cover of episode 【口语版】“原地兜圈没有进展”英语怎么说?


logo of podcast 和Emily一起练口语(附中英双语字幕)


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欢迎关注微信公众号英语主播Emily 在微信公众号里回复:课程 即可获得10节精品视频学习课程 全面提高听力,发音,口语 帮你告别哑巴英语 一步步开口“说”英语 A: Our teacher asked us to recite the text again. 我们老师又要我们背诵课文了。 B: Do you have to remember every text? 每篇课文你们都要求会背吗? A: Yes, she says recitation is good for us to learn English. 是的,她说背诵对我们学习英语很重要。 B: I think so, but I know many people just think that's going around in circles**. 我也这么认为,但我知道很多人都认为那是瞎忙乎,没什么用。 go around in circles** 原地兜圈子没有进展 The cat goes around in circles before lying down to sleep.  猫在躺下睡觉之前会转几圈。 He went around in circles explaining the project, but I still don’t understand it.  他绕来绕去地解释项目,但我还是不懂。 The discussion went around in circles without reaching any conclusions.  讨论了一圈又一圈,却没有得出任何结论。 The conversation went around in circles, and we never got to the main point. (get to the point直奔主题) 谈话绕来绕去,我们始终没有谈到重点。