With newly added commentary, this is a re-airing of the first episode of Pastor With No Answers Podcast, “Can a Christian Be a Universalist?”) (originally aired Oct 4th 2015). A question I was only dabbling in at the time, although was very optimistically suspicious, given what I’d already taken in of various books, including the Bible. Now, it’s hard for me to see it any other way. Just like many have faith in the Resurrection of Jesus, I have faith that all things truly will be redeemed and resurrected because of it. (Col 1:20))It feels like the Holy Spirit is showing more and more people that Jesus really is the image of the invisible and when He prayed “Father forgive, for they know not……,” we were also hearing the heart of the eternal Father.
Love, Joey)
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**Host and producer, Joey Svendsen also hosts and produces two other podcasts, coming more from the *****church world:*****Seacoast Church's Things You Won't Hear on Sunday Podcast) &The Endurance Factor Podcast )**Other podcasts affiliated with co-hosts of PWNA:**Jed's Church & Other Drugs)Matt's The Great Deconstruction)