Ice Spice
Zane Lowe
Zane Lowe 认为 Ice Spice 的成功来势汹汹,许多人对其抱有怀疑,但 Ice Spice 并未理会,而是专注于音乐创作,并取得了巨大的成功。他分析了 Ice Spice 音乐的特色,以及她对音乐创作的投入和热情。他还探讨了 Ice Spice 如何平衡事业与家庭关系,以及她对名利和社交焦虑的看法。Zane Lowe 认为 Ice Spice 的成功是多方面因素共同作用的结果,包括她对音乐的热爱、与制作人的默契合作、以及她对自身形象的精准定位。 Ice Spice 分享了她从大学时期开始的音乐创作经历,以及她如何找到自我,确立自己的音乐风格。她谈到了与制作人 Riot 的合作,以及他们之间默契的创作过程。Ice Spice 还讲述了她与 Nicki Minaj、Drake、Taylor Swift 等音乐人的合作经历,以及她从这些合作中获得的经验和启发。Ice Spice 也坦诚地分享了她面临的挑战,包括社交焦虑和事业与家庭的平衡问题,但她表示自己会努力克服这些困难,继续追求自己的音乐梦想。Ice Spice 还表达了她对粉丝的感激之情,以及她希望激励年轻一代的愿望。

Deep Dive

Ice Spice discusses her rapid rise to fame, the creation of her hit song "Munch," and the evolution of her identity as an artist. She reflects on her college days and the collaborative environment that fostered her creativity.
  • Ice Spice's early success with "Munch" led to skepticism online.
  • She created music in a collaborative environment with friends in college.
  • She embraced the persona "Ice Spice" fully in college.
  • The rapid success of her music led to doubts about its authenticity.

Shownotes Transcript

Conversation around her release "Like..?" and the meteoric past year she's had.