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Principles of Communication

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Heinemeier Hansson
Jason Fried
Kimberly Rhodes
Jason Fried和David Heinemeier Hansson分享了37signals内部沟通指南的创作背景、核心原则以及实践经验。指南总结了30条沟通原则,涵盖了会议、书面沟通、决策等方面,旨在提高沟通效率,避免误解。他们强调,沟通是不可避免的,即使沉默也是一种沟通方式;不应期望立即回复,除非是紧急情况;语言表达要清晰简洁,避免歧义;不要急于结束谈话,要留出时间充分沟通。他们还分享了37signals的独特沟通方式,例如直接发布文章,无需复杂的审批流程;利用Basecamp进行长篇幅书面沟通,避免即时回复的压力;以及在发布前依靠直觉判断内容是否完善等。这些原则和实践经验,不仅适用于37signals,也为其他组织提供了宝贵的参考。 David Heinemeier Hansson详细阐述了37signals的沟通文化,强调了尊重他人时间的重要性,以及避免立即回复压力的必要性。他认为,Basecamp等工具的设计能够鼓励长篇幅书面沟通,从而避免即时回复的压力,培养良好的沟通习惯。他还谈到了发布的重要性,认为及时发布比追求完美更重要,因为灵感易逝,而且发布本身就是一个很好的编辑和完善过程。他认为,公开发布可以帮助理清思路,专注于重要问题,并区分重要问题和次要问题。 Kimberly Rhodes作为主持人,引导两位创始人分享了37signals内部沟通指南的创作过程、核心原则以及实践经验,并针对指南中的部分原则进行了深入探讨。她提出了关于写作风格、沟通效率、以及如何处理紧急情况等问题,并促使两位创始人分享了更多具体的案例和经验。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the origin story of the 37signals Guide to Internal Communication, highlighting its creation as a response to recurring questions and its dual purpose as an internal reminder and external manual. It emphasizes the principles-based approach and the decision to publish it quickly.
  • The guide originated from answering frequent questions on Twitter.
  • It serves as both an internal and external communication guide.
  • It's principles-based, focusing on key communication philosophies.

Shownotes Transcript

37signals’ co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson share insights from their write-up, The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication. They discuss effective communication strategies within the company and with the public, offering practical advice to consider when conveying messages.

Key Takeaways:

  • 00:41 - The backstory of how the guide was created
  • 02:39 - The write up serves as both an internal reminder and a practical manual for how communication is handled at 37signals
  • 06:36 - Why publishing doesn’t require perfection
  • 10:52 - Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings
  • 18:26 - How unclear communication can come across negatively
  • 23:03 - Why you shouldn't rush tough conversations


Links and Resources:

The 37signals Guide to Internal Communication)Books by 37signals)Sign up for a 30-day free trial at World | HEY)The REWORK podcast)The Rework Podcast on YouTube)The 37signals Dev Blog)37signals on YouTube)@37signals on X)