This has got to radio episode five hundred and ninety six for november ninety, twenty, twenty four.
Hey, friend, welcome into you about a broadcasting weekly touched taking a pragmatic look at the heart and the business is soft development and the world of technology. My name is Chris, and over there it's our host, mr. Dominic given me storm tips. Hello.
mike. You said gonna be okay.
Just tired all down, right?
Listen, tie down. And I I don't know how this could possibly happen for you. Yeah, but if you get the opportunity to ride on the back of an alligator, you just do that. I think.
I think that, I think theyve imported them because it's microsoft ig night this week. And now they love the feral party and they .
do have a campus down here, tampa. They have the .
hook up in the important for the solution, a big show here. You know, the area people love gators will come and see me from miles away because we don't see. Honey.
i'm jealous. All the fun conference is happened by you.
yeah. Well, it's that west coasts thing. Know the way west coasters are just love to throw tech conferences that are subsidized by big, rich, big, rich tech companies. I just love that bike.
Is, is that because of money?
money? yeah. The theme of the nite that I watched this morning was the question, when is the right time to integrate AI in to your company? The answer right now, choker, the best time was last year, the next best time is right now.
Okay, OK, I get right on that is, hey, I want to mention we do this here podcast live typically on tuesdays at noon pacific, three pm eastern. And it's a lot of fun to have a live audience join us. We've also, for our members as a perk, have just started recording the live streams so you get some of the pre stream clips and stuff i'm still kind of put in all together as an episode six hundred.
Thank you to our members. And if you already a member become when you get access to a private service feed, that gives you the whole show, and we have a chat room go on twenty four, seven and coded, that shows lash. So you you were getting real thoughtful this week and kind of thinking about dependency chains, especially in large projects, not this would ever be a problem.
ever k talk, yeah. But I thought this is actually .
pretty thought provoking. peace. You start with talking about dependency management soft department being a kid to play in the elaborate game of jingle that yeah, it's often it's often what IT feels like with a linux box too.
Yeah, I mean, this is, I wrote IT specifically about python because that's what I was currently struggling with, a large python project. But this happens in everything, right? This could end on your daughter net.
What do you get? This could happen with your ruby James, your job of jars erec, ETC, ETC. Someone is so forth.
Uh, IT is, you know, as projects mature and this one is four, five years, it's been in production, something like that. You know? You know how IT is, right? You get some craft, right? You get some rust on the iron, you get some of course, you know every once in a while there is a must do update of a package, right I like to keep things on, you know whatever that ecosystem equivalent of an L T sis.
Um you know so you could security updates generally aren't breaking, except for that one partly to open necessary disaster. But you know most of time you're fine, but eventually you do. You have to do the big lift. And i've done this i've on this a bunch times, but this one was particularly chAllenging mostly because i'm using, I want to say, jump, it's a rep thon, a pit package that is no longer maintained and that, you know, you get drift over time.
IT ended up being, I just be implemented the functionality. But I was I got me thinking, like, jez, you know, we've run these commands, you know what? Whatever bundle update, p know, pip update, whatever.
Also just say, no, if you are doing large scale python projects, take a look at poetry. I have yet to use IT in production. IT is an alternative to pip. IT seems a little smarter about how IT handles kind of negotiation different packages, sub dependencies, except getting somewhere sane. One of my issues was I had to update the language too.
So it's like, um, do I keep this old package? There were a few these, right? Do we keep this old package as that? I mean, I can go in for IT and there's a override with language. Have a first pipe on IT says IT supports .
yeah but there realize the path of pain eventually.
right? And then I pi oh, that I have to go back and tell the customer, yes, we're running a bunch of unsupported stuff now .
yeah you know I am the .
support when in reality, these packages were basically, you know, things that used to be hard five years ago. But you can just kind of doing a lot of IT in this just script, just write IT myself IT took me like a day or two. So i'm like, h these convenience packages to make ginger do things. I probably should have done a job. Scrip the first time is not worth that.
So i'm guessing then because I was going to come on here. I like mike. Don't you know about virtual environments that you can create to just sort of manage your dependencies in their own isolated environment? Mike, but actually what you're talking about, virtual environments don't solve .
that problem IT wouldn't IT. And these are ready container ze right? Even even back in those dark days I had the wisdom of docker. But there I say the light of the whale.
you know, stay wish. I think that deserves a decade now draining.
It's not docker in the way to do IT now because it's a lot more work and I don't have a fci get of action set up. But I do know as part of my little upgrade thing was I enjoy being able to just do a poor request and um you know not have to remember to manual deploy something I am notorious for not doing before the demo oh no .
really I you show up you like, oh, this is the totally wrong version yeah I have like .
quickly switched the screen to like my local host .
and I totally know what i'm doing .
and I promise yeah yeah i'm that that is one of my many of corks. I, if so.
