cover of episode 考级英语听力材料(专四)12 短文

考级英语听力材料(专四)12 短文

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选择国际会议酒店时,会议室是首要考虑因素,需要大小合适的会议室以满足不同需求。酒店房间应宽敞舒适,并提供网络设施等便利条件。此外,酒店的地理位置也至关重要,应交通便利,靠近机场或景点。 宿舍安全方面,应注意双锁房门,关好窗户,贵重物品需投保。个人安全方面,应避免深夜单独外出,尽量选择明亮的街道行走。如有需要,可乘坐出租车或选择与朋友一起过夜。大学还提供免费的自卫课程,建议参加。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

0:00 2008年英语专业四级 短文1 1:33 2008年英语专业四级 短文2 3:27 2008年英语专业四级 短文3 2008****年英语专业四级 短文1 In my opinion, the most important thing when choosing a hotel for an international conference is the meeting room or' rooms. 在我看来,选择酒店参加国际会议最重要的是会议室。 For example, you may need a large room where everyone can be together for keynote speeches or presentations and smaller meeting rooms for informal group discussions. 例如,你可能需要一个大房间,每个人都可以在一起做主题演讲或展示,小会议室则可以进行非正式的小组讨论。 Then,if people are coming from different countries, you need to find out about rooms for them to stay in. 然后,如果人们来自不同的国家,你需要为他们找到住的房间。 They should be spacious and comfortable, and have facilities for using e-mail and laptops, as people have to keep in touch with their offices or headquarter seven when they're away. 它们应该宽敞舒适,并有使用电子邮件和笔记本电脑的设施,因为人们不在时必须与他们的办公室或总部保持联系。 My next point is facilities for hotel guests-things like a bar, a good quality restaurant, preferably offering local food, and fitness and sports centres. 我的下一个观点是酒店客人的设施—一像酒吧,一个好的餐厅,最好提供当地的食物,还有健身和体育中心。 These are important because delegates need to be able to relax after a long day of meetings and get to know each other in informal situations. 这些都很重要,因为代表们需要在漫长的一天会议之后能够放松,并在非正式场合相互了解。 Finally,for an international conference where delegates are coming from different countries, it can be very useful to choose a hotel that has good transport connections with the nearest airport and/or places of interest. 最后,对于一个来自不同国家的代表参加的国际会议,选择一家离最近的机场和/或名胜古迹交通方便的酒店是非常有用的。 This can save everybody a lot of time. 这可以为每个人节省很多时间。 2008****年英语专业四级 短文2 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the new Museum of Industrial and Rural Life. 早上好,女士们、先生们。我非常高兴地欢迎你们来到新成立的工业和农村生活博物馆。 The museum provides us with the unique historical record of industrial and agricultural life in the area. 博物馆为我们提供了该地区工业和农业生活的独特历史记录。 Here,you'll find a wonderful collection of industrial and agricultural exhibits. 在这里,你会发现大量的工农业展品。 Some of them date back 200 years, which reflect the history of our area over the last two centuries. 其中一些可以追溯到200年前,反映了我们地区过去两个世纪的历史。 Until recently, the area was mainly agricultural, and the rural industries and traditions were all associated with agriculture. 直到最近,该地区以农业为主,农村工业和传统都与农业有关。 Good transport systems encouraged local industries, especially those related to agriculture;and the museum has collections of national significance from many of these. 良好的运输系统鼓励地方工业,特别是与农业有关的工业;博物馆收藏了许多具有国家意义的藏品。 Local people, too, have changed history, and the museum will introduce you to these and other local celebrities. 当地人也改变了历史,博物馆会向你介绍这些人和其他当地名人。 The displays, with all items collected locally, show what local life used to belike. 所有的展品都是在当地收集的,展示了当地过去的生活。 Many displays of local items are "in context" and show, for example,printer's and cobbler's workshops. 许多本地产品的展示都是特定环境中显示的,例如打印机和鞋匠工作室。 Whatever  your interest, we hope the museum will have something for you. 不管你对什么感兴趣,我们希望博物馆能带给你一些东西。 2008****年英语专业四级短文3 Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you very much for inviting me here to talk about safety in dormitory and personal security. 大家下午好。非常感谢你们邀请我来这里谈论宿舍安全和个人安全。 First,a few points to bear in mind. You'll notice the doors of your dorm have two types of locks: a Yale lock and a Chubb lock. 首先,要记住几点。你可以注意到你们宿舍的门有两种锁:耶尔锁和丘伯保险锁。 Make sure you double-lock your door, not just one lock, both of them, however long you're going out for. 要确保你们的门是双锁的,而不只是一把锁,需要两把,不论你出去多久。 Make sure when you go out, all the windows are closed. 出去的时候要确保所有的窗户都关着。 Those of you in the ground and first floor rooms will notice that you have locking windows. 地面上和一楼的人会注意到你的窗户是锁着的。 Make sure you use them. Lock them every time you go out. Lock them at night. 确保一定要锁上两把锁。每次你出去都把它们锁起来。晚上锁起来。 If you've got expensive equipment in your room, first of all, insure it. 如果你的房间里有昂贵的设备,首先,给它投保。 So many people lose things and haven't got insurance. Make sure you insure it. 很多人丢失了东西,而且没有保险。确保你给它投保。 This brings me onto personal security. Wherever possible, avoid walking alone late at night, especially girl students. 这让我想到了个人安全。在任何可能的情况下,避免在深夜独自行走,尤其是女生。 Avoid dark streets, and try to stick to the well-lit streets whenever possible. 尽量避开黑暗的街道,尽可能坚持走明亮的街道。 Also,if you know you are going to be out late, make sure you've got enough money fora taxi to get home again, or arrange to stay with friends for the night. 而且,如果你知道你要晚些时候出门,确保你有足够的钱叫辆出租车回家,或者安排和朋友一起过夜。 It may sound absurd, but don't forget, the university actually offers free self-defence classes. 这听起来可能有些荒唐,但别忘了,这所大学实际上提供免费的自卫课程。 I hope it's something you'd never have to use, but, um, it's certainly worth going along to a few self-defence sessions. 我希望这是你永远不会用到的东西,但是,嗯,确实应该参加一些自卫课程。