean so this whole cycle i've been around thirty percent means like very heavy. And what happened this means because like my utility bags are just like sideways or maybe up a little bit, but not up a lot, like the means of just engulf my portfolio. I think at some point yesterday, I was like fifty percent just due to pei.

Is our performance really and wave as well, which like my suggest being coin holding. So I am having to like peel IT back a bit and um i'm taking some profits in the stables. But i'm also looking at, okay, like where is the exploitation? And I think there's a couple candidates.

I think A I at some point is going to come back as as a IT of a rotationary play. I think what's the most memorable utility sector if utility is gonna run? It's probably A I I think dei is another sector that could do cages around the whole extra like regulatory landscape narrative.

But you know, you can make the argument that, that push should have happen. The second he won like to be Priced in which he did, and then it's kind of slowed. So we going to see what news happened on the d five front.

But I think um A I will probably be the first uh sector out of the utility coins to captures that bid. And you know people quick to dismiss utility. Over the possible days, everyone saying, odd been going super cycle. Forget about everything else. Three days ago, AI coins, R, W, A coins and cardona and layer ones, like they were pumping them a repricing really aggressively.

So I think we can have this gold fish memory in the space of like you know means pump for day and utility cells off and not at the end but like there's going to be a period in the next few months where you see utility coins cut bid again. Um so for me, i'm just like i'm not fully shifting because others have been wearing to me because I still even even I guess the man supercycle certificate but i've just had to peal IT back because um these things can also try a lot. That's the reality.

IT is a reality. We're definitely in the in the midst of what is either mania or a mean coin super cycle. We see which one I think some of the road queens have tried to tag on to the new coin theis. Um there was a light going treat of I .

was pretty funny. So the official light coin foundation account.

it's it's an official. It's an efficient talent as a due to current market conditions, I now identify as an .

input and it's very good in the in the reply section, he says, glad you like IT now buy me good. We like you, like you now by me so the light wing community is desperate to catch on to, I guess and there arted .

IT actually pumped off that twice and knock alie went from sixty five to eighty.

He did you look at the child yeah amazing yeah to value .

attempt um so I just didn't said something a few weeks ago when we were going crazy about this gold stuff. He said if like you know, next month or in a few weeks there's a new meta, a new mean coin meta, then IT means that this is just a non stop rotation. I think the jury still, that i've been go still doing quite well.

But you know, we're back on the zoo, zoo coins. I can't believe i'm saying this, but the zoo animals, I thought the mood Young thing would have been a one off, one hit wonder. But IT seems something lasting power just in. And then there is another one now called this is from peanut, the squirl. So at squirl, this under .

fifty million, I and I faded and i'm just this one makes me sick. I can't look at .

this one away at two billion dollars for everybody on audio, two billion dollars for the squirl.

See like baLance like there. They are tired of listing higher T, V coins. And having I go down, have they like users lose money now is going to start listing means because then everyone makes money, right? And then that all dead to more volumes on the exchange. So you're going to keep listing memes.

It's just inevitable. Yeah is a good point. When we look at some of the listings that baLance has done, they obviously got criticize for some of the ten million market cap, you know totally insider coins listed.

But if you look at the chart, yeah he has gone up, you know for now at least. Meanwhile, the other bian things are going down. What do I think like is the strategy for centralized exchanges to just like list these things and um is IT sustainable?

It's pretty clear the exchanges are lacking, right? So they are in my open. You just LG me indicators. I don't think it's true tacky that more people will make money on memes and then other coins, I think is probably going to be a similar distribution. I think they just wanted stay relevant in list what's popping off now. And that's mean coins there aren't really new big project launches were seeing that are generating a lot of hype.

Now let's give up this little, little tweet quickly from ramones on. You know, some people have been noticing some patterns in the vials listings. He's saying your baLance, I have something that you might like.

It's a coin with thirty five dollars of liquidity. Three hundred eighty one years. F, T, V. They have been getting like more and more. Third.

I would say to think, is also a thing of like they need to like the cycle has a definite lifespan, and we saw this last loss cycle, especially when IT comes to old coins. So so they need to I mean, they need to make money, right, especially before like new regulations come in and and we don't know what's happened in the background.

