Chris 认为谷歌的反垄断诉讼将对消费者和美国的技术领导地位产生重大影响,并详细分析了司法部提出的各项要求以及谷歌的反驳。他还讨论了Niantic利用Pokémon Go玩家数据训练AI地图模型,以及AI驱动的员工监控软件引发的隐私和工作环境担忧。此外,他还关注了OpenAI在与《纽约时报》的诉讼中意外删除潜在证据的事件,以及亚马逊向Anthropic投资40亿美元的新闻。
Dominic 则关注了麻省理工学院为低收入家庭学生提供免费学费的举措,以及其他大学效仿的趋势。他还对"幽灵工程师"现象进行了分析,认为这并非工程师自身的问题,而是公司内部流程和管理效率低下的结果。他还表达了对AI驱动的员工监控软件的强烈反对,并认为这种技术会对员工的隐私和工作环境造成负面影响。此外,他还对一个博主关于多动症药物的观点提出了质疑,认为不应随意评论他人的诊断。最后,他还谈到了自己对汽车技术倒退到更简单的机械时代的建议,以及对Mike创建Alice博客的评论。
A survey found that nearly 10% of developers are ghosts doing nothing - our thoughts on that, AI Big Brother as a service comes to the workplace, OpenAI's NYT standoff, and Google's growing problem.
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DOJ says Google must sell Chrome to crack open its search monopoly) — The filing includes a broad range of requirements the DOJ hopes the court will impose on Google — from restricting the company from entering certain kinds of agreements to more broadly breaking the company up. The DOJ’s latest proposal doubles down on its request to spin out Google’s Chrome browser, which the government views as a key access point for searching the web.
DOJ’s staggering proposal would hurt consumers and America’s global technological leadership) — As just one example, DOJ’s proposal would literally require us to install not one but two separate choice screens before you could access Google Search on a Pixel phone you bought. And the design of those choice screens would have to be approved by the Technical Committee. And that’s just a small part of it. We wish we were making this up.
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