cover of episode Episode 15 – No One Wants to Kill Anyone

Episode 15 – No One Wants to Kill Anyone

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Notification Center

Shownotes Transcript

Holy hiatuses, Batman! This week, we cover some long-overdue follow up, talk about Swift, that app documentary, and how much the world sucks right now. If you're into pop psych, look forward to our discussion of the Fundamental Attribution Error. Finally, we talk about the future of Art.

							[Structuring Modern Objective-C](


							[Fucking Block Syntax](

							[Objective-C Libraries and Unix Philosophy](

							[7 Deadly Sins of Modern Objective-C](

							[NSBlog by Mike Ash](

							[iCloud PhotoStream Specs](

							[A Dark Age of Objective-C](



							[Directed Acyclic Graph](

							[Repairing the CocoaPods Specs Repo](

							[Network Podcast Client](