So is IT just like an instruction thing, just like any other industry person tries to like extract max value? Is that that's just that way of going? This is just how we're going to instruct the most capital. Is that really about protecting users?

I don't think it's either. I I know the founders of these exchanges. I have brought up this topic.

It's a little bit of like this is what the users want, just give them what they want kind of thing. I don't think that these founders are are party like massive fans of many kinds at all. They understand that the even here and why are .

you listing like peanut? My question is like why list mooting in peanut? Maybe it's because peanut has a hole mosque thing um but why not list some other means that like there's a lot of massive means that they haven't listed that like really big and popular and have big community. So I kind of want I question maybe not the logic. I question the specific ones that they're selecting and just asking like why why .

those ones there has been some controversy with finance listing fees and a lot of twitter posts around asking for transparency on what is the listing for that by ance getting for these things um as I hey you responded like zero or the latest one um act yeah I feel like in a way just .

if they list like two me goins a week or the next many months and IT just creates like this russian rule out of this means which creates like a more on chain activity in a way that's beneficial for eat and sons as well. Um you can argue that this is like you know in the long chairman doesn't matter right? Um but I think actually like listening means creates more wealth for the average retail, then listing some like five billion of dv vor. Because then I stuff like that. This makes the team money in the vest's money.

It'll start to lose something to be diminishing returns, I don't you think like they launched to a week within three years, sick of IT. And what is that happening is the means that they list all the whales that buy on chain. They are using baLances exit liquidity because that's how they can get like big chunks out. So do you think that opens up the risk of like all the insides that have been scripting of these means that that is used baLance like dump on retail? I I also won't .

ask you guess what, why do tokens that get a big finance listing pump s so much? I mean, I understand there's accessing a new user base of partial buyers of the token like I would have thought over the years, the baLance pump or a listing pump would diminish over time. But that seems to have accelerated. And how is IT just reflexive? Like what's actually going on here?

I don't think there's a signal from that. I think is just literally millions of people whatever realized and I reflect upon this is that just having like millions of people see something, you just need like point one percent to act on that to get like a meaningful you know affect out of IT. So it's just this year numbers game, I think, and that ends up accumulating into this like snowball.

I don't think that there is any lake smart wisdom of the crowds. It's kind of like stupidity of the crowds, but it's a numbers game. I think the thing I wonder right now when I like think about the salona pieces right like that, the centralized nasdaq as a Cosmos came on and told us about.

And so he says, but not really like as that as much as a casino, right? And the success of salona is around the speculative games going on. So I put a little tweet out in um I don't mean I like going a good or Better way, just not like a six billion revenue year.

And if you look at some of the macao or bigger or even singapore, those places make over twenty billion a year in revenue, is actually a bigger game, would be a casino then to be like a stock of change, even the biggest stock of change. I feel that sort like backyard where we thought that the big game was gonna as that, but it's actually much bigger and explains what we're seeing now that the the speculation game is. I know where we're ending up, what guys think about .

that talking about talking about this a little bit before the show, and tiki was sort of convincing me and getting meet by into me and and also to just divest a little for me to get some more exposure. And I was asked me, well, tacky. Like we started with the same class.

We started the same time, we both started making defy youtube videos. And we're like very aspirational about this space on what we wanted. And um yeah, I do think you could be a back store that's happened right now.

But I also can help but feel little disappointed like that the industry is where IT is. And I know I want to make money. I don't want to be right. So and i've been proven wrong, but IT is a little discussion to see. And I guess the big hope is that like maybe the back this is the back door to get retail adopted to actually build up these decentralized rails that we're actually all here for to begin with.

And another thing that is the token in the product is separate, right? Um unus office is doing great, pump fun is doing great. But like the token is just like this qui equity.

And I think people are getting smarter that like this is an equity. It's just like a coin. It's loosely attached to attack and it's not really gonna any value grow.

And even if he does a value grow, it's pretty much overvalue anyways. And cyp do is just a place to make money like most people would come to cypher to make money. If you're super rich, then he's just like know about both the coin in need and like you kind like feel good about yourself. But if you are trying to make money group, the only place to do IT isn't means so it's human motivation is just going to drive capital memes. And if you expect to retail to come in, in q 1QT of next year, then they're .

going to buy means I mean is like, uh, I has been like a very open minded for a long time. Me utility you all the different categories have exposure. Um I do use IT miles like you are like the curving and like willing to. Go everywhere or because you always been opened to like means even even before he became a super psychological yeah I mean .

