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Question Your Customers

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Heinemeier Hansson
Jason Fried
Kimberly Rhodes
Jason Fried 认为,向客户提出一个开放式问题,而不是多个选择题,可以获得更全面、更深入的反馈信息。这种方法的回复率很高,并且能收集到很多有价值的信息,而这些信息是通过其他方式无法获得的。他以自己最近在Basecamp上进行的客户调查为例,说明了这种方法的有效性。他还批评了那些冗长且基于量化评分的客户调查问卷,认为这些问卷不仅难以完成,而且无法从中获得有意义的信息。他建议,与其一次性问很多问题,不如偶尔问几个高质量的问题,这样能获得更好的回复率和更宝贵的反馈信息。 David Heinemeier Hansson 强调了开放式问题的重要性,指出客户用自己的语言表达问题的答案,对于产品命名和市场营销至关重要。他认为,客户反馈中的原始语言包含大量有价值的信息,而量化数据则缺乏营养和实用性。他批评了市场营销人员为了追求量化指标而忽略了客户反馈中的原始语言信息,认为这是非常可惜的。他还指出,Basecamp网站上收集的近千条客户评价,展现了客户的完整故事和使用体验,比单纯的统计数据更有价值。他认为,开放式问题收集的反馈虽然难以量化分析,但更易于理解和感受,更能反映客户的真实想法。此外,他认为阅读客户反馈可以提升直觉,帮助做出更明智的产品决策,即使无法直接量化其影响。他还指出,Basecamp很少进行A/B测试,因为他们更关注客户故事背后的动机,而不是单纯的统计数据。 Kimberly Rhodes 补充说明了开放式问题的另一个好处:允许后续跟进,可以发现客户未明确提出的问题和需求。 Jason Fried 认为,通过开放式问题,可以了解客户使用产品后的改进之处,并发现产品带来的间接效益,例如减少会议。他认为,量化调查容易被操纵,而开放式问题则更能抵抗这种操纵,因为难以伪造真实的客户故事。他还指出,量化数据易于处理和展示,但开放式反馈虽然难以量化,却更有价值。 David Heinemeier Hansson 补充说明,Basecamp每年进行一到两次开放式客户反馈调查,而日常客户服务会处理大量的反馈信息。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the effectiveness of asking a single, open-ended question in customer surveys. It highlights the high response rates achieved and the wealth of qualitative data gathered, contrasting this approach with the limitations of multiple-choice or quantitative surveys.
  • High response rates are achieved by asking one open-ended question.
  • Open-ended questions provide rich, qualitative data that cannot be obtained through other methods.
  • The language used by customers reveals valuable insights for product development and marketing.

Shownotes Transcript

Ever filled out a customer survey? For this conversation, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, co-founders of 37signals, share their approach to gathering customer feedback. They discuss the timing and frequency of feedback requests, the power of open-ended questions, and how to transform customer language into effective marketing.

Key Takeaways:

  • 00:37 - A single open-ended question can reveal a wealth of valuable insights
  • 05:51 - Listen for the language customers use in their feedback for possible marketing opportunities
  • 08:42 - Form questions and answer fields that allow customers to use their own words to express what they think
  • 14:18 - Focus on organic feedback rather than quantitative metrics

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