cover of episode The Art of Modern Persuasion & The Manosphere

The Art of Modern Persuasion & The Manosphere

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People vs Algorithms

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Schleifer
曾任 Airbnb 首席设计官,现为《People vs Algorithms》播客主持人和《Human Computer》项目创始人。
Brian Morrissey
媒体行业专家,前Digiday编辑总监,创作者和主持人 của《The Rebooting Show》和《The Rebooting》newsletter。
Troy Young
Brian Morrissey认为传统媒体在信息空间中已不再占据主导地位,其影响力和说服力显著下降,这比人们对媒体信任度的讨论更为重要。他指出,“男性圈”(manosphere)等新兴网络媒体平台已成为影响年轻男性的关键力量。 Troy Young 观察到年轻一代的媒体消费习惯与传统媒体受众大相径庭,他们更青睐于新型的、融合了新闻、音乐、图像和动画等多种元素的超现实媒体形式。他认为,传统媒体如CNN内容空洞、缺乏实质内容,且重复性高,难以吸引年轻观众。 Alex Schleifer 则深入分析了“男性圈”的构成和影响力。他认为,“男性圈”的内容并非仅仅局限于政治评论,还涵盖娱乐、自我提升、健康、反文化等多个方面,其影响力源于其参与性、个人化以及对年轻男性身份认同的关注。他认为,这种参与式媒体形式比传统的单向信息传播方式更具说服力,也更能引起年轻男性的共鸣。 Brian Morrissey 认为,新闻媒体面临的不再仅仅是信任危机,而是相关性危机。许多新闻媒体已经与大部分受众脱节,其信息和观点无法有效说服受众。他认为,媒体的核心是说服力,而如今媒体的说服力比以往任何时候都弱,这与“男性圈”等新兴媒体的崛起有关。 Troy Young 进一步指出,传统媒体(如CNN)的内容缺乏实质内容,充斥着大量的空洞言辞和重复信息,这使得其难以获得年轻受众的认可。他认为,这种“婴儿新闻”(baby news)的模式难以在竞争激烈的媒体环境中生存。 Alex Schleifer 则探讨了“男性圈”媒体的成功之处。他认为,“男性圈”媒体的成功在于其参与性和个人化,它为年轻男性提供了一个表达自我、寻找认同感和获得实用信息的平台。这种参与式的媒体模式,结合娱乐、自我提升、健康等多个主题,使得其影响力远超传统的身份政治。

Deep Dive

The discussion begins with the decline of traditional media's influence and its relevance in the modern information space, focusing on the rise of the 'manosphere' and its impact on young men.
  • Traditional media is now just one node in the information space.
  • The influence and ability to persuade of traditional media have drastically declined.
  • The 'manosphere' is a chaotic confederation of podcasters and YouTubers who have become key nodes of persuasion for young men.

Shownotes Transcript

The election in many ways confirmed what many had suspected: the information space has superceded and subsumed the traditional media world. Traditional media is now just one node, and perhaps more alarmingly its influence – and ability to persuade – has drastically declined.

We talk in this episode about the implications of this shift, particularly with the spotlight now on what’s being called the manosphere, a chaotic loose confederation of podcasters and YouTubers who have seemingly broken through to be a key node of persuasion for young men. Plus: Is CNN fixable?