I by means for a long time like that first pipi I was in twenty thirteen, but I think it's all about like concentrated diversification. So what do I mean by that? It's like pick a few sectors that your that you're really bullish on.

For me, it's been means A I and probably like R, W A such deal. But specifically R W this cycle and by the best assets and I kind of all building like a eyes by the leaders from each sections. Fy, like generally proxy exposure to the outside. And then I like buy some lower caps you need to secure to like have that potential ten, twenty, thirty x play. So that kind of have structure my portfolio from the very dead girl um so that nurture when names i'm able to you know do really well on the mean thing.

And then I then you can kind of this like a just you're waiting over time and I said right now, i'll probably go heavy at the other way and so so for me, it's always been about diversity like I haven't been all in one token IT probably means that like you ve, I was all in on peppi even though my pipe thesis was right, I would have made more money. But you know, I could have been all in on sorry, Justin and thereon and like not made a lot of money that so for me was about like making a few strategic like bets across the sectors that I thought would perform. And that is still the strategy that that I take going forward.

And then I also trading as well. So like i'll have the core portfolio might be like eighty percent, which is like set. And I just like, you know, I managed and but then I have that twenty percent which i'm trading and and twenty percent of that i'm trading. That's always going to be in the host playground and right now that's means so that you know what i'm getting in out of these positions its its means then if next week something else that that's for all kind speculate.

sorry, is train here as we were talking about Justin by names, I don't think you mentioned the ticker or Justin. I think that people want to know what .

buying a lot of I .

bought yeah there go city .

why was a peppy, not dutch .

um that's what tiki told me to buy also .

was just easy to swap my need to.

right? Like those, i'd have to go to coin base by some doors, figure out, get self custody dose wppi go swap on swap.

So peppy has become like the east capital latters calling because it's on the same shame you can swap Better you so your capital late because you heard of the timing from Justin drake. I think the uh just to like touch upon the conference center for here, the uh the road map I think is okay, but I think people get very harden by the twenty thirty time mine like obviously things are moving very quickly. No one is thinking about twenty thirty.

And I saw this great me on like the eth old map. We can bring this treat up, which is we have this like every week is a different version of this me, this is the the cock guy getting cocked. The girl says, are you sure? And the the ian guy is says yes and instead of salona. Now it's like twenty guys that are .

all all look, I think the five year thing, it's fine to be aspirational. But I saw this really interesting tweets. Those like you, how do you have a five year engineer tables and that are you understand if that's the problem? Like let's get you more.

What's the problem here is we need more money for research. We need more developers. We need a more like corporate entity to manage this and to project manage this and get us to hit our time.

And so what's the problem here? And I think that's something that's really valid. And then the other P C is just like we're not in twenty seventeen any more, bourne. Thems the only horse that's build in something credible in five years.

God knows like what sooner will built, what sue will build, what say will build, what a new chain that we haven't heard of will have built, but more will have built. So I don't think there is time to sort of playing the sandbox at this point because we are in a competitive space. And I think a theory um thinks it's beyond and above competition, but that couldn't be rather from the truth. Competition is coming in nipping at its heals and I think we have to accelerate.

Um I mean final point on this like philosophy, I think everyone you know is probably like reflecting what we're learning and nothing speculation is such a big part of the industry possibly like in the future will be even bigger because you know if you believe that A I think that a lot of jobs will go away and people will just be looking for other things to do creative stuff for whatever.

Probably speculation is going to still be on the table as people try to hyper gamble other way like you know that a level of the ty and um I A mention last episode makon from paradise has been having this you know me of the trojan horse where you know he's origin inal faces is that IT looks like a casino. But inside there's there's A A financial system that's waiting in coming in like a new financial system. So I taken in a step further now I made this mean, uh, so that wrong is talking to transfer that crypto is you know is a new financial system masquing as IT because, you know but I think inside of that i'm going one lover deeper is like inception, bang, bang, bang. I think there is like a casino on crack inside the new financial system as grain in casino because maybe like what's at the core of this is the speculative game and maybe the means are just a reflection of this year, a kind of global speculation that's that's happening yeah quite.

quite question.