I I feel like that something I would do to well.
because he know that is too everything new. That new is to find is like a year or two. I basically set up a github action for and IT deploys IT for me.
sure. So you know I don't do full get flow, but like there's a branch called staging, if you emerging to staging, guess what happens, right? It's pretty you know pretty straightforward. So yeah but I this got me thinking because was IT two or three weeks ago, we had the biden White house was talking about, uh, unsafe code and see .
a used memory safe code.
right? And then we had that story. We've had a couple of them about M P M vulnerabilities, fragile lent packages. We ve got a lot of feedback on that.
I think we covered covered somebody last week got me thinking, you know, IT isn't just, you know, the risky out there trying to hack your stuff and no events to to rusk is rape previous commands IT could just be bit rot like serious ly. You could just be relying on some old jank version of some package that either a has vulnerability or simply isn't stable with. I don't know what the new version .
of your framework is.
A right and IT doesn't need to be as obvious as i've updated uh you know flask and or or rails or whatever IT could be or actually this depends on this other package was depends on this other package. But now the new version of insert, other major package here requires a new reversion of that package, three layers down and o crap. Now pip is not going to do the install .
because you have a conflict. yeah. Pips.
well, pip correctly won't do the end. So right, because you can have, right? You have the your virtual environment has to have, uh, you know, sanity.
I hope you have a solution because you paid IT a very bleak picture.
Well, this is one of those lame know, quote dio, a lack of solutions. The solution is that don't try to convince people to buy maintenance contracts and don't wait five years.
Yeah, right.
IT is set of self because no one wants. The problem is, is one of those things. It's IT. Well, you and I know this right? Maybe when you're not in shape, and I think you and I have definitely.
I might have some experience with this.
Yes, the longer you let IT go, it's like a credit card. The longer you let us go, the bigger that debt yeah I mean, this is the purse case of technical dead in a way, but it's a tough sell because, you know, I feel the same way I talked about like we should do you know quarterly, just like package updates or or even every six months and IT will cost this. No, oh, but we gotta do forward development, or yeah, but you know, cost.
And then a year goes by, two years go by. And the thing that always spurs action is especially in regulated as please, oh, we can't have anything that is out of compliance for like whatever is I saw another one hundred, whatever a standard IT is. Well, IT turns out to get that one thing in compliance because we waited so long requires, you know, IT could be as much as A A man weaker or to know of work, which is crazy. But in extreme cases, that could be true, especially if it's like you're on an old version of linux and you need to up that too. So there's a lot of weird stuff that can go on.
You just give him me, P, T, S, D.
Just talking about that. No, I bet you've had some bad this show.
yeah. I mean, back in the day, I mean, red hat has always been very popular. But back in the day, rpm didn't have proper dependency resolutions.
So you could really get stuck in a project. We're like a patchy and may be like a patchy module had to get up graded as well along with with the project. And so IT was a coordination minor. Yeah, yeah, that's stressful.
What brings up a great point? If you have a good c test, you can do a kind of a soft update, right, soft bump of your versions and just see how much pain you're in for, right, how many tests all the sudden fail.
Yeah definitely truly like that makes this easier, like there's got to be layers you can put on top of this to at least make IT more, more addressable.
But well, and this is where I know where basically skills for docker, who should sponsor the show, but apparently don't love us. Uh, this is where having a quick container ized deployment really helps because you can just throw up some isolated version of the application that is on, I don't know.
Let's like really is all the new hotness, right? If you've been on any of the ruby websites, everybody, they're all excited about real while you're upgrading from like rails five, that's gonna be a trip. But being able to spin up a new container kind of isolated things makes you lose you for you.
Yeah, yeah. And I realized a because i've become a big nix fan. And next, to provide some alternative ways to do isolation, at least from a dependency standpoint.
But not but now, now kind of taking a step back from the docker because I also like just delay with ker point with ker time. Now taking a step back, I have gained a whole new level of appreciation for how entrenched the container workflow is in corporate america, in software development. And IT feels like one of those skill sets that's going to be valid for twenty years plus. It's like entrenched in IT in the way we deploy and develops .
of ah they they know docker. Remember when we I first started using IT um I had to kind of explain what if you know it's kind of a rural machine, it's not like your your vm more I think you can look inside so long .
for so long the conversation well, why not just use a what isn't .
that what happened with with early apache ii in linux, right? You had to bring the horse to water.
True yeah um all the ways you could run like sub domains off of one of patchy server.
You speak lies. You need a windows license for each of those.
Speaking of windows, why not bundle IT all together in a subscription with a cheap many PC? We mentioned that the microsoft c type event was going on. And of course, there's always announcements.
What do you think of this, mike? It's a three hundred and fifty dollar many P. C.
That streams windows from the cloud. It's called the windows three sixty five link. It's a new class of dedicated boot to cloud PC. This is the one for microsoft will be expanding IT to o EMS in h twenty twenty five IT launches in April.
IT has a families intel chip Scott, I think you internet N Y five sixty eight gigs of RAM sixty working about the storage which you're not going to use. I has like this super microvision of windows and might be one to spend up before or might be a new build. And the idea is, is it's part of microsoft copilot plus ecosystem.
