cover of episode The Thucydides cap on the China equity rebound trade

The Thucydides cap on the China equity rebound trade

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Michael Sembelist
Michael Sembelist: 许多关于地缘政治风险的分析夸大其词,且对投资者帮助不大。影响市场回报的最有益变量与工资增长、工业生产、领先指标、金融状况和商业信心等因素有关,而非地缘政治风险。除了1973年的阿以战争外,大多数地缘政治事件对市场的影响在六个月后就会消失。 中国经济刺激计划虽然有效,但地缘政治问题限制了中国股票的投资收益上限。“修昔底德陷阱”理论指出,崛起大国与主导大国之间发生冲突的可能性很高,但中美关系的特殊性降低了这种风险。然而,中国大规模的网络间谍活动加剧了与美国之间的地缘政治紧张局势,改变了此前对中美关系的判断。自2000年以来,中国间谍活动事件数量显著增加,目标涵盖美国众多大型公司和政府机构。地缘政治风险和经济问题共同限制了中国股票的投资收益上限,建议投资者获利了结。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is there a cap on potential returns for Chinese equities?

The cap on Chinese equities is due to a combination of geopolitical risks and economic issues. Geopolitical tensions, particularly between the US and China, have escalated since 2017, with China engaging in extensive corporate and military espionage. This has led to potential retaliations and sanctions, which limit the upside for Chinese equities. Additionally, China has the lowest pass-through from GDP growth to earnings and equity market returns, further capping potential gains.

What is the Thucydides Trap and how does it relate to US-China relations?

The Thucydides Trap, coined by Graham Allison in 2017, refers to the historical pattern where a rising power disrupts the dominant state, often leading to military conflict. Out of 16 cases over the last 500 years, 12 resulted in war. While the US-China relationship is unique due to deep economic linkages, the increasing geopolitical tensions, including espionage and cyberattacks, have heightened the risk of conflict, impacting investor confidence in Chinese equities.

What are the key variables that are most beneficial for investors to follow?

The most beneficial variables for investors include payroll growth, industrial production, leading indicators, financial conditions, and business confidence. These factors have shown the strongest investment signal benefits over time, unlike geopolitical risk indicators, which have a negative signal and are generally not helpful for predicting market returns.

How effective is the China stimulus package in boosting the economy?

The China stimulus package is a comprehensive effort to jolt the economy, combining monetary, fiscal, and macro components, along with market regulation measures. It aims to clear excess real estate inventory and incentivize stock buybacks and leveraged investments. While the package was implemented under economic duress, it has provided a decent boost to equity valuations, though they remain below median levels. However, geopolitical risks and economic inefficiencies limit its long-term effectiveness.

What is the impact of China's espionage activities on US-China relations?

China's espionage activities have significantly deteriorated US-China relations. Since 2017, China has hacked into over 200,000 devices in Western countries, embedded malware in critical US infrastructure, and stolen sensitive information from government and corporate systems. These actions have led to increased sanctions and retaliations, further straining the relationship and impacting investor confidence in Chinese equities.

Shownotes Transcript

For participants in the China equity rebound trade: once you hit your return targets, take the money and run.

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