So you know just about that day, i'm buying A I means and pepe and then miles is using us as using us as exit liquidity divide like D Y coins. Jordy, like what japanese means that you're looking at on your radar like you you said you want to to like you go on and like A D like what are you looking at?

So okay, we will do a little if I Q segment no round will pretend like we are trying to be left curve and catch sometimes like left curve activity that's going on my left curve take I think that um like the courts theses of thesis, the courts effect, I don't think that we have the best cults right now. Um I think there's some more cults coming. There is not many brands in crypto.

I think the brands that are remaining to launch amin coin ah might do very well. So I think the ladies has been working on a cult at that coin a while. I know I mean exactly what's happening when IT hasn't launched, it's going on there.

But I would say that my fifty I Q takers that some of the few kind of like remaining well known brands like peppy, that sun very well, there's a few other ones um they will probably be rushing to launch mean coins. Now that might be that might be my interesting by as a fifty I Q percent how about your miles? I think you might you have some fifty two takes.

Yeah yeah. I probably have kind of feel, you know, shocked me. I was just looking through, uh, coin deca and if you want to edit them or get the meme coin segment up on on cog r but basically what i'm seeing is and this is prety crazy because I ve an actually looked at like this in a few days.

Um what's happened is that this cost, or of names that were under two hundred million, that of all like a rePrice really quickly to that four to six hundred million ge. So you have all of these names if you just thrown down a little bit um like even below mog like this for tober S P X is much higher. It's actually low.

And now no because it's really drops that much just because all the other memes are up um the the the A I pipa coin Simons cat like D O G with the full stops department of government efficiency meme uh M P C I guess that actually kind of not our performing mitchy all these um all these names that have basically like yeah they were like one to tell her mother of all three Price. So I think what that signal to me is people uh a kind of moving down the risk of a lot of people are viewing like pippi and with and those like early run. So people are like naturally going for like, okay, what are those next means that, that are yet to run.

I think this rotation hasn't fully played out because I think every time your dose runs and every time a pippi runs like like some of the lower strong cults and strong means that naturally rePrice. So for me, i'm kind of looking now over the same. I'm still hold a massive of A G massive with bag, but i'm looking now, okay, what what are some of the means slightly lower that could that could potentially rePrice? There are a few candidates.

I don't really own much of much of them yet but understand, speaking out loud, you like A A mitchy at two hundred and ninety three once again, don't know much, but that's interesting mirrors at one forty two. Now remember that much higher like i'm just rolling, Daniel like toshi on base. I'm not saying by these means. I'm just giving an examples. Well.

jack, are are these like are these like too big though? Like for baLance listing like this baLances looking for this. You know A C T was when I saw there. This is the new A A I coin other just looking pretty like tiny, tiny ones so that users can get the best bang for buck. I don't know.

IT seems like a off actually there i'm scrolling down even more puffs the next to sigma a so you've got puff. There's a few means like down down the rankings. I think I don't know.

I ask you guys, i'll like I mean, as we're schooling for this, like i'll pull IT up again. IT does feel little ridiculous that there's all these sort of ridiculous names, ridiculous valuations. Like what is the signal to get out? Because as we've seen in the past, like the door out is quite small when it's time to get out. And these are rotation games, you have to get out in tight, right? Or you lose everything.

Let's, uh, grow back down a little bit because you see the two mord coins are actually down on the week, which is and what everything else that .

is what I been doing. So I did a video yesterday. I've been buying the the more coins um so S P X giga like some of these coins um and we're taking a little bit my other means like pippi and without because what happens is these rotations like for example, three weeks ago, everyone like I add a lot of people in my disco that compete late pippi and with because they weren't moving.

Like all should I sell in by S P X? So now p and we were running in S P X and giggles selling off like I think they're na come back at some point. So to me it's like a logical, a logical trade.

Yeah I think you just wanna buy stuff that you can hold that you believe in and you don't want to access too big where if it's not moving, you're going to convulse. Uh it's really hard. Um I I think for me if I would had to pick A I coins IT would be in the a inm plain space or the base ecosystem.