So they are they promise a, quote, high fidelity experience that takes only seconds to boot. IT wakes instantly from sleep. So I mean, say, you know, say, maybe I also have to tack on the thirty dollar among the membership monthly to this.
So I spent my morning or part of IT, doing a tech support for everybody's favorite per renter or on windows from a thousand miles or two thousand, I don't know, half hours. New jersey from tamp, I don't member. I think it's only thousand miles.
Um I can't imagine if there was one of these machines. At first of all, I gotto tell you and that i'm going to let you go this I body area. Doesn't comcast still exist? Yeah yeah okay. So we're gona stream the whole O S. That's the plan.
High fell.
I don't believe you.
Yeah I mean, certainly for some corporations .
um you or me and you have fiber in your house, sure go you know.
not yourself. If they could R T P pretty robust. If they could smooth some of that out their pitch is it's really about the A I up cell t here.
In fact, a lot of what I think we're going to see coming out of microsoft, you could just sort of look at the length or the lengths of this is an itself a what microsoft is trying to solve here is, hey, we've in their video demonstration of this PC like they're showing predominantly excel spread sheet, right? So they are clearly targeting the office corporation, thanks love, with three hundred fifty dollar PC that they can just throw out in their place instantly hot swap, right? No you don't even repair the thing anymore.
Um and the idea that microsoft ying to sell this, we're we're going to ten ex the productivity of your staff if you use copilot. But to use copilot you need to get a twenty five hundred dollar PC that has mp use and runs the latest windows eleven. And maybe you haven't even integrated windows eleven the year network yet.
You're still on windows ten. You don't have a single machine with an m pu. But you, anna, get this efficiency gain to your staff because your secretary are going to take mics.
And so what you do is you get in a copilot PC. And the whole idea, right, is microsoft the like the literary about this link PC. They write the microsoft a windows three six. Microsoft winter three sixty five will come out next year in support many of windows eleven's advanced copilot features, meaning devices without an NPU will soon be able to utilize features like windows recall click to do an A I search streaming windows eleven from the cloud OK.
So is an and around the problem of needing Better hardware for a more expensive sticker Price.
This is what I think, yeah, what?
So so the three, six, five description. Now let's say i'm an enterprise, right? I don't know.
Let's call IT. Oh, I don't know how to burn. I'm haliburton. Call me dick.
Is this part of my? Is this just like an upset? And three, six, five? Or do I have to?
I think so. I think it's that on top, it's on top.
So might go for that then if it's just like a slight incremental Operating costs that I know .
I know especially for a slight incremental Operating cost, which is probably gonna somewhat tax right off because it's not cost to do business plus the machines are only three and fifty bugs. So you could buy a couple of them and have a couple .
on the shelf you've laid you, you know, demonic ally, fast fiber to do whatever does they .
do IT just feels like so much of this actually like, okay, practical side, all of this kind of seems like a reasonable cell to enterprise customers without the copilot stuff. But that's not how microsoft selling this there. They're really pitching this on copilot, drawing people to this platform.
They think their LLM is so good that you're going to change your hardware paradigm from local work stations managed you know by active directory with group policy in a IT staff. Maybe you have some sort of other management sweet on there. Maybe you ve got one password extended access management later on top of that, like you've got a whole system and you're going to swap all that out because of the crushingly awesome returns on timing gains that copilot gonna, that's the pitcher.
Well, also, i'm thinking from a compliance perspective, you have to let somebody go or somebody, you know god forbid there some sort of misconduct all you theory, right? Because this is we're talking enterprise is so when we say through six five, we're really talking about like enterprise active directory or even the gov cloud. If you don't know what that is, it's always fun to agree with.
I'm imagining this is how this would work. I suspend you know, dumas at my organization account from our no enterprise, three, six, five, and they just simply can't even get into the machine all the files. Since the files are not on the machine, there's no risk of leakage. Or yeah, this appropriation or anything like beautiful. I was prety .
beautiful. I would hate that. I would hate that.
I would buy relatives by one of the use because i'm not supporting.
No, I would as as I would just above hate this.
Do we have any indication on what they think the lifespan of these guys is? Years.
right? Because they're just continually upgrading the service. All you need is an R D P M point essentially and it's famous.
I don't have the moving.
I've got a bunch of USB on there. They've optimized to work great and team video calls too. So work with your web cam and they say, i'll give you a Crystal player team video calls.
Why isn't that what everybody wants? A dedicated microsoft ams?
Yes, I in fact, if I could maybe have tooth, I could also have a dedicated outlook machine, then i'd really be cooked.
You know, if we can pitch this to the government, we could close, have have the prisons. Because what punishment will scare people straight more than being on multiple teams meetings at the same time?
There you go. So you and I are kind of metal quest fans. I'd say you and I are probably more fans of what could be than what IT is .
today for that batmen game.
