cover of episode 911. FUNNY ENGLISH SIGNS 🪧 Explained (Part 2)

911. FUNNY ENGLISH SIGNS 🪧 Explained (Part 2)

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Luke's ENGLISH Podcast - Learn British English with Luke Thompson

Luke: 本期节目继续探讨世界各地,包括英语国家,出现的英语标牌语言错误和双关语现象。这些标牌因措辞不当或含糊不清而产生意想不到的幽默效果,有些甚至带有粗俗或不雅的含义。节目中,我会逐一解读这些标牌,分析其幽默之处,并给出更清晰的表达方式,同时讲解相关的词汇。例如,挪威酒吧的标牌“女士们请勿在酒吧生孩子”,其幽默之处在于其歧义,既可以理解为禁止儿童入内,也可以理解为禁止在酒吧生孩子。又如,墨西哥阿卡普尔科酒店的标牌“经理亲自检验了这里供应的所有水”,其幽默之处在于“pass water”一词的双关含义,既可以指检验,也可以指小便。此外,节目还涉及日本酒店空调说明书的拼写错误和逻辑混乱,香港超市标牌中对自助服务的暗示,莫斯科酒店墓地标牌中对每天埋葬名人的暗示,东非报纸标题中对将工人扔进游泳池的描述,苏黎世酒店标牌中对在大堂招待异性客人的建议,罗马自助洗衣店标牌中对脱衣享受的暗示,以及泰国驴子骑乘广告中对骑自己屁股的描述等等。这些例子都体现了语言表达的微妙之处和文化差异带来的幽默感。节目最后还对这些标牌进行了更正,并对相关词汇进行了详细的讲解,帮助听众更好地理解英语表达的细微之处。 Luke: 本期节目涵盖了大量世界各地出现的英语标牌语言错误和双关语案例,这些案例不仅具有娱乐性,也体现了英语学习中需要注意的细节问题。通过对这些案例的分析,听众可以更好地理解英语表达的微妙之处,避免在实际运用中出现类似的错误。此外,节目中还穿插了词汇讲解和例句,帮助听众扩展词汇量,提高英语表达能力。例如,节目中讲解了renowned, flock, tranquil, advantage, unbearable, courteous, valuables等词汇的含义和用法,并结合例句进行说明,使听众更容易理解和记忆。通过对这些标牌的解读和更正,听众可以学习到如何更清晰、更准确地表达自己的意思,避免因语言表达不清而造成误解。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the unintended meaning behind the sign 'The manager has personally passed all the water served here' in a hotel in Acapulco?

The sign suggests that the manager has personally urinated all the water served, which is a result of the double meaning of the phrase 'to pass water'. The intended meaning is that the manager has personally checked the water to ensure it is safe to drink.

Why is the sign 'You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid' in a hotel bedroom in Japan considered offensive?

The sign has a double meaning where 'to take advantage of someone' can imply sexual assault, making the sign offensive and inappropriate. The intended meaning is to use the chambermaid's cleaning services.

What is the problem with the sign 'The lift is being fixed for the next day. During that time, we regret that you will be unbearable' in a hotel in Bucharest?

The word 'unbearable' suggests that the guests will be extremely annoying or intolerable during the lift repair. The intended meaning is that the lift will not be operational and guests will have to use the stairs.

What is the issue with the sign 'You are welcome to visit the cemetery where famous Russian and Soviet composers, artists and writers are buried daily except Thursday' in a hotel in Moscow?

The sign suggests that famous people are buried daily, which is misleading. The intended meaning is that the cemetery is open daily except Thursday for visitors.

What is the unintended meaning of the sign 'A new swimming pool is rapidly taking shape since the contractors have thrown in the bulk of their workers' in a newspaper article?

The sign suggests that the contractors have physically thrown their workers into the swimming pool, which is a result of the double meaning of 'thrown in'. The intended meaning is that the contractors have assigned most of their workers to the project.

Why is the sign 'Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used' in a hotel in Zurich considered inappropriate?

The sign suggests that the lobby is a better place for inappropriate activities, which is a misleading and suggestive message. The intended meaning is to maintain proper decorum by meeting guests of the opposite sex in the lobby rather than in the bedroom.

What is the issue with the sign 'Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time' in a laundrette in Rome?

The sign suggests that ladies should strip and enjoy themselves, which is a misleading and inappropriate message. The intended meaning is to leave their laundry and spend the afternoon having a good time.

What is the problem with the sign 'Would you like to ride on your own ass' in an advertisement for donkey rides in Thailand?

The word 'ass' has a double meaning, referring to both a donkey and a person's bottom. The sign is misleading and potentially offensive. The intended meaning is to ride on your own donkey.

Why is the sign 'Please leave your values at the front desk' in a lift in Paris considered inappropriate?

The word 'values' suggests that guests should leave their moral principles at the front desk, which is a misleading and inappropriate message. The intended meaning is to leave their valuables at the front desk.

What is the issue with the sign 'Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. daily' in a hotel in Athens?

The sign suggests that the hotel expects visitors to complain every day, which is a negative and misleading message. The intended meaning is that visitors can address any complaints during those hours.

This chapter introduces the theme of funny English signs and their misinterpretations. It mentions listener feedback and a PDF with the signs and vocabulary.
  • Listener feedback on the first part of the episode was positive.
  • A PDF with the signs, notes, and vocabulary is available.
  • The episode will continue with more examples of funny signs.

Shownotes Transcript

(Part 2 of 2) Let's continue where we stopped in the last episode, by going through the rest of my list of funny English signs 🪧 from around the world. These signs are badly-written and have unintentionally funny double meanings. I will read out the signs, then explain what is funny and offer corrections to make the signs clearer. I will also explain vocabulary in the process. PDF available. 

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