I think coin place gives less fox uh so they're na start listing more of their ecosystems kens. Uh the mean points in their ecosystem like key cats up hundred mics pumping everything is pumping. I think people are speculating on a future base listing um and it's like they don't have the list, right? Because if they just list a one point point on days, everything in every Price.

So there's like something winning there. Um I think the collective mark cave of A I M coins is two to three billion. I think that's way too low if you just don't buy the scams, you know if you just pick, okay, I think no rising tide of .

sobering are you in totti because like apart from bread, D G kick out toshi, they are like the three and for me, like toshi, like the O G one like that I don't even know much trying now, but that to me would be a logical play. Maybe I really .

don't like toshi. I think it's it's super cuba, which is which might not be a adding.

Um is that as kab is key at there or bread they .

say more about them is relatively cool. Everything is cobo. That's what genre everything is, goober. Yeah, the only non cove's like a doge, really a oh gorge .

kind of is less. I feel like it's a bit less cuba.

Yeah, I think I think go is gonna get at least five bill is my view. Wow, it's a very .

complete hold type pig in the house. The big going through by bills Young in coins.

it's surely going to replace from me, right? It's hard to pick the name like you pick the winners but all to be built for the sectors .

way to I think so yeah and IT all comes on this in demand as we know and um we will see how the imbaLance of things goes. But I want to bring up something miles quickly touched the plan, which is N F T thing that happened last cycle. You get a saturation.

You there's more, more, more, more listings. They list ten at a time at this point but not listened one a week. It's just they're just coming out.

And we saw this with nfs. Yes, there was a lot of demand. And you know art blocks kept up putting fida and those were doing amazing. And then the next one, next one, at some point you can make new ones. So quickly with a click of button IT IT just feels like we might be setting ourselves up for exactly what happened last cycle.

And to just this point, like when when do we sell somebody inadvertently solder or maybe they I think they ve got a hacked ah for a couple million dollars of giga. Ah just think can you bring up the giga chart because this was a little bit uh, scary. Just a single community member on one of their wallets.

I think IT was like couple million dollars i've got taken out. So wow I mean, look, but the week it's like it's like almost touching the volume chart here. It's been tips. I think he was a couple million dollars. Um and IT just goes to show you how little the liquidity is in some of these things even if they're trading at seven hundred million, they can quickly reprise and IT reminds you a member type with the the olympic deal video few years ago, there was just like one seller that managed to catch the billion dollar top at the time one guy cashed out and you kind of see this effect. So I mean.

that's sort of what i've been saying, right? Like i'm not saying the meme coin situation is over, right? I just bought some of a meme coin, but like scrolling through coin, gecko has to be concerning a little bit IT does remind me exactly like when we're scrolling through nfs and there were so many collections that were copy paste and celebrities were shing IT. Everyone saying digital art was the future, even saying name points of the future. I do wonder for just speed running that that whole situation yeah .

I I think the tiny when to sell is when you think big coin is topping, which is impossible to predict rate. We all have ideas does like you know people think it's going over to two hundred k one fifty um I ona see I have no a but as long as a bitcoin allows the party to continue, I think it's relatively safe even though they would be like big, no depth from here and there.

I think the dispersion thing is, is a valid point. Like you know there's been a lot of talk about VC all coin diversion, but obviously there's new means being credit all the time. I can look at you, yes, to come from somewhere.

So like peanut, for example, that didn't exist a few weeks ago that that's one point six billion or market p now doesn't an one point six billion of a capital in in the coin, obviously because the liquidity about like there's still a significant count of money that had to rotate in depine. How to get up to one point six, bill? So like I guess that there is a dispersion argument for sure.

That's why I think you've got to be in the means that have like a strong narrative, a strong community, like there are specific ones that I think could perform Better. And I think you just the more you're in the trenches, the more you get a feel like the types of means that a likely to stick around like those a reason why I kept adding p and with and it's just like IT was pretty simple. Like p is like the east beta and with like the sona beta.