Yeah and honestly, top shelf, some of those star wars games too, like where you're light saver fight and stuff. Ja, but that that looks like windows eleven is coming to the media. st. Three and three s headsets in december. And yeah so it's essentially you can remote test top your windows PC or bringing in that windows three sixty five cloud PC we just talked about you're going to build a remotely access your cloud workstation inside the quest.
but at least is not like installing windows on IT.
And you know sounds ridiculous to somebody listening, but IT takes about thirty seconds to to pair a blue tooth keyboard and mouse with the rest. And then you know you've got you've got a physical keyboard in a virtual environment. It's kind of awesome and it's going to have multiple virtual monitor supports is already Better than the apple vision pro, although the vision pro did just release ultra wide, which looks like it's also going to support .
three d in there. I know some dude who live in CAD that would totally, if if IT was good enough quality.
totally and integrate with the x box controller, so you can use the x .
box controller that there going.
make sure all that works with the windows remote stuff.
So yeah, wait a minute. So could I get on windows and then go on when they call the x cloud? yes. Oh my god, you're telling me I could play an emulated version of super street fighter two from .
nineteen ninety two in the in .
the quest completely immersed, realizing that I still suck already .
working IT all there also um some three sixty five apps are actually already compatible word excell in powerpoint so you could do big excel read cheats on there so if you're account .
and I really wanted to break your spirit yeah he tells you to put on the quest first, then send you all the red reading in the .
i'm surprised you had asked, but you'll be relieved to hear that top noch teams integration is included as well.
I assume we had it's like the matrix, but you got the .
back of our neck. You're going to have top notch, top notch team integration.
Okay, I just hate team. I'm sorry. I just hate team.
I'm so sorry for people have to have to use IT.
All right.
right? One last microsoft story. It's a big microsoft day. Microsoft has announced a new windows resiliency initiative, which the whole point, they say, is to avoid another crowd strike incident. So some of this is new features. There is going to be a quick machine recovery, a new feature that enables remote fixes for non booting systems to improve windows recovery environment. So they are upgrading that too.
That's a good idea.
New security vendor requirements, which include Better testing, monitoring and a gradual rolling out of procedures for microsoft virus initial partners. I assume .
that means of access, but is that going .
to be like a special class? The special class of partners is going get access to a new outside of kern nel mode, A A framework to move processing outside of the kernel.
They say there's also going to .
be a new windows eleven featured great in temporary admin rights for specific tasks for windows. Hello 是 and H A gradual get ready for this, a gradual transition from sea plus plus to what do you think a demand .
is that what's been pitching me .
all day to rest? So microsoft committed to moving more components of windows to rest.
Then you just call this the joe bide and update because I don't know what happened. The man comes as I plus plus here everybody is new.
Yes, the White house says IT, and microsoft does IT. I mean, this is good to see. I have I have been really critical of microsoft response to crowd strike. This actually feels like the appropriate response that we needed to see. Yeah I probably just took them awhile to put IT all together.
right? I definitely feel the a little bit of whistle wording in that corneal stuff yeah, but I am sure that's because they don't want to upset our good friends in a certain union of europe who are you know yeah.
Coder doch show slash membership. Thank you to our coder. Q A crew has been keeping us going in the boosts. Keep this show on the air. I'm also open up this spot right now what you're listening to, to our community sponsors, perhaps focus that are in the audience at a great the podcast ad market has collapsed. Please save our show discounted rate.
You can get more details by email me, Chris, at jubata broadcasting 点 com。 I actually be pretty need to feature a listener's like business or products or service or whatever might be mind as well, right? We got these spots available, and I can only tell you about the membership so many times.
So Chris, had you put a broadcasting 点 com, if you'd like to set up a short run sponsor or shipper, who knows, maybe becomes a long term flying. You know, i'm saying in the meantime, if you're not a position sponsors, you of course can set your support on autopilot. With our membership program, we have won for the entire network one for the podcast.
The podcast one is coat dot show large membership. The network one is jupiter dot party. But a lot of you i've learned like to just support I at your own kens, at your own amount, on your own time, at your own frequency, on your own terms.
And that's where the boost comes in. You just need a new podcast p podcast APP stock com apps like found to make IT really easy to get started. There's a pleasure of choices out there.
So you just grab one of those new podcast apps you loaded up and you boost in in a message ove. Two thousand sets will read IT right here on the show. You support the show.
We get to read your message. If you have a lot of fun with that, either way, you go. We really appreciate IT in our members. They now get something kind of brand new. It's sort of soft launch.
It's a soft launch and working on is still so it's a soft launch, but i'm going to try uh handed out like the the whole bootleg version of the stream. IT got over like over one hundred and some downloads last time I tried IT. So IT seems like the first trial went prety well, although I heard from none of you but IT seemed like the first trial went pretty well.
I probably said all this but just you know there is going to be a live stream version available which does have some precious definite um and that just does a thank you to our members too so you can get that. But I go into code to life membership, there you go. okay.
