cover of episode Magnus Carlsen: Chess, Investing and Strategic thinking

Magnus Carlsen: Chess, Investing and Strategic thinking

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In Good Company with Nicolai Tangen

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Magnus Carlsen
Nicolai Tangen
Nicolai Tangen: 作为投资者,在面对复杂情况时,我们常常依赖直觉和模式识别,尤其是在经验丰富且遇到过类似情况时。这与象棋中的快速决策有异曲同工之妙。我想知道在象棋中,您如何看待直觉与分析之间的权衡? Magnus Carlsen: 作为一名职业棋手,我的大脑已经训练有素,能够迅速缩小搜索范围并运用直觉。我倾向于更多地依赖直觉而非深入分析。我输棋的原因往往在于对手深入研究了我凭直觉舍弃的选项。我认为在商业领域也是如此。通常,我倾向于考虑两种选择,并对其中一种抱有偏见,我会尽量客观地评估这两种选择。如果两者都不满意,我可能会考虑第三种。深度思考的最佳时间大约是15分钟。过度思考可能会导致错误,因为我可能会忘记之前考虑过的移动的原因。我不是一个完美主义者,而是一个务实的棋手,我希望在有限的时间内获得尽可能好的结果。我想学习并尽可能地提高棋艺,但我不会扩大搜索范围以确保不错过任何东西,因为我知道这不是有效利用时间。在开局时通常会有所准备,之后会大致了解想要使用的计划,以及哪些结构和棋子会更好。当我能流畅地下棋,并且脑海中冒出的第一个想法通常是正确的时,我发现下棋很容易。象棋的独特之处在于你拥有完美的信息,但仍然非常困难,这就像我们都拥有相同的工具和信息,关键在于如何使用这些工具和信息。最佳扑克玩家采用不同的策略,他们采用较少的剥削风格,他们对待游戏的方式就好像每个人都拥有相同的信息。我在比赛中的激进程度和冒险程度取决于比赛情况和对手,对于被动的对手,我会自然地承担更多的风险,反之亦然。我通常认为比赛中的不平衡从长远来看对我有好处,当然,短期内可能很危险,但从长远来看,它会给我带来最好的结果。擅长反击和抓住机会的人是最危险的。评估对手的风险承受能力,这很大程度上取决于开局选择,以及是否要将比赛引入更平静的水域。我对风险的态度并没有太大改变,我可能在评估何时承担适当的风险方面做得更好。

Deep Dive

Magnus Carlsen and Nicolai Tangen discuss the parallels between chess and investing, focusing on strategic thinking and pattern recognition. The conversation explores the role of intuition and analysis in decision-making, highlighting the importance of limiting the number of alternatives considered.
  • Strategic thinking in chess can be applied to investing.
  • Intuition and pattern recognition are crucial in complex situations.
  • Limiting alternatives to 2 or 3 improves decision-making.

Shownotes Transcript

How can strategic thinking in chess be applied to investing? In this episode Magnus Carlsen and Nicolai Tangen discuss the comparison between business investing and chess. They also talk about risk, how to recover after losses, AI in chess, strategizing against different opponents and how to always explore and stay curious. Magnus also reflects on self-doubt and the power of optimism in achieving success. Don’t miss this engaging episode with the world's greatest chess player. Tune in!

In Good Company is hosted by Nicolai Tangen, CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management. New episode out every Wednesday.

The production team for this episode includes PLAN-B's Pål Huuse and Niklas Figenschau Johansen. Background research was conducted by Sigurd Brekke and Patrick Du Plessis.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.