And you can do the same on base, like have the base beta ah and you can get a simplified like that and those leaders generally keep leading. Yeah you just have to be selected with what ones you hold instead of like I think saying names is to abroad. It's like saying defy you know there's a lot of rubber defy. There's like a few really good coins that's the same as means like there's a few means which actually have great communities, are probably going to do really well and are actually funny. And at the same means doesn't mean like long every single .

name yeah I am well learning what matters I think the elon mosque tweets and mentioning certain things is starting to work again. Um because he was thinking about peanut maybe that explains the two billion um yes he is obviously gonna lead the department of government efficiency and this is now like mainstream kind of you know news this this term I know argue you think that dodge will keep pumping based on that and the a target um i'm .

not sure I think I think dodge is the official mean going of the U. S. government.

H those are co chawing words, not my um but I think that kind of make sense. Uh I think iran is gonna like have main character energy. He's going to keep doing IT.

Um I think one dollar is the clear target. Um I think IT will eventually get there. I don't know how long this will be. Um I think there's a non your chance that like dodge can feel the theory.

Um if things get really crazy, I can not think it's going to happen but I don't think the probability zero because those should ninety billion last. Like all I will probably surprised that how much more I have no idea. Um but you know if you're buying me in points, you're betting on doge going up, right because do you going up lifts the ceiling in the floor for everything else. So it's kind of like ah do is the index and I .

think it's gonna lip salona, like i'm actually looking at the market of thousand fifty bills long as one hundred like that. That's a pretty easy flip for me. That's just like an eighty cent dosh.

That's crazy. That would put doors as the third biggest token encysted. If you're excluding teda.

all you need is one week, just like this one I mean doge one hundred percent on one hundred eighty percent this week so if that happens one more week, it's party the air um um quickly like before we go to possible IT, let's look at a big coin. You know just to look at the market leader. Obviously, huge week was like the relative volatility of something like bacon.

Guys like I have not seen such an insatiable rally in cyp to ever as like the last week, I would say like the nonstop ness of there's no there's no real depth. I think you could argue that this is a dipnote from nine two to eight now and or something smaller this but it's been relentless and there are rumors of uh, a nation state now being a top pipe older in the middle east, apparently. I don't know if this any of this is substantiated. Michael sailor has just got like gone wild and spying more and more coins.

Wealth managers are recommending IT to their clients. They remember that thing will like burns down to some worth manager that they said bycars pt, now don't think like to buy their like official recommendation to like the L P. S.

That that was incredible. That was hard to .

believe that might be to no.

I think IT was really helming. That seems really was happening the last ten days. I felt like back table, everyone talking about IT again, there's a lot of people like met a death con whose this is like don't sell anything until inaudible because we are still in the anticipation, just like when you have the etf anticipated, the flows come later.

So we still have a more build up period. That's the this is but he feels like everything is getting like really hot, really fast. I do think that the coin can quite easily break a hundred .

k poli at seventy percent chance by end of year to break one hundred. And tt has said like a forty note, thirty five now percent chance to break by end of november. So the odds are suggesting IT will break a hundred by the interviewer. Is based on speculative markets.

I'm actually completely aligned with the inauguration thesis. I especially for bitcoin. The promise of what trump can do is is much less than the reality, in my opinion, especially for bitcoin. And so I do think like inauguration day is a possible winner for I top a bit going. So i'm very bad to that.

My either observation from death can just being here, I know, is in the theory conference, but these are twenty thousand like cypher to natives that have been in the space for seven years. And I don't know anyone that they don't bit coin here. No one's talking about IT.

IT seems like it's not even happening and IT feels more kind of ably a bar market because a there is is a theory mostly conference and a theory not done well. And so the energy just isn't there, right? The builders are building, but there's all energy. Yeah.

yeah. And this is a question for jordy. So you know obviously, it's november.

It's like in november right now um and people are sitting on some games, you know the inauguration in january, maybe people will delay their taxes capital against the january. So maybe we see like a scary dip in january. Maybe people think it's over. Maybe in q two, we have like a second life higher you this additional way yeah and maybe then it's over. And me honestly like norway knows, but I can definitely see end of years is getting crazy um for those factors along as well.

I think what people forget in those of us kind of been in for a long time now is that the whales are still behind the scenes, collectively pull the strings. As long as they feel like there is next something to look forward to, that they might delay other rents. At some point, there will be a wce.