All right. okay. Thank you for. Your support. Well, as we record, there's some breaking .
new C P CNN. Broken news shares a .
google parent company, alphabet king higher today is Better report that the D O, J will call for google to send off its chrome browser as part of its search monopoly remedies. But could that .
end up limiting .
google in the A I race as well? Dear j. Bota has more than potential fallout for today's tech check. How is IT all connected?
Dear da, well, first there, as you mention, google shares, yes, quickly recovered from those headlands last night, slightly higher this morning, suggesting that investors don't think a chrome sale is actually going to happen or at least that is a long way off. And there are variables like appeals and a new administration, by the way.
that will factor. So as we record today, there is word that the D O J may recommend that google is for forcibly sold off, I don't know, may be forced to sell off google chrome. And as you're listening to this as the released version, you may have more direction on this.
But it's pretty massive. It's pretty aggressive if you think about something like crime, which was created inside of google very strategically. So and is a key part to the overall business strategy. The requirement would be also to separate android search from google place services and new advertising controls. They would give advertisers more information about how their ad is received. And bloomberg also reports that the D O J may recommend the google be forced to share some of the data they collect with some of their competitors and other companies, and then some restrictions on types of products like this would be placed in the future. Google has responded through A V P of, I guess they have like a VP dedicated to just regulatory problems, saying that this is a quite radical agenda that goes beyond the case is legal scope.
Yeah, I mean, I gonna say if i'm putting my chips down, and here's probably what I think is gonna en, google is going to be followed for making the kind of deals they had to would deal, which focus, who don't know, google basically paid dell to make chrome lake prominent and IT default. They do that with a lot of PC vendors. I don't see how they're going to be forced to share data with competitors.
And I would be very, very surprised if they had a so chrome because, you know, they're crime. We IT. It's the dominant Brown or now IT wasn't .
always right. Think about who would want this. It's a, it's a massive support overhead. It's a dry normous project.
huge security target.
You'd probably aquatic r somehow take some the team and didn't have you make money from IT.
All right. The irony is, okay, let's say your chrome ink. Well, here's how you make money. The first thing you do is call your former employers .
that good well but like so .
let's make a deal and bake ads and the thing that the the kind of hanky panky deals were like apple and model and with the other PC regarding default centrists and um making chrome more prominent in browser selection, I could see that probably needs to go. Ironically, i'm not using chrome on my iphone. My next there's also .
you know there there's a few things I like in here. There's there's a bit here about uh, give google websites more options to prevent their content from being a used by google's artificial intelligence projects. That's that's one that I would before check this out.
This was this was just this morning from google's nobo L M. The luf enza welcomed to jupiter broadcasters weekly talk show, taking a pacific, a look at the armed business of software e development and the world of technology brand. Install my diesel heat already, so that is just not book.
L, M. Within a few seconds, west got IT to use my voice, and we can get IT to use other team members voice as well. Here's another version, friends, welcome into tube at her broadcasters weekly talk show taking IT sounds a lot like me, and sometimes they sounds a lot like me.
I here's another example, hello, friend and welcoming to jupiter broadcasters weekly talk show, taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of software development. So yeah, I would love to be able to say, yeah, don't include my voice. Because the problem I have is that IT uses my voice in their products when somebody request information about linux and open source.
So IT generates a podcast using my voice talking about the very things that I talk about, but IT doesn't talk about them correctly. So yeah, i'd love to see in there. I also think separating android out from google place services a bit more would be a Better thing for the entire android ecosystem.
Yeah but if you're an .
toy develop and back to that that I mean I agree with you is just ah I know IT was real bad. I I agree. But also you have to ask yourself if if google were forced to sell chrome, could they still be the top contributor to chromium? Or is that not allowed because it's also an open source project? So does the D, O, J dictate what open source projects google can contribute to?
No, I don't I don't think that be possible. I mean, I just don't see IT. I mean, I also, I feel like this is one of those things that blaye often do, but they ask for everything yeah, knowing that they are start like, you know, this is why lawyers have .
a bad reputation. They and they when you walk back, you're still, you still .
there's still get them. I mean, I I don't think that you know the DJ lawyers are very competent professionals. They're not stupid.
They know that a judge is going to be like you. absolutely. right? Let's shot IT into a million pieces, right? It's just let me this is an negotiating tactic.
Let me ask you this if you could solve for some of this like say, google still allowed to contribute and so they just went from only chrome to contributing to chromium. I don't know. Microsoft, apple, somebody comes along and they somehow now own chrome, the the brand and the product. And you know some these questions around should they will be sharing data like that stuff gets answered properly when you feel a little bit Better. If google didn't have the world's largest web brows er and the worlds largest search in all the other stuff like IT, wouldn't the world actually be Better off long term if google wasn't a master of chrome?
I don't think that necessarily true because then crime an independent chrome needs to make sufficient money to justify some sort .
of a in Fanny scenario of mind microsoft by IT and they keep IT as is just because it's what they use for edge.
