Welcome to Anime watch club, a bi-weekly group discussion and review where the hosts of the what do you say anime podcast, nominate and vote on shows either that we haven't seen or shows that will hopefully lead to a great conversation. On today's episode, the Oyashiro worshipers of the WDYSA podcast will be reviewing the 2006 harem anime Higurashi: When They Cry
Socials - https://linktr.ee/whatdoyousayanime
0:00 - Intro
2:05 - First Impressions
12:22 - Explaining the Time Loops & Storylines
19:08 - Favorite Book
42:20 - The Message of the Story
51:10 - The Connections
1:04:35 - Differences in the Visual Novel vs the Anime
1:14:30 - Final Thoughts & Ratings
1:33:00 - What We're Watching Next
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