There's a lot of big holders suspicion asia. I would say that they want the dumb american retail to comeback and buy their bags. They're looking for the opportunity to uh to get this exit because this is like how they became.

So wealth is like they they keep finding this. And this reminds me of march twenty twenty one when you on tesler was buying bitcoin that everything was going crazy in one day. He just said, okay, we're done guys and we just have like the fifty percent port down IT in a day.

Or I want also caution you probably a more insight into this. And I like, how do they actually coordinate that? Like because there's telegram of, like big whales.

And like, I know how do they actually like feasibly pull these strings? Are you referencing like to see exchanges doing IT like you that who are these people? How do they actually like coordinate big cl ops and pumps?

Well, definitely like the the big multibillionaire are generally connected each other in cyp thu, and they do chat around, you know, what do do you think I have seen them? Like sip each other. You know, I hear I ever like you know conversations where they might not be told the truth about what you're going .

to do wrong.

The other yeah um but that that happens. But overall, I think the way to think about IT is if if these whales see like you know coin base keeps going up the leader board on the APP store and there's there's an agreed and there's still kind of more coming, um they might hold back and just kind of take a bit profit. But let's not forget that the concentration of these coins is built, you know.

Not that disputed. The coin has been around for forever and and still not that distributed. So forget the mean point that launched last week like a peanut or something like that. Um we'll see when people want to take profit. I think right now, everyone so bullish they've been got me kind of convinced not to try to short anything which I am Normally like living for shorts in these situations. But um I don't think it's worth the psychological pain of going through A I think I think the the best traders always look for shorts, but the situations where you should to sit on your hands and be happy, yeah respect the pump.

Respect the pump.

Judy is interesting to hear like that the market really can be dictated by like a small number of individuals and the thought that just camp across my mind is like what happens when microbes hael sailor has to sell just in time .

to think about I I I don't think he's gonna do IT anytime.

anytime soon, but everyone buys IT to sell IT at some point, right? I mean.

I think usually it's because people get over levels and they get forced liquidity like um you know um like the stories we've seen the past with bill wong. And so I think that will happen to certain coins for sure. I saw that grass there was a hyper liquid traitor that has been parameter ting him himself up.

And just like leveraging long with like the new uppe Allen is kind of to grow and um that's tremendous. Ly, well, you know, as an age figure of ysp, an but I think the liquidation point also you know was quite high and those things can get watched out very suddenly. So well, we might we might see some blood at some point, maybe not yet.

Yeah and one last thing before we go to poster, I mean, we've been doing this for like fifty minutes and i'm just i'm just in all at like how left her of we've become me miles and I were talking before this so we were like, yeah, miles was like you like, i'm so surprised you are like this me coining now because I think I came up because such like .

A I used to watch you like your deep dives on farming, like stable points on .

and I know .

I know I uni swap.

but if you really think about it's the same like this was farming like a trader jail farm any different than buying a me going right is is actually like the same thing. A goose fine, like all the goose folks.

it's not the same thing, like the return profile is different. You kind of trying to make a you know like I was like you know slow and steady farming, you just get a long yield and you accumulated not .

like this like I hunger patent. Rick, it's been there for months. It's i'm not going to bring you back anytime soon. Um but I I I I do worry that like i'm so confident of the me super ycl that I I am there is a little bit you know deep down inside but .

learn from me tike nothing is a sure of thing.

Nothing is a short thing.

I know alright guys well let's wrap up this me have episode will be a part of the week Justin, show us your posta alright.

So my posta really is a very thematic um so eric friend of the pod is eric who radicalize you this tweet this tweet radicalized me and it's a screen shot of sano, probably the biggest theory bow of all type miss tween a theremin north star because it's so confusing no one can possibly understand IT and i'm pretty sure no one on this planet has read this road map S A profitable made IT so h. Anthony and tweet, this is a series no star.

And next week, actually this is the most updated I I posted the old one point still stands though, which rules areas and to me this like incapable perfectly right like the plot is so lost no one really knows what's happening at this point and um yeah I and the last piece i'll say, Justin, drink, give a talk here about the five year plan for how we're gona scala theory more in this new chain warlord was finished in other. We got world or two over with the us. One in under five years like I think we can build the future of the theory in less than five years. So let's try to get IT done in a year .

that's with honey about in a very aspiration, Justin, as as a carian capital latour, Justin now like that that is very valid valid pots in the valid pasta, an activist investor.

