An Interview with Mushim Patricia IkedaMushim Patricia Ikeda is a Buddhist teacher ordained in the Korean Sŏn (Zen) tradition. She is also an author, poet, mentor, and community activist. She teaches meditation retreats for people of color, women, and social justice activists nationally and is a meditation teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center in downtown Oakland. She was a board member of the San Francisco Zen Center. In September 2015 she received an honorary Doctor of Sacred Theology degree from the Starr King School for the Ministry. As an author, her writing has been published in Lion's Roar, Tricycle, Buddhadharma and various anthologies. Mushim is also a consultant to justice-centered organizations requesting mindfulness training for stress reduction and is often asked to give trainings on disability and access-informed mindfulness.More on Mushim:- on Simplicity Zen Podcast): -