Yeah that's not that. I mean, sure. Okay, before in a questa with twilled Sparkle in pinky pie, great than everything's open source and the fights over and yeah no, let's go get ice cream sundays okay, I like this. But if you know, descending back into reality, I feel like one, it's not realistic for them to spend out rome. The real thing that is the heart of this case is just the mass of amount of shape, he told google.
Does two, two leveraged there you search, apply in other ways? But in terms of the browser, if so, if you believe the things that have come out, many in this case, and other leagues from google, they are afraid of all this L M A eye stuff. I know you and I are a little more skeptical, but I I look at where google placing their effort, and I don't know, is there any big new chrome work, you know, chromium to, say, open web P S, that really, really matter in the last year? Or is IT all get to my A I agent as quickly as possible?
Well, okay, I turned the question over to the audience. Are we essentially admitting here that we have to have the backing of a giant company to make a usable browser use of those and showed google be forced to sold off chrome? Why or why not tell what you think boost in and let us know? Because I you know I feel like this is an issue i'm going to freak out about like if the D O J goes forward, i'm not going to panic. And if they don't afford, I know I kind of I think I think the you know the dreamer in me is thinking of of a of a web that google has a little less influence over yeah I mean.
to meet to me, the more exciting outcome is if the D O J sets a precedent where the big tech companies can make these sweet heart deals with hardware. Are vendors and Carriers to say because to me, that's where the control is in the know in all these systems, right? It's also .
interesting in just as as we're wrapped up here that this is accelerated after the election when a new regime comes in in lena han is out and there's probably going to be a much more business friendly administration.
But but the business in question is google.
right? And this whole things anti trust thing started under trump.
We yeah I feel like the whole republicans or more business friendly is not going to really necessarily fly in this case cause, uh, they hate google.
True, right? Alright, okay. Well, post tells what you think. Four score and seven book to go.
And I am very happy to say that our first boost, this and west, is in the charm. So this is great to here. Our first boost and its our baller boost is from sec. I am, I am very glad here from same to mike. He is one of our favorite listeners.
And we think about and talk about him often been talking about how we heard from for a while, he write, I am clearing out my alby hosted bullet as they are rapping things up in january. Um if no occasion told you you're all all prety funny. I had a serious chockful liming to cover up in self hosted last week.
I'd like to shout out H T M L X. I've been using IT to simplify front and development with my goal projects. Using plane old HTML rendering in the browser has just been refreshing.
I recommend giving a tried, anyone exhausted from front end java script frameworks. Hopefully our past will cross soon. Ah, I hope so.
Setting in my confecting, if you need any help setting up b, just reach out to meet actly. Christa, stupid broadcasting outcome. I'd love to help you get going on that just because we'd love hearing from you. And thank you for boosting in and what charm says, glad here from you too.
C, B, comes in with two thousand five hundred and twenty five six and he's responded the last week's episode I tried to stream some sad but I was having air and all look into that that you're this like third of fourth person and reported that so he sent some sets to make up for IT. Very good body. Thank you, sir.
Appreciate that. Nice ukon. Canarias comes in with nine thousand and one sets.
Oh my god, this really loves. yeah. And that's also over .
nine thousand celebrating breaking .
through ninety thousand for bitti in also celebrating the new member's live feed, a feature i've been waiting for for a while onwards. The episode six hundred. Oh, that's great. Thank you, sir.
Yeah, how? Play the bitcoin etf, which eleven months ago I opened to the show, is saying that the tech industry was sleeping on and that they were missing the fact that an open source project was just listed as an e tf. On the us.
Stock market, that etf is now the most successful launch in etf history and already has in eleven months, more funds, more more money in IT than the gold T. F, which is twenty years old. And today they just launched options, which is making the bit coin Price skyrocket and the etf sky rocket.
So anybody who i'm no financial by or anything like that, anything, hey, may be that Christy has been onto a few things in both. At T, F, you're up more than double what is IT like one hundred and seventy percent return since said that I was right now. Thank you.
You can for the boost. It's fun a bit. Crypt IT comes in with two thousand forty eight adds is a tasty burger on the chAllenge of typo squatting in the software repos.
IT feels like this is something we can solve or at least improve with key pair and pass keys or something. First time you use a repo, you get promoted to establish a cos relationship. Each time you come back, a hands shake takes place. If everything matches, you silently get the code or requesting no match triggers and airflow with warnings. And no.
you know that's interesting.
There are people that are experimenting with, you know how like we have a membership program and the counter ly, we do the coteries and we put them behind the membership feed. There's no way to like get access to the quota one off unless you become a member that you could at all of them. And there are people that are playing with the ability to boost in and then that unlocks a file download.
And the way they do that is with noster keys. It's you basically have an auster identity that noster identity is granted, access to the file and IT checks your key. And if your key matches you get, you get this isn't built yet, but people are working on this right now.
