cover of episode How to Win the War with Yourself | Ryan Holiday

How to Win the War with Yourself | Ryan Holiday

logo of podcast The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ryan Holiday
Shane Parrish
Ryan Holiday探讨了生活中细微和不那么细微的信息,以及忽视这些信息的后果。他结合个人经历和著名企业家的例子,深入探讨了从经验中学习、何时倾听以及顽固的代价。他还回顾了斯多葛主义的原则,如何指导我们处理反馈、平衡野心和自我认知,以及理解决心和妄想之间的界限。他强调了反思和记录的重要性,以及如何平衡情绪和斯多葛练习。他还讨论了现代科技对写作的影响,以及如何定义成功和管理期望。 Shane Parrish与Ryan Holiday讨论了如何区分有效的反馈和噪音,以及如何在成功和失败中学习。他们探讨了在面对挑战时如何保持冷静和控制情绪,以及如何培养自律。他们还讨论了机会成本,以及如何在追求卓越的同时保持生活平衡。他们还探讨了斯多葛主义的误解,以及如何将斯多葛主义的原则应用于日常生活。

Deep Dive

Ryan Holiday discusses the challenge of distinguishing between valid feedback and noise in a world filled with constant input.
  • Successful entrepreneurs often succeed by not listening to conventional wisdom.
  • Elon Musk's example of ignoring advice to start SpaceX.
  • The importance of drilling down to actual reasons why something worked or didn't work.

Shownotes Transcript

In this episode, Ryan Holiday unpacks the subtle and not-so-subtle messages life sends us—and what happens when we ignore them. From mismatched tattoos and injured ankles, Ryan reflects on the lessons he’s learned about preparation, awareness, and humility. Using examples ranging from personal missteps to famous entrepreneurial gambles, this episode is a deep dive into the art of learning from experience, knowing when to listen, and the cost of stubbornness. Plus, Holiday revisits his roots to discuss how Stoic principles can guide you in navigating feedback, balancing ambition with self-awareness, and understanding the fine line between determination and delusion.

Holiday is a New York Times bestselling author*. *He has written over 10 books, covering both the fundamentals of Stoicism as well as key elements of modern-day marketing and media. His most recent release is Right Thing, Right Now. Holiday has been a guest on the podcast twicebefore).

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Watch on YouTube:

(00:00) Intro

(02:20) When to Ignore Advice

(04:49) The Importance of Reflection and Journaling

(07:26) Balancing Emotions and Stoic Practices

(24:34) Misconceptions and Historical Context of Stoicism

(29:53) The Pursuit of Excellence and Its Trade-offs

(40:58) The Power of Saying No and Opportunity Costs

(49:09) The Role of Anger and Emotional Control

(52:58) Defining Self-Discipline

(53:43) The Essence of Self-Discipline

(54:29) Balancing Discipline and Life

(55:09) Consistency and Overcoming Setbacks

(56:09) The Struggle with Compulsive Tendencies

(58:33) Navigating Competition and Personal Goals

(01:01:22) Cultivating Discipline Through Physical Practice

(01:02:15) Instilling Discipline in Children

(01:04:22) Understanding Character and Virtue

(01:23:32) The Impact of Modern Technology on Writing

(01:35:04) Defining Success and Managing Expectations