Thailand has seen a surge in Chinese investments, becoming the top source of foreign direct investment (FDI) in 2024. From January to April 2024, half of the newly registered companies in Thailand were Chinese. Additionally, many Chinese companies are relocating from Singapore to Thailand, driven by favorable conditions such as Thailand's Cloud First Policy and the absence of anti-dumping tariffs in certain industries like photovoltaics.
Chinese companies often struggle with Thailand's work-life balance culture, which contrasts sharply with China's 996 work ethic. Thai employees typically work slower and prioritize personal time, which can be frustrating for Chinese managers accustomed to a fast-paced, high-pressure environment. Additionally, Chinese companies must adapt to smaller market scales and less developed logistics compared to China.
The pandemic acted as a catalyst for Thailand's transition to a cashless economy. Before COVID-19, mobile payment adoption was slow, but the fear of handling cash during the pandemic led to a rapid increase in QR code payments and mobile banking. By 2023, Thailand had largely achieved a cashless society, with mobile payments becoming as common as in China.
Thailand offers opportunities in sectors like electronics, automotive, and rubber-based industries, benefiting from its skilled workforce and raw materials. Additionally, there is growing demand for services catering to the Chinese expatriate community, such as education, media, and food. Entrepreneurs focusing on niche markets and sustainable growth can thrive in Thailand's business environment.
Thailand's government encourages foreign investment through policies like the Cloud First Policy, which promotes the use of public cloud services. Additionally, the Board of Investment (BOI) offers incentives such as tax breaks and relaxed employment quotas for foreign workers. These measures aim to attract businesses and foster a favorable ecosystem for both local and foreign companies.
Local partnerships are crucial for Chinese companies in Thailand to navigate cultural and regulatory challenges. Collaborating with Thai businesses helps Chinese companies integrate into the local ecosystem, build trust, and avoid conflicts. For example, Tencent's strategy of 'giving half a life to partners' emphasizes co-prosperity with local entities, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.
Thailand's SaaS market is more receptive to foreign products compared to countries like the U.S., where data security concerns often hinder Chinese SaaS companies. Thai businesses, both large and small, are open to adopting standardized SaaS solutions, creating opportunities for Chinese providers. However, the market size is smaller, and competition is less intense than in China.
Japanese companies in Thailand have thrived by deeply integrating into the local culture and building long-term relationships with Thai partners. Unlike Chinese companies, which often rely on fellow expatriates, Japanese businesses have collaborated with local communities, ensuring mutual benefits. This approach has enabled Japanese firms to establish a strong presence and sustain growth in Thailand.
出海东南亚并非新趋势,但中国企业出海泰国,则的确是近几年才开始呈现爆发势头的。第一财经今年5月的报道提到,来自中国的投资,已经从疫情前泰国外商直接投资(FDI)来源国的第三位,悄然跃居为首位。数据显示,泰国2024年1~4月新注册的公司,有一半都是来自中国的公司,而更多中国公司则从新加坡出海泰国。 在泰国这片创业热土上,哪些赛道仍蕴藏着无限可能?泰国当地对外来企业的政策,是友好扶持还是另有门道?今天的《创业内幕》,我们有幸邀请到了两位重量级嘉宾:腾讯云国际副总裁及东南亚区的总经理陈锐**,以及****跨境投资顾问公司战略六幺三的总裁常念周。陈锐在东南亚拓展和工作了20多年,是名副其实的“老兵”;而常念周则以其英泰混血的多元背景还有与中国千丝万缕的渊源,对两地市场都有自己的见解。 本期节目中,两位嘉宾将携手带我们穿梭于泰国市场的风云变幻,从企业开拓者的视角和跨国成长的经历出发,分享如何在多元文化与商业环境中寻找共鸣的智慧。从疫情后的市场复苏,到文化差异带来的挑战;从与当地企业共同繁荣的智慧,到泰国创业赛道的最新机遇……让我们一同聆听这场关于泰国市场的深度剖析和精彩对话。 【02:10】一位东南亚拓展“老兵”的故事 【03:51】「常念周」这个名字背后的意涵 【05:46】东南亚出海热潮的起起伏伏 【09:59】放弃国际投行出来创业来自年轻时的「误解」 【12:10】中国企业到泰国的具体增长数据 【14:16】中国企业出海泰国,会面临哪些文化差异带来的挑战? 【18:38】泰国的无现金化在疫情后已经得到了全面实现 【21:37】为什么在当下,「不出海就出局」? 【27:14】“中国公司到当地发展要和当地企业共同繁荣” 【32:27】聪明的、新一代创业者会更喜欢泰国市场 【35:08】目前在泰国创业,哪些赛道还有机会? 【38:28】泰国本土企业对SaaS的接受度比较高 【39:49】泰国政府对外来企业会有特殊的政策照顾吗? 【42:03】“本地企业在测试后都会喜欢上我们的产品” 《创业内幕》粉丝群已经开通,在这里,你可以跟节目制作人/主持人直接沟通,也可以第一时间了解到纪源资本线下活动动态,见到纪源资本的投资人,结交其他互联网圈子里的小伙伴。 入群方式: 1)添加微信号“JiyuanFans”为好友,并在好友请求中标注“创业” 2)把你的全名和职称发给创业小助手;如果您想约访谈,请添加小助手微信,并附上访谈嘉宾简介,小助手将帮您对接。