I think there's something to IT. I just think it's going take a while to sort IT all out. Maybe you should, you know, build IT or at least I write up a spec by cyp tic.
No, my he is an interesting idea.
right? I can see something there. All right. Thank you very much for the boost.
appreciated. What's the also also, ryan comes in with ten thousand. And no message though, just the value.
So thank you very much. And then mr. Nick, eighty six, came in with five thousand and one sets. This love you guys, I need an obeid general new show with Michael ris kassin in and out of my sound holds. That was in live too.
That's gonna to be after dark. I think .
there ago colter after dark. Yeah, you know, for a hot minute, a couple, I did a couple IT takes in a daily tech new show.
Have a lot of work, let me tell. Well, if they go deep into the J, B, feds, I think we .
still have some of our election coverage. Twenty, twenty sixteen.
I know. And we never could imagine the comedic .
value we have. A, yeah, I am sent here. A in the book. And I look at my window, the studio, and is this huge fat cat, sit on the fence, look and write out. We wanted to do the show.
So I got, I honestly thought you're going to say there was a man arresting the inside of his lobe, getting some moon Marks. exactly. That's a that's a deep of for angie reference. You got body.
All right. Thank you. Everybody who supported the show this week, including our members, of course, those of you who boosted IT.
Now we had ten of or no nineteen of you streaming sats. You listened. We stacked thirty two thousand nine hundred and twenty sets from the streamers. When you combine that with the boosters, we had a total of one hundred and twenty seven thousand seven hundred and twenty nine sets sent this week. Thank you.
Everyone who supports the show, either with your membership or with a boost, you can boost in if you like to get on the fun with a new podcast, podcast APP start com found in makes IT the easiest. And then there's just layers up from there. You can go full self hosted.
And if you're looking for a quick way to get sad strike, there are in over one hundred countries, makes IT really easy, very trusted company. You're in canada. Bitcoin, well, dog on and in the U.
S. Else really, really like river. And you can then attach those to your count and send them in as a boost. Thank you, everybody.
So Chris, yes, you know who is not enjoying some moon Marks together?
definitely there. yes.
And you and I are fortunate that every now and then the emails come out and we going to access. It's always so great. It's always so great and .
so IT seems or is IT terrible.
But boy, know this is an interesting in little story that goes back between the early chat between sam and elan and the foundation of OpenAI and twenty and fifteen, where elon throws in summer between fifty and one hundred million dollars.
And what you read through there is elon mask was freak out about google deep mind and was super concerned about deep mind creating some kind of A I monopoly and not only owning the entire A I space, but becoming a black hole of A. I talent as well. And so they were trying to put together enough money to pay people, you know, two hundred thousand a year to retain talent.
But tension seem seem evident. I don't know, almost immediately, they kind of come to a blow out in two thousand and eighteen. Things really kind of go sideways when microsoft starts sniff around in twenty sixteen. A must must said that microsoft was, quote, a must say that a deal between OpenAI and microsoft would make OpenAI. Quote, microsoft marketing bitch and quote.
just quality. And I would say that isn't not happened.
Yeah yeah, I mean that it's more like microsoft is using OpenAIce br and to se ll th eir pr oducts. It's yeah.
I feel like it's very much the other way. And they're desperately trying to rebrand to copilot, right? They're try to just everything gets a copilot them.
Now what do you think of this leads, you know, also at the same time with this last weekend, this this past weekend was the one year anniversary from sams crazy weekend of getting fired, him being back. There's more talk about you restructured into a profit company that's picking .
up that's happening.
I know the glans letting this go. So where does .
this go next? Does IT you know, man, I would never count sam out. Sam is proven to be like, imagine the wild coyote if he was actually competent.
Like the same. I would not say the same about iran. And also one of them is sitting at maroo go right now and one of them are right.
But I I feel like sam has the ability to charm a trump.
Oh yeah, yeah for sure.
Also know, one of the things that i'm finding super interesting is the whole microlight elan was afraid theyd be there. What was that marketing bitch was at the yeah OK I I almost feel like sam got one over on on saturday and microsoft IT sure seems that way, at least to me. I know this has been my bacon for a month tune.
but I hope somebody writes a book on how masterfully sam altman in in reduced, open a eye to the world.
If this guy was on game of thrones, the show would have been three episodes long. And he had beyond the iron throne.
in a genius move that one less were a brilliant psychopath. No one would have thought of introducing their product to the world without danger. IT is right.
He LED with the danger, right? No one we've thought to do that, everyone. We've thought to downplay the danger and up play all the innovation. But he LED with the danger and then said, the dangers worth IT because of what will do for us. And it's so powerful that we're freaking out about safety and it's a top concern of us because this thing we've made is so powerful, which is what you'd say if you just made like the nuclear bomb, right? Well.
know, we've mentioned kind of plastic on a few that shows recently the curl clutching on a lot of the more larger tech podcast, right? And I just realized something that is his entire like most .
of his barking ting strategy, you any time they all play.
and every time someone says OpenAI disinformation, that's a free, very expensive ad for him. Because, you know what, if IT bleeds, that leads. That was the old expression they taught us when I went.