Now yeah, it's like where this is going to be a longer than he took to get a man on the moon by the time this new Justin drake vision is that was like seven years.

All right, tiki, let's see your pasta.

Yeah so I ve just been left curbing on twitter. Um I think people have gone to upset that I spent mean, but I I posted this tweet yesterday.

I thought I was like really funny um it's like the middle of is like the pump is over and then the right curve is like the retard are coming and then the left curve is like, yes, but do we know we are coming like this is that I I fully believe that this is where we are when he comes the means, you know, I did there is going to be like, you know, things are going to get a lot crazy. I don't know which points that I know know hopefully you know, I might. My points are good and like, you know, everyone makes money, but now I feel you work. You know, I feel like I I mean, you should make this one yourself so someone sent that to me and i'm like, you, this is amazing. Yeah, so many on somebody.

Yeah it's you got the most like the video of the sweet of the week and it's not even your own work. But okay.

wow, I didn't likes got five, five.

It's crazy .


What do you have?

Okay, my post just like something that I saw that I just those was funny. If you want to bring that up, it's like this food it's like this bottle of awesome and like this asian woman and she's like one c cup black you can never go back. I just know this hilarious like to have the the nerve to post that and there's all these the comments of the funny part if you grow through the comments like that, that's really the funny part .

of so um I like that you don't like no, I read you like oh so what I don't know I read .

actually yeah who's irin tell me the so SHE created like the first .

simply and the most notable simp dell. I think he sold like a simple N F T. Collection that a lot of folks ipad into.

And now she's .

going black and she's not go back .

some like that guy just prances around the world through the night clubs seeing all these women meanwhile.

he's like eight year old .

kids yeah ah he's not you so n nice but it's just like the lifestyle sane like he's like a rockstar, like a complete crip rock star.

It's like the salona chat versus the eat cook. I spent .

some, I spent some night with him in in vegas this summer and and got to see the vine, the scenes of this lifestyle. It's pretty lucky, insane. Hard to believe he is definitely just in the flow of things, just going with what the universe is presenting and IT is presenting quite a quite a substantial amount of stuff going on. Yeah right well and fame .

and prison time but yeah but I mean, I don't know either. He's a fat I don't like he's living in the U. S.

Like I don't know, but I I mean, just the sort of pumping means in the U. S. Would scare anyone. So I mean, you've got a nerve. You know.

all you need to do is make you till the trump residents here, right? Ce, once trump gets inaudible, if he's, if he's out there and then it's a he's got almost four years because I don't think much as, I mean, maybe i'm wrong.

I think the expectation is that the S, C, C will be bare bones staff, you know, there might be like some old lady with a cigarette at the desk and look, alright guys, it's been a mean heavy episode, of course, no diversify next week unless it's still a mean coin market, but will wrap up with my favorite meal coin right now, which is, of course, puff. We have a new episode if you got want to check IT out, we put a short clip here is IT is a puff try to exit the layer to cave and um and we will see shocks as well. Evil, there is no boll, there is no bear, there is only. The forest.

嘿 我 好。 Bridges out a later two isn't suggest the right home. What's going on there? There are some things in the dark force just here, fun again, not me.

When you leave me, i'm going to go flips coins, try to make wolf. wow. Those did you, did you? Did you catch the name there, miles?

OK, oh yeah, yes.

down there. Okay, you yeah. That's .

really high production .


The studio that's doing these, they have like fall in love with the project and this they're given a small task and they just go overboard. They just they love you so much that they just getting into IT and just adding their own extra overtime on IT. So shout out to them.

yeah. So speaking of the the shocker, right? Like where is a soccer? You know I feel like the ball market can't kick off without the wall for returning. So you know, we still have at least one more leg left.

What's this? What's this last ET? What's his last tweet? Time is been many months.

See, there is there is no body, there is no bear. okay. And then jane, wow.

So now that was a repost.

Aug was he's been liking posts.

I've seen that he's like to couple post, but he doesn't posted himself.

Um miles, thank you so much for joining us. I hope to have you on again and good luck with with the rotations.

No, thank me. Have a little fun. See you.