Show Notes:
三好将夫(Masao Miyoshi)的文章《Kenzaburo Oe: The Man Who Talks With the Trees》)
Daniel Lehrman 的文章《A Critique of Konrad Lorenz's Theory of Instinctive Behavior》)
Robert Sapolsky 在斯坦福大学的公开课视频《人类行为生物学》(Human Behavioral Biology))
John Brockman 访谈 Robert Sapolsky 的文章《A Bozo of A Baboon: A Talk with Robert Sapolsky》)
John Horgan 的文章《Chimp Guy Knocks Baboon Guy's Upbeat View of Human War》)
罗伯特·萨波斯基(Robert Sapolsky)的书《解压手册:斑马为什么不得胃溃疡》(Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers))
罗伯特·萨波斯基(Robert Sapolsky)的书《Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst》)
Ruairi J Mackenzie 的文章《DNA vs. RNA – 5 Key Differences and Comparison》)
Agrim Gupta、Silvio Savarese、Surya Ganguli 和李飞飞的文章《Embodied Intelligence via Learning and Evolution》)
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