And sam is very serious about solving them problem. He's very serious.
He's so transparently not like I feel like he's almost selling like we you know that people make fun like mark osc vers like like truth or or a commander data, right? I think sam is like straight, like luthor and is not that he's like maybe I don't know personally, obviously but I think that's an image he is projecting on purpose like this is so dangerous i'm like super violin level.
good OK has he loss?
I mean, they tried to kick him out and literally IT was. They were all lined up and metaphorically lined up in time square. And microsoft, I feel like microsoft tried to get some control over over him. And that did not work. Elon musk, I mean, Richard span in the world IT sure doesn't seem to be winning.
So I don't know, say I is actually doing very well.
I think you're joking.
No, no.
Who was buying? Well, I don't know the details.
So if anybody does, please boost in. But IT sounds like tesla had made a massive order for the invidia chips. They weren't ready to take advantage of.
And so elon redirected them to x AI. So they got a huge, huge jump on the latest and video hardware. And so then you they also got a lot of funding recently.
I just saw the story that another investor or has come on board and that they say it's officially become its X A I, its zones independent separate company that's working with twitter to provide clock as a product. Um and if you use clock, which I have been, it's pretty good. I don't think it's good as claud you like for development work, but there is IT is surprisingly spray IT is very up to date on the information on twitter. And so is that .
a feature?
Well, IT seems to be um and is also is aside for what this matters. IT also has some of the fastest image generation even of dedicated image generation service.
I will say IT has the funnest in generation, which is what I think about that.
So I mean, I think it's a contender. I don't know how serious .
because I don't know and you turned to me on that I .
think lauds the best yeah at least for you're trying to build something, troubleshoot something in perplexity I think is the best for current information. And I ve heard OpenAI agents can be really good for for specific sub task.
But do you know it's real weird? Neither of us match in germany.
I think german I stinks.
The i've had a it's it's good at like one thing which is helping me perfect my letters that I write in google. Yes.
yeah, yeah, that stuff. But but.
but, but like also of microsoft word can like I could do that in a in other way.
So gram mary.
gram y works, right? yes.
So yeah, I wonder, and I think you know, back to your question, I think how hard elan fights, sam, depends on success of X A I. If X A I flops, then elan fights this way. If X I, if X A I starts winning in the marketplace more, which we will see, then I don't think he needs to fight. I think IT all goes back to the plan to create the super APP. So one day you'll do your shopping in x, you'll order your food in x, you'll do your chatting and x, and you'll talk your AI assistant in x.
which was in on stream since he got out of leg since he stopped being whatever he was.
I'm not interested in that, not interested that.
Yeah I I think the super APP thing is it's not going to have I don't know.
It's the wall street loves the idea of the superb they love IT they think it's the Better they what they think it's like a digital shopping mall.
Well, it's like super apple, right? Super locked in would be the yes, you know it's funny because I .
am super locked. That's that's what we should call them. There's super locked depth.
That's a supermarket, right? I don't know see I guess maybe I don't see the X A ice because I ve been using twitter that and less, less and less only because the whole IT dow rates. You now if you add external links, IT defeats my primary purpose, missing twitter, which is you know promotion show promotion, right? Promoting Alice all that could stop putting tmb. So having said that, I don't see me I just don't think I need a service like that other than like occasionally sending beams out. Am not to know maybe i'm .
just that's how I feel about apple intelligence too.
I don't use that as possible .
an opportune ah yeah yes, I see that is kind of find put a link in the channels to review some of these emails into just see the things they're concerned about how that all plays out because IT goes IT goes prety far back to really the the genesis of all of this.
Well, it's funny in the when we should wrap up, but in the early emails you can see the seeds of the .
break up coming. Yeah, yes.
sams definitely trying to kind of be like, no, no, no, no, you're not the bosom every once a while. He definitely like is a little more you know, comply until, let's say, or whatever CoOperative but he's definitely sam was always going to be a long guy.
Well, is there anywhere you want to send the good .
piece before we get out here? Yeah, go to all stop death. A check IT out.
It's good automation detail stuff for construction. We have some specific stuff for you involving autoists building connected. And if you don't know what that is, probably not in construction. So well.
all plus one that checked that out. Course you can, if you want to mess around with keys and what not, you can find me on the outer verse, Chris L. A S.
Starcom, or on weapons. Same handle links to what we talked about today. Well, i'm so glad you ask.
You can find those at coder duck show, slash, five, nine, six. You also find our contact form over there. You can find A R S feed, backpack, aloe e, all of them.
Also, I just remind you, we do the show live on tuesday as at noon pacific three P M eastern. So mean the studio doesn't blow away tonight and we would always, always loved everything because this just gives you a nice five. But if you can't make IT, we just really appreciate your download listening.
That's really what counts. Thank you so much for living in this weeks episode code radio. I will see you right back here next week.